感動 (103):咖啡.(頌) — James Boswell, The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL. D.....'.......For any thing I see, foreigners are fools?......'998元首款咖啡糖果 買就送500ml星巴克保溫杯_咖啡杯;日航和阿拉斯加航空事故「奇蹟」的真相:監管、培訓、專業知識、努力、不斷改進基礎設施的奇蹟,也是機組人員專業素養和英雄氣概的奇蹟。
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Old Slaughter's Coffee House

感動 (103):咖啡.(頌) — James Boswell, The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL. D.....'.......For any thing I see, foreigners are fools?......'998元首款咖啡糖果 買就送500ml星巴克保溫杯_咖啡杯;日航和阿拉斯加航空事故「奇蹟」的真相:監管、培訓、專業知識、努力、不斷改進基礎設施的奇蹟,也是機組人員專業素養和英雄氣概的奇蹟。
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Former names Slaughter's Coffee House
Alternative names The Coffee-house on the Pavement
General information
Status Demolished
Location St Martin's Lane
Address 74–75

Opened 1692
Demolished 1843
Old Slaughter's Coffee House was a coffee house in St Martin's Lane in London. Opened in 1692 by Thomas Slaughter, it was the haunt of many of the important personages of the period. The building was demolished in 1843 when Cranbourn Street was constructed.
It was opened in 1692 by Thomas Slaughter and so was first known as Slaughter's or The Coffee-house on the Pavement, as not all London streets were paved at that time. It was at numbers 74–75; however, around 1760, after the original landlord had died, a rival New Slaughter's opened at number 82, and the first establishment then became known as Old Slaughter's.[1]
It was patronised by players of games that included chess, draughts and whist. Notable players included Abraham de Moivre, Benjamin Franklin and Philidor.[2][3] It was also popular with artists of all kinds, including architects, painters, poets, and sculptors. This artistic community included Dryden, Gainsborough, Hogarth, and Roubiliac.[1] Foreigners such as Frenchmen were often there, and Boswell reports Dr Johnson's comment on this around 1780:[4]
His unjust contempt for foreigners was, indeed, extreme. One evening, at Old Slaughter's Coffee-house, when a number of them were talking loud about little matters, he said 'Does not this confirm old Meynell's observation, For any thing I see, foreigners are fools?'
— James Boswell, The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL. D.
Henry Fielding was a regular and nicknamed the head-waiter "Sock". Sock was said to be the out-of-wedlock son of a popular comedian, James Spiller, and had a similar talent for droll wit. On one occasion, he partook of a customer's punch while bringing it and excused this by saying that he had spilled it. Thereafter, Sock was also known as the "Punch Spiller".[5]
It was used as a meeting house, and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, which subsequently became the RSPCA, was founded there in 1824. The meeting was organised by the Reverend Arthur Broome and chaired by Sir Fowell Buxton. There were eight other gentlemen attending, including "Humanity Dick" – aka Colonel Richard Martin – who had successfully campaigned for the Cruel Treatment of Cattle Act in 1822 but whose latest bill for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals had been defeated in the Lords that day. Other MPs attending included Sir James Mackintosh and William Wilberforce.[6]
The premises were demolished in the winter of 1843 when Cranbourn Street was constructed.[7]
Haruki Murakami──在 London, United Kingdom 。
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咖啡可以有很多意義:早晨的儀式、文化傳統、生產力技巧,甚至是健康飲料。 例如,研究表明,喝咖啡的人壽命更長,罹患第 2 型糖尿病、帕金森氏症、心血管疾病和某些癌症的風險也更低。
她說,咖啡因過量通常是由於短時間內攝取過多濃縮形式的咖啡因(例如粉末或補充劑)造成的。 在大多數情況下,你需要攝取至少 10,000 毫克咖啡因——或相當於大約 50 到 100 杯咖啡,具體取決於濃度——才有可能致命,
大多數成年人每天可以安全攝取 400 毫克咖啡因,大約是四杯八盎司的沖泡咖啡或六杯濃縮咖啡的含量。
話雖這麼說,400 毫克的指導方針對大多數成年人來說是合理的,
歸根結底,「你只需要傾聽你的身體的聲音,」坦普爾博士說。 「如果你開始感到噁心、緊張或焦慮,也許可以減少一些,」她說。 “如果它影響了你的睡眠,那就減少一點。”
Coffee can be many things: a morning ritual, a cultural tradition, a productivity hack and even a health drink. Studies suggest, for instance, that coffee drinkers live longer and have lower risks of Type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, cardiovascular conditions and some cancers.
“Overall, coffee does more good than bad,”
Having too much caffeine can cause a racing heart, jitteriness, anxiousness, nausea or trouble sleeping,
It can also lead to headaches, acid reflux and, at high enough doses, even tremors or vomiting,
Caffeine overdoses typically result from taking in too much caffeine from concentrated forms, such as powders or supplements, in a short period of time, she said. And in most cases, you would need to consume at least 10,000 milligrams of caffeine — or the equivalent of about 50 to 100 cups of coffee, depending on the strength — for it to be potentially fatal,
Most adults can safely consume 400 milligrams of caffeine — or the amount in about four eight-ounce cups of brewed coffee or six espresso shots — per day,
That being said, the 400 milligram guideline is reasonable for most adults,
At the end of the day, “you just kind of have to listen to your body,” Dr. Temple said. “If you’re starting to feel nauseous or jittery or anxious, maybe cut back,” she said. “If it’s affecting your sleep, cut back.”
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鳥瞰國際寫作計劃(International Writing Program,簡稱IWP,美國愛荷華城(Iowa)) the Paul and Hualing Engle Fund.,以1967~1988為主,文壇女英豪聶華苓(鍾 玲);先以香港古蒼梧1970年度為例:譯作《舞的意象》《美國孩子》等等.......。 聶華苓《 三生三世》中、日版/《 三生影像》與安格爾:《鹿園情事》《現在,他是一顆星》Paul Engle Day;
U.S. Regulators Are Investigating Boeing Over 737 Max 9 Incident
The Federal Aviation Administration is examining whether Boeing complied with safety rules on a plane that lost a fuselage panel while in flight last week.
Why a Panel Tore Off an Alaska Airlines Jet Midair
A diagram of the door plug shows the locations of critical bolts that federal investigators said may have been missing or improperly installed.


事故發生後數小時內,阿拉斯加航空表示,將停飛機隊中所有65架波音737 Max 9飛機,直到機械師能夠仔細檢查每架飛機。週六晚些時候,聯邦航空局下令其他一些航空公司暫時停飛該機。
2018年和2019年,在不到五個月的時間裡,波音737 Max 8飛機發生了兩起墜機事故,共造成346人死亡。後來發現兩起墜機事故都與一個會無視飛行員指令的系統故障有關。
這些墜機事件導致波音737 Max飛機在全球範圍內停飛,數百架飛機在世界各地的停機坪上停放了近兩年,工程師們努力查明並解決問題,以便監管機構重新認證這些飛機。
事故發生後數小時內,阿拉斯加航空表示,將停飛機隊中所有65架波音737 Max 9飛機,直到機械師能夠仔細檢查每架飛機。週六晚些時候,聯邦航空局下令其他一些航空公司暫時停飛該機。
美聯航稱發現部分波音737 Max 9飛機螺栓鬆動
