“What is the meaning of life? That was all- a simple question; one that tended to close in on one with years, the great revelation had never come. The great revelation perhaps never did come. Instead, there were little daily miracles, illuminations, matches struck unexpectedly in the dark; here was one.”
― from TO THE LIGHTHOUSE By Virginia Woolf, 1927
2024年4月23日 星期二
感動 (65):胡適;曹永洋、陳金順。陳惟滄;拖鞋騎士自行車遊日本一個月,了不起。find joy in philosophy! 胡適紀念日,"不成敬意"的紀念思想:文化遺產之特色是:為者"做/作"出來的......。 張耿赫如何讓小黃瓜收成翻三倍.....農業上下游...... Hong Kong: The Ever-Changing City - iconic neon sign 香港的霓虹燈都哪兒去了,召水牛午餐...... The Travel Show. Lightbox 攝影圖書室 (台北)、謝三泰「街頭劇場」攝影集;Silo 建築美、Silo effect. Daniel Barenboim 的香檳酒、West–Eastern Divan Orchestra. 各國人口危機意義不同。美國繼續援助烏克蘭;歐盟同意與烏克蘭開啟加入歐盟的談判。女星燦爛:Madonna’s Latest Experiment: Looking Back. 特斯拉召回事件凸顯「全自動駕駛」技術局限性。不知道的美日台棒球場。 《最低工資法》
1217 2023
感動 (65):胡適;曹永洋、陳金順。陳滄;拖鞋騎士自行車遊日本一個月,了不起。find joy in philosophy! 胡適紀念日,"不成敬意"的紀念思想:文化遺產之特色是:為者"做/作"出來的......。 張耿赫如何讓小黃瓜收成翻三倍.....農業上下游...... Hong Kong: The Ever-Changing City - iconic neon sign 香港的霓虹燈都哪兒去了,召水牛午餐...... The Travel Show. Lightbox 攝影圖書室 (台北)、謝三泰「街頭劇場」攝影集;Silo 建築美、Silo effect. Daniel Barenboim 的香檳酒、West–Eastern Divan Orchestra. 各國人口危機意義不同。美國繼續援助烏克蘭;歐盟同意與烏克蘭開啟加入歐盟的談判。女星燦爛:Madonna’s Latest Experiment: Looking Back. 特斯拉召回事件凸顯「全自動駕駛」技術局限性。不知道的美日台棒球場。 《最低工資法》
Wassily Wassilyevich Kandinsky was a Russian painter and art theorist. Kandinsky is generally credited as one of the pioneers of abstraction in western art. Born in Moscow, he spent his childhood in Odesa, where he graduated from Odesa Art School. He enrolled at the University of Moscow, studying law and economics. Wikipedia
Badgers are short-legged omnivores in the family Mustelidae (which also includes the otters, wolverines, martens, minks, polecats, weasels, and ferrets). Badgers are a polyphyletic rather than a natural taxonomic grouping, being united by their squat bodies and adaptions for fossorial activity. All belong to the caniform suborder of carnivoran mammals.獾是鼬科的短腿雜食動物(該科還包括水獺、狼獾、貂、水貂、雞貂、黃鼠狼和雪貂)。 獾是一個多系群,而不是一個自然分類群,它們的矮胖身體和對化石活動的適應性將其結合在一起。 全部屬於食肉哺乳動物的犬形亞目。
As Hong Kong enters another period of change Christa Larwood explores the rich cultural identity of the city - from its iconic neon signs to Edwardian era trams ...
With a rich Cantonese heritage and colonial past, Hong Kong has long been a popular stopover destination but as Christa Larwood discovers, there is much to ...
Hungary Blocks Ukraine Aid After E.U. Opens Door to Membership
The E.U. failed to agree on a $52 billion aid plan for Kyiv after a marathon meeting, although it did approve talks that could lead to Ukrainian membership.
Republicans and Democrats banded together to push through the legislation over the objections of far-right lawmakers. President Biden is expected to sign it.
But perhaps finally pausing to look back has showed her another path forward: her well-earned legacy era. “Something is ending,” she sang in “Nothing Really Matters” as she swooped around the stage alone, “and something begins.”
Madonna’s Latest Experiment: Looking Back
Her Celebration Tour is the pop superstar’s first retrospective, one which thematically explores her past and perhaps offers a glimpse of how she will chart her future.
The West–Eastern Divan Orchestra is an orchestra based in Seville, Spain, consisting of musicians from countries in the Middle East, of Egyptian, Iranian, Israeli, Jordanian, Lebanese, Palestinian, Syrian and Spanish background. Wikipedia
Be like William James and find joy in philosophy! Our #ThoughtoftheWeek is taken from "The Varieties of Religious Experience", examining the philosophy of religious faith. Learn more: https://oxford.ly/3RxvNcz