2024年1月29日 星期一

漫談"Donald Keene 譯/著的日本文學" 12: 『 百代の過客―日記にみる日本人(上下)』Modern Japanese Diaries: The Japanese at Home and Abroad As Revealed Through Their Diaries中的永井荷風?(1879年-1959年)『断腸亭日乗』(1917年 - 1959年、日記)天皇見麥克阿瑟論永井荷風(1879年-1959年)『ドナルド・キーンの東京下町日記』

  "The painting lesson" by Matisse 1919



金関寿夫 訳『 百代の過客―日記にみる日本人(上下)』Travelers of a Hundred Ages (Henry Holt & Co, August 1, 1992)

Travelers of a Hundred Ages: The Japanese As Revealed Through 1,000 Years of Diaries (Diane Pub Co, June 1, 1989)百代の過客 日記にみる日本人 (朝日選書(正・続), 1984 and 1988). 和訳者 金関寿夫。講談社学術文庫, 2011 and 2012. [trans of revised edition]

Modern Japanese Diaries: The Japanese at Home and Abroad As Revealed Through Their Diaries (Henry Holt & Co, March 1, 1995)

Later published by Columbia University Press, 1999 [?revised edition] Japanese edition published first.

Modern Japanese Diaries: The Japanese at Home and Abroad As Revealed Through Their Diaries (Henry Holt & Co, March 1, 1995)

後で Columbia Univ Press二出版された, 1999 [?revised edition] Japanese edition published first.

So Lovely A Country Will Never Perish: Wartime Diaries of Japanese Writers (Columbia Univ. Press, 2010)日本人の戦争 作家の日記を読む (文藝春秋, 2009). 和訳者 角地幸男

簡談永井荷風(1879年-1959年)討論會:『断腸亭日乗』(1917年 - 1959年、日記)天皇見麥克阿瑟論、勝海舟;周作人(1935/1943,另有與鮑耀明通信1965),鄭清茂小西腎一的『日本文學史』中註解永井荷風,可能與《下谷叢話》 
