2024年1月28日 星期日

魯賓斯坦Arthur Rubinstein自傳 Renoir 雷諾瓦父子:藝術與美學觀: 皮耶-奧古斯特·雷諾瓦 (1841-1919):藝術界的 Ulyssis、尚·雷諾瓦(1894~1979)。Renoir, My Father 《雷諾傳》、 Ma Vie et mes Films我的生活與電影:《尚·雷諾的探索與追求》

魯賓斯坦自傳(上下冊) 楊月蓀譯, 遠景1985年初版 - Carousell

https://www.carousell.com.hk › 魯...

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魯賓斯坦自傳Autobiography of Arthur Rubinstein , 遠景傳記文庫系列1, 此系列共有10套: 魯賓斯坦自傳﹑克莉絲蒂自傳﹑亨利魯斯傳﹑夏戈爾自傳﹑雷諾傳﹑拿破崙傳﹑甘地傳 ...

137 年前的 1887 年,被公認是20世紀最傑出的音樂家之一的鋼琴家阿圖爾·魯賓斯坦 (Artur Rubinstein)於羅茲出生。他對蕭邦音樂的詮釋尤其受到讚譽。
您可以在Culture.pl網站上了解有關Arthur Rubinstein的更多資訊:https://culture.pl/en/artist/arthur-rubinstein
聆聽蕭邦 F小調鋼琴協奏曲演奏:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3r4EgwLqMM


Le fleuve (1951), di Jean Renoir


Renoir 雷諾瓦父子:藝術與美學觀:
尚·雷諾瓦箸 《我的生活與電影/雷諾的探索與追求》Ma Vie et mes Films: 18 〈電影是藝術嗎?〉
3. 世界整合的思想來自有生命的東西的愛護與尊重
4. 希臘帕德嫩神殿與巴黎兩座凱旋門的比較

騎兵競技場 凱旋門(Arc de triumph du Carrusel): 羅孚博物館( the Leuvre museum)之前. 戴高樂廣場( Charles de Gaule square) 的大凱旋門 (The Arc de Triomphe) . 
the grand arc is in the La Defence .

Above Arc de Triomphe, Paris, France 🇨🇵
📸 Jeffrey Milstein

1962: Renoir, Paris: Hachette (Renoir, My Father), biography. 雷諾傳. 作者: 雷諾; 出版: 臺北市: 遠景民1985.
1974: Ma Vie et mes Films, Paris: Flammarion (My Life and My Films), autobiography.

The young Renoir with Gabrielle Renard in a painting by his father Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1895-96)


Renoir was largely raised by Gabrielle Renard, his nanny and his mother's cousin, with whom he developed a strong bond. Shortly before his birth, she had come to live with the Renoir family.[4] She introduced the young boy to the Guignol puppet shows in Montmartre, which influenced his later film career. He wrote in his 1974 memoirs My Life and My Films, "She taught me to see the face behind the mask and the fraud behind the flourishes. She taught me to detest the cliché."[5] Gabrielle was also fascinated by the new early motion pictures, and when Renoir was only a few years old she took him to see his first film.

  • 吉尼奧爾(Guignol)是一個法國木偶劇及其主要角色的名稱。

    雖然通常被認為是兒童娛樂,但是吉尼奧爾敏銳的智慧和語言的活力,也一直得到成人的讚賞,如同一個著名的里昂劇團的格言:「吉尼奧爾讓孩子發笑… 讓成人感到詼諧」。


    吉尼奧爾的創造者Laurent Mourguet,於1769年3月3日出生在一個絲織工人家庭。1788年他與 Jeanne Esterle 的結婚證書表明他不識字。法國大革命期間絲綢貿易衰退,於是他成為一名小販,1797年成為牙醫,當時只是簡單的拔牙。這項服務是免費的,只是靠出售術後減輕疼痛的藥物掙錢。為了吸引病人,他開始在椅子前表演木偶戲。


  • 尚·雷諾的探索與追求,遠流,1993

讓·雷諾瓦(法語:Jean Renoir,又譯尚•雷諾瓦,1894年9月15日-1979年2月12日)是一位法國著名電影導演印象派畫家皮耶-奧古斯特·雷諾瓦的次子,法國電影自然主義的代表人物。他於1945年憑《南方人》提名奧斯卡最佳導演獎,作品包括《鄉村一日》(1936)、《大幻影》(1937)和《遊戲規則》(1939)等,影響深遠。

 ジャン・ルノワールJean Renoir1894年9月15日 - 1979年2月12日)は、フランス映画監督脚本家俳優。印象派の画家ピエール=オーギュスト・ルノワールの次男。ジャン・ルノアールと表記される場合もある。

Jean Renoir

生年月日 1894年9月15日
没年月日 1979年2月12日(84歳没)
出生地 フランス
死没地 アメリカ合衆国
国籍 フランス
職業 映画監督脚本家俳優
活動期間 1924年 - 1969年
配偶者 カトリーヌ・エスラン(1920年 - 1943年)
ディド・フレール(1943年 - 1979年)
著名な家族 父:ピエール=オーギュスト・ルノワール(1841年 - 1919年)
兄:ピエール・ルノワール(1885年 - 1952年)
弟:クロード・ルノワール(1901年 - 1969年)



ジャン・ルノワール(Jean Renoir, 1894年9月15日 - 1979年2月12日)は、フランス映画監督脚本家俳優。印象派の画家ピエール=オーギュスト・ルノワールの次男。ジャン・ルノアールと表記される場合もある。


『ジャン・ルノワール自伝』 西本晃二訳、みすず書房、新装版2001年ほか(初版1977年)


書緣:從『吾父 諾瓦』到嚴復流涕譯『法意』




Jean Renoir 的『吾父 諾瓦』說:

Renoir would answer: "Why not live in a cemetery? But even there you'd have callers." He often repeated Montesquieu's phrase, "Man is a sociable animal." Towards the end of his life he asked me several times to reread the complete aphorism to him: "On that score, it seems to me that a Frenchman is more of a man than any other. He is man par excellence, for he seems to be made uniquely.

 on Page 411: 中文本第 432 

這樣重要、有趣的一段話。 我好事 查一下孟德斯鳩的話之出處,原來出自:『法意』

『法意 第四卷 論教育宜與治制之精神相表裏』( The Spirit of Laws: Book IV That the Laws of Education Ought to Be in Relation to the Principles of Government )


In fine, the education of monarchies requires a certain politeness of behaviour. Man, a sociable animal, is formed to please in society; and a person that would break through the rules of decency, so as to shock those he conversed with, would lose the public esteem, and become incapable of doing any good.






這本翻譯本我買了 30多年,卻沒有好好的看。這部分,嚴復的翻譯案語相當認真、感人,甚至:「復案、吾譯是書。至於此章。未嘗不流涕也。嗚呼、孟氏之言、豈不痛哉。 ……..



書緣:從 Renoir, My Father by Jean Renoir, 說起(2 )


』( Renoir, My Father by Jean Renoir,. 1962)(黃翰荻譯,台北:遠景, 1985),第318 頁,談到  Berthe Morisot(1841–95)家中的天才(通稱為the little Manet girls 之老朋友:)之雅集,正如希臘的文藝女神發源地之 Parnassus山,其氣息鼓舞人  

a special kind of magnet on people, attracting only the genuine. She had a gift for smoothing rough edges. "Even Degas was more civil when with her." "The little Manet girls," as they were called, carried on the family tradition. And... air than elsewhere, a remnant of the breeze which stirred gently through the Manet drawing room: a breath of the Parnassian wind which made the Agora so stimulating. on Page 278: )


這些人在這本諾阿( Pierre Auguste Renoir,1841-1919)的記都有很生動的故事。我趁這機會讀一下普林斯頓大學出版社的 PAUL VALERY文集第12 冊:Degas, Manet, Morisot(作者要稱之為嬸 "Tante Berthe"): Valery's book on Degas, with a long essay on Corot, others on Berthe Morisot, Manet, and Daumier, a personal recollection of Renoir, and writings on sculpture, portraiture

有時候,書本要這樣感應才有意思。 Valery  Renoir 過世時,稱之為藝術界的 Ulyssis 他講的 Renoir  Raoul Rigaud  此人不知為什麼翻譯成「赫 希果 」 p.132)) 的故事 與Renoir, My Father by Jean Renoir, 可以互補。



Oba :「我剛剛發現了一個" 好笑" 的事耶:畫家Renoir 多半翻譯成"諾瓦 "
導演 Renoir則多半翻譯成 "耶;而且導演Jean Renoir 翻譯成尚諾;
那個硬漢Jean Reno也是翻譯成尚諾耶; (怪不得我覺得好眼熟 ...)
這樣 ...會不會搞不清楚誰是誰 ?誰是誰爹? 誰是誰兒子啊?...... 我頗想翻譯這本書.... 我會翻啦!我有翻譯過印象派畫家的紀錄片捏 (五大畫家 ,偏偏沒有 Renoir,真衰!), 而且好歹我也跟電影" " 上了點邊哪!!      ps:不過我比較喜歡 Monet....其實只要不戴上近視眼鏡 ,人人的世界都好莫內! 


諾有一部汽車 ..... 」( Renoir had a motorcar, and he used it to drive from Nice to Paris in two days. He had a telephone in his house. He had been operated on, and had had the benefit ... 

開始,還以為是「諾汽車公司」的產品.... !



 "... of being allowed to see the master for a few moments. He accepted all these tributes with a grain of salt. Whenever people would start singing his praises, Renoir would quickly bring them down to earth: "Who? Me? A genius ? ..."
翻譯成:他把所有貢品和" 一粒鹽" 一起接受了"..... p.27 )
 take sth with a pinch of salt UK (US take sth with a grain of salt)
意思:to not completely believe something that you are told, because you think it is unlikely to be true: )
.. forgave Napoleon for the remark which according to certain historians he made after the holocaust of Eylau: "One night of Paris will repair all that." 



stone :「歐巴姐:我鼓掌舉手支持你翻這本書啊!你應該有出版社人脈吧?偶想像中這書應該可以順利找到人願意出版的啦~~一…… .

hc :『Oba 或許可以採用另外的企畫路線 譬如說 跟法國文化部申請補助出版Jean Renoir 全集等等 

Oba :「阿偶縮就甭提那個什麼文化部的出版補助了
所謂的" 出版" 補助,其實只有補助 "翻譯費 " 20-50%
最少得拖個半年才會有消息(知道有沒有被補助到 )
而且真正撥款搞不好得等 36個月 .....(以內)
... 再說吧!
我阿公是如何靠白內障將盧昂大教堂印象化 "的書





最近英國政壇的消息,我認為是誇張的小抹黑,因為自來爵位、身份都有價碼:「布萊爾承認,他提名這些富商受封為爵時,知道他們均提供工黨巨額貸款。但他堅持,自己是在這些人對英國社會做出突出貢獻,才提名的。布萊爾同時宣布,考慮在未來公開提供工黨商業貸款的個人名字,並打算把封爵提名人選的權力轉移給內閣秘書長。  布萊爾的「貸款換封爵」,基本上並未違法,但卻因不透明,廣受工黨內部關切,社會輿論對政黨政治和政商關係,亦產生巨大疑問。英國工黨政府二十日宣布將對此一醜聞進行獨立調查,調查結果預料在今年夏天出爐。」

我們看看 『吾父 諾瓦』中的老諾瓦之說法: ".... But we must not behave like those nobles, who owe their titles to their ancestors, and spend their last sou to hear themselves addressed as "Monsieur le Baron" by the waiters in cafés-which costs them twenty francs each time. Since ..." on Page 227 )

問題:根據我在「 舊法一蘇( sou )值多少?」之說法,這一聲"Monsieur le Baron" 值多少一般工人之每月工資?

舊法一蘇( sou)值多少

以前讀翻譯小說,會碰到些錢幣單位,譬如說一、兩世紀前的 sou,現在字典說它指小數目(The noun sou has one meaning: a former French coin of low denomination; often used of any small amount of money 

在傅翻譯 Balzac的『高老頭』(Old Goriot )有些相關注:「 所謂小錢是法國的一種舊銅幣,價值等於一個銅子(Sou)的四分之一。」「 路易為法國舊時金幣,合二十至二十四法郎,隨時代而異。一路易約 20法朗」


我記憶中,這些約是 1800年的情形。


我沒弄清楚的是,「法郎」與「銅板」之關係。後來才知道它應該是:一「法朗」= 20「銅板」,與英國的比例相通: The livre tournois【其解釋為:the term franc continued to be used in common parlance for the livre tournois.  was, in common with the original libra of Charlemagne, divided into 20 sols ( sous after 1715), each of which was divided into 12 deniers. These divisions were also adopted by the English for their Pound sterling, the names becoming shilling and penny.




這幾天讀 "RENOIR, MY FATHER",講約1850 年的 Renoir 小時後去畫磁畫打工(He finally consented to pay Renoir by the piece. "I'll start him on dessert plates at two sous the plate; three sous for Marie Antoinette in profile." )。又有一段說法:工人每天工作12 小時,賺30蘇(黃先生不知道為什麼翻譯成「五十法郎」( p.16)),一蘇可以買十三個雞蛋(注意那時候的蛋非「量產」):

Workmen worked twelve hours a day, and earned one franc fifty. A dozen eggs cost one sou and there were thirteen to the dozen. One sou was a large sum: it was worth two liards (equal to one English farthing in those days) and for one liard you could buy half a bun.


當時花盡錢財也用 sou來表示,試看Renoir 朋友當西貢市長,上級交待用香檳與英國較勁,他就散完財,喝完香檳再回國:It was the Baron Barbier, who had just returned from Indochina, "cleaned out to the last sou," as he expressed it. The government of the Republic had made him mayor of Saigon.


 "... of being allowed to see the master for a few moments. He accepted all these tributes with a grain of salt. Whenever people would start singing his praises, Renoir would quickly bring them down to earth: "Who? Me? A genius ? ..."
翻譯成:他把所有貢品和" 一粒鹽 " 一起接受了"..... p.27 
 take sth with a pinch of salt UK (US take sth with a grain of salt)
意思:to not completely believe something that you are told, because you think it is unlikely to be true: 
.. forgave Napoleon for the remark which according to certain historians he made after the holocaust of Eylau: "One night of Paris will repair all that." 
