2024年4月22日 星期一

索引《你必須改變你的生活》(2022),譯自: You Must Change Your Life: The Story of Rainer Maria Rilke and Auguste Rodin (2016)。羅丹作品的拼接Assemblage與壓條法Marcottage.馮至譯《給青年詩人的信》;兩本台灣出版的 傅雷譯《羅丹藝術論》(雄獅,1981;新地,1993) 紀念羅丹François Auguste René Rodin (1840–1917)簡介 Rodin Sculpture Garden. Parthenon sculptures and Rodin 羅丹

At 27, the poet Rainier Maria Rilke struck up a correspondence with a 19-year-old military cadet named Franz Xaver Kappus, and the letters he wrote were later compiled into the book “Letters to a Young Poet.” In them, Rilke advises Kappus: “Ask yourself, in your night’s quietest moment, Do I have to write? Dig deep down into yourself for the answer.” But, until recently, these letters were one-sided. In 2017, the German scholar Erich Unglaub discovered Kappus’s letters in the Rilke family archive.

At 27, the poet Rainier Maria Rilke struck up a correspondence with a 19-year-old military cadet named Franz Xaver Kappus, and the letters he wrote were later compiled into the book “Letters to a Young Poet.” In them, Rilke advises Kappus: “Ask yourself, in your night’s quietest moment, Do I have to write? Dig deep down into yourself for the answer.” But, until recently, these letters were one-sided. In 2017, the German scholar Erich Unglaub discovered Kappus’s letters in the Rilke family archive. Revisit Kamran Javadizadeh’s essay, from 2021, on what the discovery reveals about Rilke’s influence: http://nyer.cm/NAtDiwT

索引可幫助讀者,以《你必須改變你的生活》(2022)為例,譯自: You Must Change Your Life: The Story of Rainer Maria Rilke and Auguste Rodin  (2016)。馮至譯《給青年詩人的信》;兩本台灣出版的 傅雷譯《羅丹藝術論》(雄獅,1981;新地,1993) 紀念羅丹François Auguste René Rodin (1840–1917)簡介 Rodin Sculpture Garden. Parthenon sculptures and Rodin 羅丹



Rachel Corbett

You Must Change Your Life: The Story of Rainer Maria Rilke and Auguste Rodin Hardcover – Deckle Edge, 6 九月 2016

The extraordinary story of one of the most fruitful friendships in modern arts and letters.

Rainer Maria Rilke’s Letters to a Young Poet is one of the most beloved books of the twentieth century. It has sold millions of copies and inspired generations with its galvanizing wisdom on how to lead an artistic life. In You Must Change Your Life, debut author Rachel Corbett tells the remarkable, long-buried story of where Rilke’s ideas originated.


里尔克诗18首(冯至译). 黄灿然 2012-12-10 23:18:16. 秋日 主啊!是时候了。 ... 它们在我的头发里迷惑, ... 啊,诗人,你说,你做什么?——我赞美。
給青年詩人的信:,里爾克除了在國際詩壇負盛名外,其一生的書信內容廣博、洋洋灑灑, ... 著有詩集《昨日之歌》、《十四行集》、《十年詩抄》、《馮至詩選》、《馮至 ...


L'Art, entretiens réunis par Paul Gsell, Paris, Grasset, 1911 ;

  • Rodin, Auguste (1984). Art: Conversations with Paul Gsell. Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-05887-9.


When the exhibition closed in 1901, the pavilion was dismantled and transferred to his property in Meudon (the Villa des Brillants) and became his studio. In 1902, the young Austrian poet Rainer Maria Rilke met him, wrote an essay On Rodin and became his secretary from 1905 to 1906. In 1903, he was made Commander of the Legion of Honor. In 1904, Rodin became the lover of the British painter and woman of lettersNote 11, Gwendolen Mary John (sister of the painter Auguste John), who served as his model for the Muse Whistler and Iris, then he met the Duchesse de Choiseul (born Claire Coudert, from a very wealthy American family), whose lover he became until 1912. Claire de Choiseul put him in contact with many wealthy Americans and had a certain influence on him.

簡介 Rodin Sculpture Garden, formerly the Stanford University Museum of Art, and commonly known as the Cantor Arts Center


  • Rainer Maria RilkeAuguste Rodin, Paris, Émile Paul Frères, 1928 ; Paris, La Part Commune, 2007.

 紀念羅丹François Auguste René Rodin (1840–1917) , 2020.11.18


Les écrits sur l'art[modifier | modifier le code]

Rodin, sans doute aidé60 par son secrétaire, l'écrivain et poète autrichien Rainer Maria Rilke, a participé à plusieurs textes de théorie de l'art dont L'Art (1911), des entretiens recueillis par Paul Gsell.

writings on art

Rodin, no doubt helped60 by his secretary, the Austrian writer and poet Rainer Maria Rilke, participated in several texts on art theory, including L'Art (1911), interviews collected by Paul Gsell.

羅丹作品的拼接Assemblage與壓條法Marcottage. Auguste Rodin's bust of Napoleon, the Borough Hall of Madison, New Jersey


Assemblage is an artistic form or medium usually created on a defined substrate that consists of three-dimensional elements projecting out of or from the substrate. It is similar to collage, a two-dimensional medium. It is part of the visual arts and it typically uses found objects, but is not limited to these materials.[1][2]

Johann Dieter Wassmann (Jeff Wassmann), Vorwarts! (Go Forward!), 1897 (2003).

Marcottage Definition & Meaning

The meaning of MARCOTTAGE is air layering in which the rooting medium is bound to the plant rather than enclosed in a pot or other container; broadly : air ...



Layering is the process whereby the branch of a tree, or other plant, produces roots and is separated from the original plant, becoming a new, separate plant. Layering is utilized by horticulturists to propagate desirable plants.

Natural layering typically occurs when a branch touches the ground, whereupon it produces adventitious roots. At a later stage the connection with the parent plant is severed and a new plant is produced as a result.

The horticultural layering process typically involves wounding the target region to expose the inner stem and optionally applying rooting compounds.

In ground layering or simple layering, the stem is bent down and the target region is buried in the soil. This is done in plant nurseries in imitation of natural layering by many plants such as brambles which bow over and touch the tip on the ground, at which point it grows roots and, when separated, can continue as a separate plant. In either case, the rooting process may take from several weeks to a year.

There are two methods of air layering, which do not involve burying the stem. In ring air layering, the exposed wound is covered in a growth medium such as sphagnum moss, and wrapped in a material such as plastic. The roots grow into the medium and after a period of time, the stem is separated from the original plant.[1] Tourniquet air layering has a similar method to air layering, except that instead of creating a wound, a wire is wrapped around the stem and the ends are twisted until it is very tight.[2]

Layering is more complicated than taking cuttings, but has the advantage that the propagated portion continues to receive water and nutrients from the parent plant while it is forming roots. This is important for plants that form roots slowly, or for propagating large pieces. Layering is used quite frequently in the propagation of bonsai; it is also used as a technique for both creating new roots and improving existing roots.

Surprise of Rodin sculpture in Madison thrills even world travelers

4 days ago - Mallory Mortillaro, who tracked down the provenance of French sculptor Auguste Rodin's bust of Napoleon. (Photo: Peggy Wright/Daily Record).

(中央社華盛頓24日綜合外電報導)法國皇帝拿破崙(Napoleon Bonaparte)和知名藝術家羅丹(Auguste Rodin)都是家喻戶曉的人物,出自羅丹之手的一尊拿破崙雕像被世人遺忘多年後,在美國小鎮意外現蹤。



年僅22歲的藝術史學生摩蒂拉羅(Mallory Mortillaro)2014年獲聘清點這棟建築物裡的藝術品時,偶然發現這尊雕像,他注意到上頭簽有「A. 羅丹」,簽名方式與知名藝術家羅丹如出一轍。





哈特利道奇基金會(Hartley Dodge Foundation)負責人普萊特(Nicolas Platt)告訴哥倫比亞廣播公司(CBS):「當時沒有書面作業,完全沒有這尊雕像進入這棟建築物的紀錄。」

基於安全因素,這尊拿破崙雕像的「身世」被隱瞞了兩年,直到上週移往聲譽卓著的費城美術館(Philadelphia Museum of Art)時才曝光。(譯者:中央社劉文瑜)1061024
