2024年1月29日 星期一

漫談"Donald Keene 譯/著的日本文學" 9:Donald Keene's charming memoir, "On Familiar Terms: A Journey Across Cultures," 1994.Chronicles of My Life: An American in the Heart of Japan, 2008

 On Familiar Terms A Journey Across Cultures By Donald Keene Illustrated. 292 pages. Kodansha International. $23. 1994.2

Chronicles of My Life: An American in the Heart of Japan. (Columbia Univ. Press, 2008)私と20世紀のクロニクル (中央公論新社, 2007)和訳者 角地幸男

Un Occidental En Japon (Nocturna Ediciones, 2011). スペイン語・訳者 José Pazó Espinosa

1950 劍橋大學日文兼含國文老師

我現在(偶爾(once in a while))認為自己是英國韓國研究之父

Columbia University Press Blog
https://cupblog.org › 2008 › May › 28

May 28, 2008 — ... Greta Garbo (thanks to Garboforever.com):. The most memorable ... The play was “The Diary of Anne Frank.” Before the play Garbo hardly ...
the author once took to a matinee of "The Diary of Anne Frank." 
作者曾經觀賞過一場《安妮法蘭克日記》的日場演出。 在中場休息期間,「布朗小姐」(他是這樣稱呼她的)將節目擋在臉上,這樣就沒有人能看到她了。

 the United States, while it still had a monopoly on the atomic bomb, should use it on the Soviet Union to get rid of Stalin. 就像伯特蘭·羅素(Bertrand Russell)一樣,儘管他後來被認為提出了“紅色比死亡更好”的口號,但他曾經在喝啤酒時告訴作者,美國雖然仍然壟斷著原子彈,但應該對蘇聯使用它擺脫史達林。

戰時火奴魯魯。 「這座城市對我來說最吸引人的地方是我一生中第一次被亞洲人包圍。出於我無法分析的原因,我在這些日本人、中國人和韓國人中間比在美國人或歐洲人中間感到更快樂。”


重要的是他在職業生涯中向美國解釋了多少日本,又向日本解釋了多少美國。 即使我們不被允許深入了解作者的生活,我們仍然可以驚奇地看到生活所走過的非凡距離。

What's important is how much of Japan he has explained to America in the course of his career, and how much of America to Japan. And if we're not permitted to see very deep into the author's life, we can still behold with wonder the remarkable distances that life has traversed.


Roland Kelts’s glowing review of Donald Keene’s new work, Chronicles of My Life: An American in the Heart of Japan.

Here’s an excerpt from the review:

Owing to a flight delay during one such travel jag, Keene arrives in New York a day too late to have a final conversation with his dying mother, who has lost the capacity to communicate by the time he reaches her bedside. Her death shakes him, and his mixture of grief and guilt is palpably rendered. He recovers through the support of his friends in Japan, which he now calls “the center of my world,” a country he departs sadly with each passing year, wondering whether he will ever be able to return. The pathos at the heart of Keene’s lovely and gracious memoir, and perhaps of his extraordinary life, emanates from this very human limitation: We cannot live in and love two worlds at once.

Greta Garbo meets Donald KeeneAnd Greta Garbo? Well, in addition to meeting and becoming friends with some of the great postwar Japanese writers, Donald Keene also had the chance to meet Greta Garbo (thanks to Garboforever.com):

The most memorable celebrity I met was undoubtedly Greta Garbo. She was a close friend of Jane Gunther, the wife of the famous journalist John Gunther….

Garbo had been in retirement for many years, but she was still remembered as the greatest of the film actresses. One day I had a telephone call from Jane asking if I would take Garbo to the theatre. Of course I eagerly accepted. The play was “The Diary of Anne Frank.”

Before the play Garbo hardly spoke and during the intermission she covered her face with the program. We left just before the play ended to avoid being noticed. After emerging from the theatre, we waited briefly for a taxi. The drivers of passing cars halted their vehicles for a better look at the famous face.

您可以在線訪問,並找到羅蘭·凱爾茨 (Roland Kelts) 對唐納德·基恩 (Donald Keene) 的新作《我的人生編年史:日本中心的美國人》的熱情評論。


這本書的……情節感,加上山口晃詳細的彩色插圖,賦予了這本回憶錄一種流浪漢的品質。 我們跟隨基恩在日本和美國作為翻譯家和學者的崛起,體驗他與古怪文人的日益親密的接觸。 他試圖說服瑞典諾貝爾委員會授予他的朋友三島島諾貝爾獎,但失敗了,這既滑稽又令人心碎。 基恩瘋狂地往返於歐洲、美國和日本之間,最終卻目睹了獲勝者川端康成停止寫作,以及被忽視的三島自殺。

由於在一次旅行途中航班延誤,基恩晚了一天才抵達紐約,無法與垂死的母親進行最後一次交談,當他到達母親床邊時,她已經失去了溝通的能力。 她的死震驚了他,他的悲傷和內疚的情緒明顯地表現出來。 他在日本朋友的支持下康復了,他現在稱日本為“我世界的中心”,他每年都悲傷地離開這個國家,不知道自己是否還能回來。 基恩可愛而親切的回憶錄,或許還有他非凡的一生,其核心的悲情,都源於人類的這一局限性:我們不能同時生活在兩個世界中並同時熱愛兩個世界。

葛麗泰·嘉寶 (Greta Garbo) 遇見唐納德·基恩 (Donald Keene) 和葛麗泰·嘉寶 (Greta Garbo)? 嗯,除了與戰後一些偉大的日本作家見面並成為朋友之外,唐納德·基恩還有機會見到葛麗泰·嘉寶(感謝 Garboforever.com):

我遇到的最難忘的名人無疑是葛麗泰·嘉寶。 她是著名記者約翰·岡瑟的妻子簡·岡瑟的密友…

嘉寶已經退休多年,但她仍然被人們銘記為最偉大的電影女演員。 有一天,我接到簡的電話,問我願不願意帶嘉寶去劇院。 我當然欣然接受。 這部劇就是《安妮法蘭克日記》。

演出前嘉寶幾乎不說話,中場休息時她用節目遮住臉。 我們在比賽結束前離開,以免被注意到。 從劇院出來後,我們等了一會兒出租車。 過往車輛的駕駛紛紛停下車,以便更好地觀察這張著名的面孔。

我在簡家再次見到嘉寶。 另一位客人是偉大的印度作家 R.K. Narayan。 嘉寶坐在沙發的一頭,什麼也沒說。 看著她,我不禁意識到她不再美麗了。 我特別記得她的口紅被弄髒了。 (珍告訴我,嘉寶無法忍受照鏡子。)


Donald Keene 與學術界的交流、相惜,參考下書: 

漫談"Donald Keene 譯/著的日本文學" 13: 最精彩的文章:唐納德.靳《導進文學核心的書》載小西甚一(1915~2007)《日本文學史》,唐納德.靳《解說》鄭清茂譯,頁237~244 。 
小西甚一(2013)《日本文學史.跋》中有感人的兩人交往史各自發展成超過過3000頁的日本文學史 /日本文藝史的較量史 
