「一知半解」之人生 改成: 詩畫文禪:黃春明; D.H. Lawrence;鈴木大拙Daisetz T. Suzuki (1870~1966) ;Sengai Gibon .....可是對他都一知半解 .......其實,所有貼文都如此
根據作品英譯本和種種紀錄片等,可對三島由紀和日本社會 (含家人)有深入觀察...
重讀很不簡單的書: 三島由紀夫,或空的幻景
本書是大作家瑪格麗特·尤瑟納爾,對大作家三島由紀夫的鞭辟入裡的評論。這本書並不是一篇敘述作家生平軼事的傳記,而是以作品為基石和導向,探尋作家 ...
潘震澤 三書 近日才讀其翻譯的天才的學徒下半部
電影 泰國中DDT "Syndromes" ,參考 人生故事 (科學家的口述史,加州大學出版社,書前有出版社和作者的致謝詞各一,可見出版需多方資助) 三聯
Memory, said Apichatpong, informs his entire uvre. "Making a film is like your relationship with memories, or writing a diary," he said. "Syndromes" is vaguely based on his parents' early adulthood. Both of them were hospital doctors in Khon Kaen, the provincial capital of northeastern Thailand. As a shy, awkward boy, Apichatpong spent many afternoons by himself observing other patients in his mother's office; the film has an intimate, watchful feel.
The first part of "Syndromes" centers on a woman, Dr. Toey. It is full of odd encounters. "What does DDT stand for?" she asks a medic job applicant. "Destroy dirty things," he replies. She becomes attracted to an orchid grower while a singing male dentist fancies a monk who aspires to become a D.J. "Syndromes," like Apichatpong's previous two movies, is partly about people falling in love. But unlike "Tropical Malady," which was tightly scripted, "Syndromes," seen through the fuzzy prism of memory, has a more scattershot, organic feel.
Apichatpong says his latest film's central message of hope, a fundamental pillar of the human state, resonates with Mozart's humanist vision.
"Being alive is magic already. 'Syndromes' is about good memories, enjoyment, honoring my parents," he said.
Much of the film was improvised over the two-month shoot. He took the main actors to Hua Hin, a seaside resort, to get acquainted before shooting began. Apichatpong, who uses mostly nonprofessional actors in his full- length movies, featured for the second time Sakda Kaewbuadee, who was one of the leads in Tropical Malady. The film was partly funded by a seed grant from the New Crowned Hope Festival.
Many of Apichatpong's films reflect the duality of our world - night and day, masculine and feminine, nature versus development. "Blissfully Yours" and "Tropical Malady" begin in small- town environments and move to the primeval forest - a metaphor for the unconscious - where a vortex of feelings is unleashed. "Syndromes," however, starts out in sun-dappled rural surroundings, but ends in a present-day hospital lit by harsh florescent lighting.
大教堂 Durham Cathedral,百代過客,蘭亭,The Old Oak directed by Ken Loach. County Durham/ Durham Cathedral 大教堂,7教會,慈善. Yara社區照片發表會之伴奏
簡介 D.H. Lawrence的繪畫和藝術 (漢清講堂 YOUTUBE) VS Sengai Gibon「厓まけたまけた(崖,輸了輸了)」,左邊「龍門の瀧見ろ見ろ(龍門的瀑布,看呀看呀)」龍門是仙崖的朋友松永子登的號。.
林皎碧 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002837130488
鈴木大拙Daisetz T. Suzuki (1870~1966):Zen and Japanese Culture 《禪與日本文化》:1930年代起的世界教育、50年代的索引及圖片、中譯本的缺失;胡適日記與論文中的铃木大拙:"大索"的心願; 新潮文庫中的铃木大拙 (了不起的譯者:徐進夫、孟祥森);《铃木大拙说禅》《禪百題》;S. Jobs 求道故事
注 音 ㄧ ㄓ ㄅㄢˋ ㄐㄧㄝˇ (變) ㄧˋ ㄓ ㄅㄢˋ ㄐㄧㄝˇ
漢語拼音 yī zhī bàn jiě (變) yì zhī bàn jiě
釋 義 形容一個人所知不全,了解不深。※#語或出宋.張栻〈寄周子充尚書〉。
典故說明 對於「一知半解」一語的源頭,有人以為來自於宋代大儒張栻的〈寄周子充尚書〉。張栻為宋代著名理學家之一,〈寄周子充尚書〉中有一段文字是講述他即知即行、知行合一的理學觀。他認為學者欲窮究真理,應同時注意到「致知」與「力行」兩種工夫,將所知付諸行動,行動時又不斷思慮以增所知,如此周而復始方能有持續的進步。但若為學時未求真知,光憑主觀揣度,或不求甚解,又以其為所知並據之而行,那麼所得的一切將會是虛妄不實的。張栻這段文字,不但強調了「致知」與「力行」的為學工夫,也闡明了求真知的必要性。而後人便以他文中的「一知半解」,用來形容一個人所知不全,了解不深。
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