2024年4月23日 星期二

0618 2016 三 Deming 學 團隊智慧 Emerson American Scholar

Ken Su 帶來許多禮物,包括蘇夫人給YY的零嘴

主題:張深切先生的人生、思想與作品林義正:談"張深切的孔子、老子哲學研究"蘇錦坤:談電影《邱罔舍》(全片台語發音)的腳本日期:8月19日(周五),10:00~ 12:00
《漢學研通訊》133期 2015.2和134期 2015.5:
前者有余英時先生唐獎之演說辭,後者有Hilde De Weerdt 魏希德《重塑中國政治史》

--- 推薦

報名參加 2016 宏遠興業自辦展 24~26

【熊十力 1885-1968】 http://hcbooks.blogspot.tw/2016/05/1885-1968.html

取自《戴明國際交流暨評論》月刊 第一卷第八期 2001.10


深遠知識 :戴明國際交流暨評論》Hanching Business Review

本月專題 Theme
  專欄 Columns
戴明新經濟學】 The New Economics
領導力】  Leadership
教育 Education
管理學評論 】 Management Review
S.H.E. 】安全、健康與環保
【科技】  Science and Technology
人物 】 People 
朋友  Friends
】 Activities
【交  Feedback and Communication
書籍】 Books Review
】 Arts
【漢清講堂 Our YouTube Channel

目次 2
(華人)戴明學院簡訊: 4
國際論壇精華報導 8
Deming超級巨星 8
書籍和實務評介: 15
回響: 21
本月專題: 33
中國古人的智慧 鍾漢清 33
戴明哲理 蔡大為中譯 鍾漢清校評 35
我們處在《新經濟學》發展的什麼階段? 38
《商略才情集》前序 67
評《領袖論》 69
談Gresham's Law 78
敬弔P. Crosby先生 80
神秘人月現形與反思 96
品質改進的新八字訣 99

我從1985年起所領導的團隊,從Motorola 台灣汽車暨工業電子的QRA經理、AMP台灣的品管暨工業工程(世界最優秀、最大的Connectors 製造公司竟會淪為被收購之命運,可見事業經營之艱難)、DuPont電子事業部的品管-工程-研發-市場等主管,所帶的專案等,大多數算是很成功的。
我不免要推廣思考,有沒有所謂的「團隊的智慧」?我相信治天下遠比打天下難得太多。Alfred Sloan himself recognized that attaining leadership is simpler than maintaining it.  He wrote the following in his classic book, My Years with General Motors:  "The perpetuation of an unusual success or the maintenance of an unusually high standard of leadership in any industry is sometimes more difficult than the attainment of that success or leadership in the first place.  This is the greatest challenge to be met by the leader in any industry."


She [the Master] is good to people who are good.
She is also good to people who aren't good
This is true goodness.

She trusts people who are trustworthy.
She also trusts people who aren't trustworthy.
This is true trust.

(Tao Te Ching, #49, translation Stephen Mitchell)

In all of my observations and studies of leadership, I have observed that
one common link between leaders is their feeling of responsibility for
others, which includes a willingness to be available to and of assistance
to others.  To me, when everyone is praticing leadership, then you have


"My Garden" by Ralph Waldo Emerson
If I could put my woods in song
And tell what's there enjoyed,
All men would to my gardens throng, 
And leave the cities void.

In my plot no tulips blow,--
Snow-loving pines and oaks instead;
And rank the savage maples grow
From Spring's faint flush to Autumn red.
My garden is a forest ledge
Which older forests bound;
The banks slope down to the blue lake-edge,
Then plunge to depths profound.
Here once the Deluge ploughed,
Laid the terraces, one by one;
Ebbing later whence it flowed,
They bleach and dry in the sun.
The sowers made haste to depart,--
The wind and the birds which sowed it;
Not for fame, nor by rules of art,
Planted these, and tempests flowed it.
Waters that wash my garden-side
Play not in Nature's lawful web,
They heed not moon or solar tide,--
Five years elapse from flood to ebb.
Hither hasted, in old time, Jove,
And every god,--none did refuse;
And be sure at last came Love,
And after Love, the Muse.
Keen ears can catch a syllable,
As if one spake to another,
In the hemlocks tall, untamable,
And what the whispering grasses smother.
Æolian harps in the pine
Ring with the song of the Fates;
Infant Bacchus in the vine,--
Far distant yet his chorus waits.
Canst thou copy in verse one chime
Of the wood-bell's peal and cry,
Write in a book the morning's prime,
Or match with words that tender sky?
Wonderful verse of the gods,
Of one import, of varied tone;
They chant the bliss of their abodes
To man imprisoned in his own.
Ever the words of the gods resound;
But the porches of man's ear
Seldom in this low life's round
Are unsealed, that he may hear.
Wandering voices in the air
And murmurs in the wold
Speak what I cannot declare,
Yet cannot all withhold.
When the shadow fell on the lake,
The whirlwind in ripples wrote
Air-bells of fortune that shine and break,
And omens above thought.
But the meanings cleave to the lake,
Cannot be carried in book or urn;
Go thy ways now, come later back,
On waves and hedges still they burn.
These the fates of men forecast,
Of better men than live to-day;
If who can read them comes at last
He will spell in the sculpture,'Stay.'

“ 衡量一個人的高度,不是靠出身或財富,而是在於他/她如何待人接物。”
It is not by birth, money, or property that an individual is defined, but by how he or she behaves towards other people.

 正確的Motto :Dominus Illuminatio Mea (Latin)
Motto in English
"The Lord is my Light"

Jerome: Patron saint of translators, librarians and encyclopedists

Health Leads President Rocco Perla Receives American Society for Quality's Deming Medal
Healthcare Quality Improvement Visionary Honored by Global Organization Committed to Transforming Corporations, Organizations and Communities
May 16, 2016, 12:00 ET from Health Leads

BOSTON, May 16, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Health Leads President Rocco Perla has been awarded the American Society for Quality (ASQ) Deming Medal for his contributions to advancing the science of improvement across industry, academia and government worldwide. A healthcare industry veteran, Perla's career is highlighted by achievements in public service, research and education around new models of care to increase value and improve patient health and well-being.

Celebrating its 70th year, ASQ is considered a leading authority on quality improvement worldwide. The Deming Medal is presented in honor of American engineer Dr. W. Edwards Deming to one person who has successfully combined the application of statistical thinking and management in support of the other, leading to exceptional quality in products and services. The award has been given only twice since 2010.

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Health Leads President Rocco Perla accepts the Deming Medal from ASQ Chair Patricia La Londe at the 70th ASQ World Conference held in Milwaukee, Wis. The international award, which honors those who combine the application of statistical thinking and management so that each supports and enhances the other, was bestowed in honor of Perla's visionary approach to healthcare quality improvement.

"Deming did nothing less than call for a revolution that would bring greater peace and prosperity to all people by giving leaders of industry the courage, knowledge and tools to fundamentally transform the systems they are responsible for – and I'm honored to follow the footsteps of other Deming Medal recipients who have extended this thinking across the world," said Perla. "The challenge of creating a more just health system also involves a revolution, because it means we must change many of our basic assumptions to include addressing the unmet basic human needs impacting the lives and health of patients. As Deming taught us, to transform the system in a sustainable way, we have to account for all of it."

Perla joined Health Leads in January 2016 after four years of leadership at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) where he was instrumental in establishing the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation, created by the Affordable Care Act to test new payment and service delivery models aimed at improving care and health and lowering costs. He also served as director of the Learning and Diffusion Group, driving the establishment of a national learning system used to test these models collaboratively across a wide range of public and private partners. Part of this learning system included national safety campaigns that led to unprecedented reductions in patient harm across the United States. Earlier in his career, he helped launch and direct the Center for Innovation and Transformational Change at UMass Memorial Health Care and was named a Merck Family Fellow at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.

"Deming articulated a standard for leadership to which many would aspire and few could achieve. It is apt that Rocco receive this great honor as he embodies this standard, with a rare capacity to both spark and sustain meaningful change in others and in the healthcare sector," said Health Leads Co-founder and CEO Rebecca Onie. "Rocco's passion for and ability to catalyze systemic improvement in one of the most complex sectors is an incalculable asset as more and more healthcare delivery organization join the social needs revolution and seek to deliver on the promise of health."

The organization delivered its Distinguished Service and Society Medals last night in Milwaukee, Wis., kicking off its annual World Conference on Quality and Improvement. For more information about the ASQ and the ASQ awards program, visitwww.asq.org/about-asq/awards.

About ASQ
ASQ is a global community of people dedicated to quality who share the ideas and tools that make our world work better. With millions of individual and organizational members of the community in 150 countries, ASQ has the reputation and reach to bring together the diverse quality champions who are transforming the world's corporations, organizations and communities to meet tomorrow's critical challenges. Celebrating 70 years in 2016, ASQ, with its world headquarters in Milwaukee, Wis., USA, operates regional centers in the U.S. and Canada, North Asia, South Asia, Latin America and Middle East and Africa. Learn more about ASQ's members, mission, technologies and training at asq.org.

About Health Leads
Health Leads is a social enterprise that envisions a healthcare system that addresses all patients' basic resource needs as a standard part of quality care. For 20 years, Health Leads has worked with leading healthcare organizations to tackle social co-morbidities by connecting patients to the community-based resources they need to be healthy – from food to transportation to healthcare benefits. Health Leads is committed to leveraging its tools, expertise and direct services to change what "counts" as healthcare – and accelerate the leadership, best practices, incentives and research required to improve the health and well-being of patients. Learn more at www.healthleadsusa.org, reach us at info@healthleadsusa.org and follow us on Twitter, Facebook andLinkedIn.

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一講讀書,現代大眾多只關心如何應試、怎樣給自己「增值」(彷彿人生只是一張八達通或悠遊卡),但對於十九世紀美國思想家愛默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson)來說,閱讀意義遠不止此。

1837年8月,愛默生以「美國學人(American Scholar)」為題,在麻省向青年學子做了一場劃時代的演講,其中一節正是談閱讀之道。說是「劃時代」並無誇張,愛默生此一演講奠定「美國精神」,啟迪無數學人,帶領他們擺脫歐洲影響,被譽為美國文化界「獨立宣言」。自此,美國湧現許多自成一格的作家,如惠特曼、歐文、霍桑、朗費羅、洛威爾等。愛默生是怎樣看待閱讀呢?


中國人向來喜歡崇拜偶像,從前是「言必稱孔孟」,今天則⋯⋯不用說了;十九世紀初的美國學者其實也差不多,他們崇尚希臘羅馬文化、膜拜英國哲人,一味鸚鵡學舌,完全沒有自己想法,愛默生把這種現象形容為「由愛慕英雄,淪為崇拜其雕像(love of the hero corrupts into worship of his statue)」,又說抱此態度看書,有害無益,因為「帶路人是暴君」。於是愛默生對青年說:


愛默生鼓勵他們要做「思考的人(Man Thinking)」,而非「書蟲(bookworm)」,又指出閱讀的唯一目標是獲得啟發,讓你擁有「活潑的靈魂(active soul)」。什麼意思呢?愛默生講了一句我覺得很厲害的話:

One must be an inventor to read well. 

單方面接收知識,對愛默生來說並非一種好的讀書法,他認為你要讀得好,除了付出努力,還要有所發明,他稱之為「創造性閱讀(creative reading)」。但「創造」不是叫你胡思亂想,你必須把書本內容融會貫通,再結合自己的已有知識及生命體驗,才有條件推陳出新,收「創造」之效。

那麼是否什麼狗屎垃圾的書,都能讓你進行「創造性閱讀(creative reading)」呢?憑常識也知道不是,九流的書連啟發也沒有,怎可能推動你創造。但就算是經典名著,愛默生也認為必須淘沙揀金,才能發掘到真正有價值的思想和見解。

愛默生把經典作家比作「先知(seer)」,稱他們能開啟「神視(vision)」的時間很短,所以筆之於書的「神視」紀錄,往往只佔著作的冰山一角,「具慧眼者,只會讀柏拉圖或莎士比亞中那最少的部分——他只會讀真正的神諭——其餘則一律摒棄(The discerning will read, in his Plato or Shakespeare, only that least part, — only the authentic utterances of the oracle; — all the rest he rejects)。」


多年前看過愛默生談閱讀,一直覺得獲益良多(就連已故耶魯文學批評教授Harold Bloom,明眼人都看出其理論很大程度源於愛默生這篇演說),所以我想趁「閱讀日」推薦給大家。

如果以上內容有點難消化,愛默生以下一句話應該很好懂:「書本得到善用,就是最好的東西;被妄用,就入於最壞之列(Books are the best of things, well used; abused, among the worst)。」若不懂得閱讀,看多少書也是枉然。在今天這個時代,愛默生的話簡直是暮鼓晨鐘。

American Scholar演說全文:




