2024年4月4日 星期四

"Let us read, and let us dance." — Victor Hugo The man who laughs

 "Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world."

— Victor Hugo

Victor Hugo's   The Man Who Laughs

 It is a novel that pierces the heart with its tale of love, injustice, and the human spirit's resilience . Set against the grim backdrop of 17th-century England, Hugo crafts a narrative that exposes the cruelty of the aristocracy and the power-hungry nature of royalty during the reign of Queen Anne .

The story unfolds with the young nobleman Gwynplaine, whose life is forever altered by a king's command that leaves him disfigured, his face carved into a permanent, mocking grin . Accompanied by the wise and wandering philosopher Ursus and the innocent Dea, a baby girl he rescues from a storm, Gwynplaine traverses a world that judges him solely by his ghastly smile .

Hugo, exiled from France and writing from the Channel Islands, poured his soul into this work over 15 months, creating a story that, despite its initial negative reception, has come to be regarded as one of his greatest achievements . The novel's two-part structure, "The sea and the night" and "On the king's command," mirrors the duality of Gwynplaine's existence, both blessed and cursed by the sea's mercy and the king's cruelty .

"The Man Who Laughs" is a profound exploration of themes such as the impact of physical appearance on societal interactions, the stark divide between social classes, and the enduring nature of love . Gwynplaine, despite his grotesque appearance, harbors a soul of pure beauty and kindness, finding solace in his companionship with Dea and Ursus as they seek justice in a world rife with superficiality and cruelty .

As Gwynplaine becomes an unexpected political figure, his voice echoes the disparities and greed within the aristocracy, challenging the societal norms and advocating for compassion and equality . His love for Dea shines as a beacon of hope, illuminating the power of love to overcome despair and adversity .

The novel's rich atmospheric backdrop immerses the reader in the captivating world of Gwynplaine's existence, blending elements of tragedy, romance, social criticism, and philosophical reflections to create a masterpiece of Gothic literature . Hugo's narrative challenges readers to confront their own prejudices and recognize the intrinsic value of empathy and compassion .

In the end, Gwynplaine's journey is one of self-discovery and defiance. His fame as a performer, while bringing him and Dea closer, also attracts the dangerous attention of a duchess and the Queen, leading to a tumultuous upheaval of his newfound life . Yet, Gwynplaine's spirit cannot be contained by titles or the mockery of the House of Lords; he renounces his imposed identity and, with Ursus and Dea, seeks a simpler, more genuine existence .

"The Man Who Laughs" has transcended its pages to inspire various forms of media, including films and theatre productions, with its disfigured protagonist becoming a symbol of the complex interplay between external appearance and internal character . The novel's legacy is cemented by its influence on popular culture, notably inspiring one of the most iconic faces in comic book history.
