2024年4月1日 星期一

"Under Western Eyes" (1911) Joseph Conrad《在西方的目光下》

Under Western Eyes
First edition (US)
AuthorJoseph Conrad
CountryUnited Kingdom
PublisherHarper & Brothers (US)
Methuen Publishing (UK)
Publication date
Media typePrint (hardback and paperback)
Preceded byThe Secret Sharer 
Followed byFreya of the Seven Isles 

External links[edit]

《在西方的目光下》(英語:Under Western Eyes)是約瑟夫·康拉德的一部小說,出版於1911年。故事發生在俄國的聖彼得堡和瑞士的日內瓦,被視為康拉德對在《罪與罰》中所探討的主題的反應,康拉德因厭惡陀思妥耶夫斯基而出名。有人說,這也是康拉德對自己早年生活的反應,他的父親是被俄國人囚禁的著名革命家,但是,康拉德並沒有追隨父親的腳蹤,而是在十六歲時,離開了自己的祖國,直到幾十年後才短暫返回。[1]:89[2] 事實上,康拉德在寫《在西方的目光下》時,經歷了長達數周的崩潰,在寫作期間,他用波蘭語與小說中的人物交談[1]:244

這部小說被認為是康拉德的主要作品之一,在題材上與《間諜》密切相關。它充滿了對革命運動和理想的歷史性失敗的冷嘲熱諷和牴觸。康拉德在這本書中,和其他人一樣,就生命的非理性、性格的不一性、[3] 對無辜者和窮人造成苦難的不公平,以及對我們共同生活者生命的漠視等問題,發表了看法。


康拉德在1911年寫信給愛德華·加內特說:「 ...在這本書中,我關心的只是想法,排除其他的一切」。[4]

 "Under Western Eyes" is a novel by Joseph Conrad, first published in 1911, that delves into the tumultuous world of Russian politics and the psychological turmoil of its characters . The story is set against the backdrop of Tsarist Russia and Switzerland, capturing the contrast between the oppressive Russian regime and the relative freedom of the West .

The protagonist, Razumov, is a young Russian philosophy student who becomes entangled in a web of espionage and moral conflict after a fellow student, Haldin, assassinates a high-ranking official and seeks refuge with him . Razumov's life is turned upside down as he is coerced by the autocratic authorities to become a spy and infiltrate the community of Russian exiles in Geneva .
The novel explores the emotional and psychological struggles of Razumov as he grapples with his role as a reluctant revolutionary and a double agent . His interactions with various characters, including the naive sister of Haldin, Natalia, and the loyal and compassionate Tekla, further complicate his internal conflict .
Razumov's journey is one of deception, manipulation, and self-discovery, as he is forced to confront his own values and the harsh realities of the political landscape . The novel is a scathing critique of both radicalism and Russian autocracy, highlighting the moral dilemmas faced by individuals caught between bad forces .
Emotional Portrayal
The emotional core of "Under Western Eyes" is Razumov's internal struggle with guilt, alienation, and the search for redemption . Conrad masterfully portrays the psychological trauma that Razumov endures as he navigates a world of political unrest and moral ambiguity .
The novel's depiction of the oppressive Russian society and the contrasting freedom of Geneva evokes a sense of despair and hopelessness, as well as a longing for a better life . The emotional weight of the story is further amplified by the complex relationships Razumov forms, particularly with Natalia, whose innocence and love offer a glimmer of hope in a dark world .
Conrad's narrative style, with its philosophical and meditative discussions, adds depth to the emotional landscape, inviting readers to ponder life, morality, and the human condition . The novel's themes of confession, eyes, and hands serve as symbols of the characters' inner turmoil and the broader societal issues they face .
In the end, Razumov's moral redemption, achieved through honesty and self-acceptance, provides a powerful emotional resolution to his journey . The novel leaves readers with a profound sense of the complexities of the human spirit and the enduring struggle for integrity in a corrupt world.
"Under Western Eyes" is a testament to Conrad's ability to weave intricate characters and themes into a narrative that resonates with emotional truth. It is a story that captures the essence of the human experience, reflecting the pain, hope, and resilience that define us all. Enjoy readings...

Ih-Cheng Lai 回應了 1 則 2011年2月19日的
