2024年4月5日 星期五

感動: 從雷驤手書 "念老友。張照堂"; 巨流河;齊邦媛、路寒袖 (紀州庵文學森林、上海商銀文教基金會.....); 到 "電影大教堂 Durham Cathedral,百代過客,蘭亭,The Old Oak directed by Ken Loach. County Durham/ Durham Cathedral 大教堂,7教會,慈善. Yara社區照片發表會之伴奏

感動: 從雷驤手書 "念老友。張照堂"; 巨流河;齊邦媛、路寒袖 (紀州庵文學森林、上海商銀文教基金會.....); 到 "電影大教堂 Durham Cathedral,百代過客,蘭亭,The Old Oak directed by Ken Loach. County Durham/ Durham Cathedral 大教堂,7教會,慈善. Yara社區照片發表會之伴奏


“Before you marry a person, you should first make them use a computer with slow Internet to see who they really are.” — Will Ferrell #philosophicalthoughts

感動: 從雷驤手書 "念老友。張照堂"; 巨流河;齊邦媛、路寒袖 (紀州庵文學森林、上海商銀文教基金會.....); 到 "電影大教堂 Durham Cathedral,百代過客,蘭亭,The Old Oak directed by Ken Loach. County Durham/ Durham Cathedral 大教堂,7教會,慈善. Yara社區照片發表會之伴奏

 我們的文學夢 路寒袖 (紀州庵文學森林、上海商銀文教基金會)


大教堂 Durham Cathedral,百代過客,蘭亭,The Old Oak directed by Ken Loach. County Durham/ Durham Cathedral 大教堂,7教會,慈善. Yara社區照片發表會之伴奏
