2024年1月25日 星期四

感動 (111): 86歲影帝霍普金斯年年推The Father (2020 film)新作Freud's Last Session 社群分享繪畫、彈琴好個。《東洋の壯陽力》.....「蓋房子就像說故事, 建築,就是說故事的藝術。」—倫佐·皮亞諾(Renzo Piano)指揮之道 音樂,樂器 說故事 建築

The Father (2020 film)

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › The_Father_(2020_...

A French-British co-production, the film stars Anthony Hopkins as an octogenarian Welsh man living with dementia. ... Filming locations included West London Film .

公視新聞網 PNN

高齡86歲的 #安東尼霍普金斯(Anthony Hopkins),演藝生涯超過半個世紀,他拿過兩座 #奧斯卡影帝 獎,詮釋過無數歷史人物,幾乎每年都有新作品問世。
霍普金斯還在疫情期間跨足 #社群媒體,吸引大批年輕粉絲追蹤,他說人不管幾歲都應該抱持熱情,全力以赴。

86歲影帝霍普金斯年年推新作 社群分享繪畫、彈琴驚艷影迷 | 公視新聞網 PNN

 【微知識:令人戰慄的人口趨勢】 oecd 日本當廢強制退休 mandatory retirement 



Academy Award® winner Anthony Hopkins as Sigmund Freud in #FreudsLastSession.
The controversial founder of psychoanalysis, who opened a whole new world of theories of the mind, considered among the most eminent figures of the age. In addition to his analysis of dreams and sexuality, Freud developed a wide-ranging interpretation and critique of religion and culture.
Freud whole-heartedly rejected religion and postulated that belief in God was mere superstition, or a substitution for a missing father.
Freud's Last Session is now playing in theaters nationwide. Tickets.FreudsLastSessionFilm.com
可能是 1 人和套裝的黑白圖像



【畫龍點睛之妙 | 養生】




中藥是以黑棗、紅棗、枸杞、當歸、黃芪、山藥、天麻煮出藥味,約15 分鐘,然後放進鰻魚燉12分。鰻魚料理,日本人耳熟體詳,但他們強調如此色香味的燒烤料理,卻破壞鰻魚表皮的膠質,以致於流失養分,十分可惜。






"The conductor is a kind of sculptor whose element is time instead of marble, and in sculpting it, he must have a superior sense of proportion and relationship. He must judge the largest rhythms of the whole phraseology of a work. He must conquer the form of a piece, not only in the sense of form as a mold, but form in its deepest meaning: where the music relaxes, where it begins to accumulate tension, where the greatest tension is reached, where it must ease up to gather strength for the next lap, where it unloads that strength. These are the intangibles of conducting, the mysteries that no conductor can learn or acquire."

-Leonard Bernstein, Omnibus: The Art of Conducting, 1955

[📸by Boris Goldenberg, courtesy of the New York Philharmonic Digital Archives.]



———倫佐·皮亞諾(Renzo Piano)

李清志:建築大師萊特(Frank Lloyd Wright)彈琴的照片(1955),萊特的父親曾經是一位牧師及音樂教師,所以他從小就會彈鋼琴、風琴,他曾經說只要會操作一種樂器,就會懂得如何操作建築。所以當年想要參加他塔里森(Taliesin)學校的人,都必須要會一種樂器。
