2024年1月27日 星期六

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch。《櫸樹的思考》的作者小野寺惠子(左)和短篇小說的插圖菊田美里Tree that saved eight from 2011 tsunami feted through storytelling

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch

Penguin Random House
https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com › Books

Discover the hidden history of women—and the world—through this visual exploration of intimate objects and the surprising, sometimes shocking stories behind ...

透過說故事慶祝 2011 年海嘯中拯救八人的樹


十月,《櫸樹的思考》的作者小野寺惠子(左)和短篇小說的插圖菊田美里在宮城縣氣仙沼 | 共同社




2024 年 1 月 28 日

仙台— — 很多人不知道的是,宮城縣氣仙沼市有一棵枯萎的老樹,在2011 年3 月發生的海嘯之後,奇蹟般地拯救了8 名居民的生命,他們爬上樹枝逃離了即將到來的海嘯,這棵樹至今仍屹立了近13 年。地震。

62 歲的當地居民小野寺惠子(Keiko Onodera) 在災難中失去了父親,她寫了一個故事,將救生的日本櫸樹描繪成英雄,向人們宣傳由特大地震引發的海嘯,這場海嘯給當地帶來了破壞。社區。

據說,這棵樹是在 1896 年三陸地震之後種植在太平洋上一個名叫旭崎的懸崖上的,這次地震發生在日本東北地區的太平洋沿岸,導致兩次巨大的海嘯摧毀了數千所房屋,造成2萬多人死亡。

Tree that saved eight from 2011 tsunami feted through storytelling

Keiko Onodera (left), who wrote "Thoughts of a Zelkova," and Misato Kikuta, who illustrated the short story, in Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture, in October | KYODO

Jan 28, 2024

Unbeknownst to many, there is an old, withering tree in the city of Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture, that remains standing nearly 13 years after miraculously saving the lives of eight residents after they climbed its branches to escape an impending tsunami following the March 2011 earthquake.

Keiko Onodera, 62, a local resident who lost her father to the disaster, has written a story that frames the life-saving Japanese zelkova tree as a hero to teach people about the tsunami, triggered by the mega-earthquake, that wrought destruction on the community.

The tree is said to have been planted on a bluff that juts out over the Pacific Ocean called Asahizaki in the wake of the 1896 Sanriku earthquake, which occurred off the country's Pacific coast in the Tohoku region and resulted in two huge tsunamis decimating thousands of homes, causing over 20,000 deaths.
