2024年1月22日 星期一

佳美(21) : 鑄詞不易,以Renaissance man 為例, 從" 'Renaissance figure', Lesley Lokko awarded architecture's the Royal Gold Medal ( BBC)"說明:Wikipedia 的'Renaissance figure'只指"文藝復興名人"


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Renaissance//Renaissances 歷史


Renaissance And Renascences In Western Art 

https://www.amazon.com › Renaissance-Renascences...

Lesley Lokko 也是小說名家。她的建築作品,或可從"googl圖"去找去找

Panofsky takes under the focus in his book the Carolingian renaissance and the 12th century proto-renaissance when prooving that the world of antique ideals ...

5 days ago — Ghanaian-Scottish architect and educator Lesley Lokko receives the Royal Gold Medal for Architecture.

Art is life in the Italian city of Florence, where the Renaissance was born and culture lives on through its architecture and people.

佳美(21) : 鑄詞不易,以Renaissance man 為例, 從" 'Renaissance figure', Lesley Lokko awarded architecture's the Royal Gold Medal  ( BBC)"說明:Wikipedia 的'Renaissance figure'只指"文藝復興名人"

Somewhere Street
Florence, Italy


The germ of "Jean-Christophe" was conceived during this period—the "Wanderjahre"—of M. Rolland's life. On his return to Paris he became associated with a movement towards the renascence of the theater as a social machine, and wrote several plays. He has since been a musical critic and a lecturer on music and art at the Sorbonne.

Leonardo in Profile A Self-Portrait
Leonardo in Profile
A Self-Portrait
What's a Renaissance man? The term Renaissance man refers to someone who is knowledgeable and accomplished in a wide variety of subjects, in both the arts and sciences. One of history's greatest examples of a Renaissance man is Leonardo da Vinci, who was born on this date in 1452. Best known as the painter of the Mona Lisa, Leonardo was also a sculptor, a draftsman, an engineer, a scientist, an inventor and an architect. He was equally at home in the studies of human anatomy and military engineering, and was as fascinated by firearms and cannon as he was by the flow of water, the way plants grow and how birds fly. Testament to his skills was the title he received from the French king Francis I: first painter, architect and mechanic to the king.
"It vexes me greatly that having to earn my living has forced me to interrupt the work and to attend to small matters." — Leonardo da Vinci
