2024年1月29日 星期一

漫談"Donald Keene 譯/著的日本文學" 18: Donald Keen在1984年 國際筆會PEN 大會 (日本)的發言: JAPAN PLAYS LITERARY HOST: NAGGING DOUBTS AND GLITTERING PRIZES 大江健三郎、中上健次

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Kenji Nakagami (中上健次, Nakagami Kenji, August 2, 1946 – August 12, 1992) was a Japanese novelist and essayist. He is well known as the first, and so far the only, post-war Japanese writer to identify himself publicly as a Burakumin, a member of one of Japan's long-suffering outcaste groups. His works depict the intense life-experiences of men and women struggling to survive in a Burakumin community in western Japan. His most celebrated novels include Misaki (The Cape), which won the Akutagawa Prize in 1976, and Karekinada (The Sea of Withered Trees),[1] which won both the Mainichi and Geijutsu Literary Prizes in 1977.

During the 1980s Nakagami was an active and controversial figure in the Japanese literary world, and his work was the subject of much debate among scholars and literary critics. As one reviewer put it, "Nakagami was the first writer from the ghetto to make it into the mainstream and to attempt to tell other Japanese, however fictively or even fantastically, about life at the rough end of the economic miracle."[2] Nakagami was at the height of his fame when he died, of kidney cancer, at the age of 46.


Major works[edit]
"Jukyu sai no chizu" (A Map by a Nineteen-year-old) 1974
Misaki (The Cape) 1976
Jain (Snakelust) 1976
Karekinada (The Sea of Withered Trees) 1977
Hosenka (Forget-me-nots) 1980
Chi no hate shijo no toki (Supreme Time at the End of the Earth)
Sennen no yuraku (A Thousand Years of Pleasure) 1982
Nichirin no tsubasa (Wings of the Sun) 1984
Kiseki (Miracles) 1989
Sanka (Paean) 1990
Keibetsu (Scorn) 1992




  • 十九歳の地図(1974年 河出書房新社
    一番はじめの出来事 / 十九歳の地図 / 蝸牛 / 補陀落
  • 鳩どもの家(1975年 集英社
    日本語について / 灰色のコカコーラ / 鳩どもの家
  • 岬(1976年 文藝春秋)
    黄金比の朝 / 火宅 / 浄徳寺ツアー / 
  • 蛇淫(1976年 河出書房新社
    蛇淫 / 荒くれ / 水の家 / 路地 / 雲山 / 荒神
  • 十八歳、海へ(1977年 集英社)
    十八歳 / JAZZ / 隆男と美津子 / 愛のような / 不満足 / 眠りの日々 / 海へ
  • 水の女(1979年 作品社)
    赫髪 / 水の女 / かげろう / 鷹を飼う家 / 鬼


  • 化粧(1978年 講談社
    修験 / 欣求 / 草木 / 浮島 / 穢土 / 天鼓 / 蓬莱 / 楽土 / 化粧 / 三月 / 伏拝 / 紅の滝 / (以下は文庫化で追録)幻火 / 神坐 / 女形[注釈 71]
  • 千年の愉楽(1982年 河出書房新社)
    半蔵の鳥 / 六道の辻 / 天狗の松 / 天人五衰 / ラプラタ綺譚 / カンナカムイの翼
  • 熊野集(1984年 講談社)
    不死 / 桜川 / 蝶鳥 / 花郎 / 海神 / 石橋 / 妖霊星 / 勝浦 / 鬼の話 / 月と不死 / 偸盗の桜 / 葺き籠り / 熊の背中に乗って / 鴉
  • 重力の都(1988年 新潮社[注釈 72]
    重力の都 / よしや無頼 / 残りの花 / 刺青の蓮花 / ふたかみ / 愛獣


  • 覇王の七日(1977年 河出書房新社) - 銅版画と小説のコラボレーション作品集で100部限定で出版された。(銅版画 中林忠良[注釈 73]
  • 南回帰船(2005年 角川書店) - 晩年に劇画の原作[注釈 74] としてかかれたもの。小説およびシナリオ形式。
Works available in English[edit]
Hanzo's Bird (Trans. Ian Hideo Levy) Nihon Honyakuka Yosei Center, 1983.
The Immortal (Trans. Mark Harbison) in The Showa Anthology: Modern Japanese Short Stories, Kodansha International, 1985.
The Cape and other stories from the Japanese Ghetto (Trans. Eve Zimmerman) Stonebridge Press, 1999.
Snakelust (Trans. Andrew Rankin) Kodansha International, 1999.


Works available in French[edit]
Mille Ans de plaisir (Trans. Véronique Perrin), Fayard, 1988.
La Mer aux arbres morts (Trans. Jacques Lalloz & Kohsuke Ohura), Fayard, 1989.
Sur les ailes du soleil (Trans. Jacques Lalloz), Fayard, 1994.
Hymne (Trans. Jacques Lévy), Fayard, 1995.
Le bout du monde, moment suprême, Fayard, 2000.
Miracle (Trans. Jacques Lévy), Editions Philippe Picquier, 2004.
Le Cap (Trans. Jacques Lévy), Editions Philippe Picquier, 2004
Books about Nakagami[edit]
Mats Karlsson, The Kumano Saga of Nakagami Kenji. Stockholm, 2001.
Eve Zimmerman. Out of the Alleyway: Nakagami Kenji and the Poetics of Outcaste Fiction. Harvard, 2008.
Anne Thelle. Negotiating Identity: Nakagami Kenji’s Kiseki and the Power of the Tale. Iudicium, 2010.
Anne McKnight. Nakagami: Japan, Buraku and the Writing of Ethnicity. University of Minnesota, 2011.
Machiko Ishikawa. Paradox and Representation: Silenced Voices in the Narratives of Nakagami Kenji. Cornell University Press, 2020.
^ Ishikawa, M. (2015). Nakagami Kenji : paradox and the representation of the silenced voice (PhD thesis). University of Tasmania. "Chapter Three considers Nakagami's masterpiece, the Akiyuki trilogy. Rather than the better known 1976 and 1977 works, 'Misaki' (The Cape) and Kareki nada (The Sea of Withered Trees), close attention is given to Chi no hate shijo no toki (1983, The End of the Earth, Supreme Time), written after Nakagami's declaration of his Burakumin background."
^ Mark Morris, "The Untouchables", The New York Times, October 24, 1999.




文學界的復興已經開始。 自 1958 年獲得芥川獎以來,大江健三郎一直被認為是最年輕的重要小說家,但他很快就 50 歲了。在經歷了漫長、近乎乾旱的時期後,新一代作家在戰後誕生,開始引起人們的注意。 像中上健次(生於 1946 年)這樣的作家的職業生涯並沒有像 20 或 30 年前年輕作家所期望的那樣得到公眾的關注,當時文學在公眾眼中佔據了更大的地位,但如果筆會國會成功地喚醒了人們對當代日本文學的新興趣,這些肯定是受益最大的作家。

本文的一個版本發表於 1984 年 8 月 12 日國家版第 3 頁第 7 節,標題為:日本扮演文學主人:令人煩惱的疑慮和閃閃發光


Japanese film makers have become adept at treading a line just this side of pornography, but there are signs that a different, more specifically cinematic artistry is being revived, and perhaps we may soon have more films of the quality that once impressed the world.

A revival in the literary world is already under way. Ever since 1958, when he won the Akutagawa Prize, Kenzaburo Oe has been thought of as the youngest novelist of major importance - but he will soon be 50. After a long, nearly arid period, a new generation of writers, born after the war, is beginning to command attention. The careers of writers such as Kenji Nakagami (born in 1946) have not been accompanied by the kind of publicity that young writers could have expected 20 or 30 years ago, when literature occupied a much greater place in the public eye, but if the PEN Congress succeeded in awakening new interest in contemporary Japanese literature, these are surely the writers who will benefit most.

A version of this article appears in print on Aug. 12, 1984, Section 7, Page 3 of the National edition with the headline: JAPAN PLAYS LITERARY HOST: NAGGING DOUBTS AND GLITTERING PRIZESOrder Reprints | Today’s Paper |
