2024年1月27日 星期六

漫談"Donald Keene 譯/著的日本文學" 5: 紐約時報Donald Keene 訃聞結尾 2019年2月24




Donald Keene, Famed Translator of Japanese Literature, Dies at 96

Donald Keene in 2015 in his home in Tokyo. He was a translator during World War II, and said that reading the diaries of enemy soldiers gave him an initial insight into the emotional lives of the Japanese people.
Credit...Shizuo Kambayashi/Associated Press
Donald Keene in 2015 in his home in Tokyo. He was a translator during World War II, and said that reading the diaries of enemy soldiers gave him an initial insight into the emotional lives of the Japanese people.<strong><br /></strong>

Among Dr. Keene’s many books was his memoir about his life in Japan.
Among Dr. Keene&rsquo;s many books was his memoir about his life in Japan.



傑伊‧魯賓 (Jay Rubin) 是一位頗有成就的翻譯家和日本學者,他在 1984 年《西方的黎明》《紐約時報書評》1984 New York Times Book Review appraisal of “Dawn to the West,中說,「對任何學者來說,基恩博士只要憑對現代日本文學的這兩卷本研究著作,畢生就可備受尊敬」。

But Dr. Keene wrote much more. All told, he published around 25 books in English and many more in Japanese and other languages — ranging from academic studies to personal reminisces. Taken together they display a level of erudition and scholarship that made him a giant in his field not just abroad but also in Japan. In 1985, he became the first non-Japanese to receive the Yomiuri Prize for Literature for literary criticism for his historical survey of Japanese diaries, later published in English as “Travelers of the Ages,” a book inspired by the bloody wartime journals he encountered while serving in the Navy.但基恩博士寫了更多的東西。 總的來說,他出版了大約 25 本英文書籍,以及更多日語和其他語言書籍——從學術研究到個人回憶錄。 總而言之,他們表現出了一定的博學和學術水平,這使他不僅在國外而且在日本都成為了該領域的巨人。 1985年,他因對日本日記的歷史調查而成為第一位獲得讀賣文學獎文學評論獎的非日本人,後來以英文出版了《Travelers of the Ages》,這本書的靈感來自他所遇到的血腥戰時日記在海軍服役期間。

他的養子 Seiki Keene,是基恩博士唯一的直系後代,他在給《每日新聞》的聲明中表示,這項歸屬日本的選擇,父親思考已久。 「他一生奉獻給了日本文學,並成為日本土地的一部分。成為日本人是他長久以來的夢想。」

然而,基恩博士在 2016 年川普當選總統後告訴《紐約時報》,他永遠無法完全放棄自己的美國身份。

