2024年1月21日 星期日

佳美 (18 )社群媒體料理大師妙趣無窮 Lynn Yamada Davis (1956 – 2024年1月1日)


佳美 (18 )社群媒體料理大師 妙趣無窮  Lynn Yamada Davis (1956 – January 1, 2024)

Lynn Yamada Davis, Whose Cooking TikToks Delighted Millions, Dies at 67

Older than most social media stars, she attracted a large following with her Cooking With Lynja videos, which were both wholesome and zany.


Ms. Davis worked for Bell Labs (now AT&T Labs) and had a long career in telecommunications before her unexpected TikTok fame, Ms. Shofet, her daughter, said.

“She had this whole chapter as a groundbreaking female engineer, and she was very proud of that,” she added.

 In her final years Ms. Davis got to travel around the world and meet people as well as to cook and eat amazing food, Sean Davis said. He added, “I just think her final chapter was exactly how she would have wanted it to be written.”

佳美 (18 )社群媒體料理大師妙趣無窮 Lynn Yamada Davis (1956 – 2024年1月1日) GOOGLE 翻譯

林恩·山田·戴維斯 (Lynn Yamada Davis) 去世,享年 67 歲,她的烹飪 TikTok 令數百萬人興奮不已

她比大多數社群媒體明星年齡都大,她的《與 Lynja 一起烹飪》影片吸引了大量粉絲,這些影片既健康又滑稽。

她的女兒肖菲特女士說,戴維斯女士曾在貝爾實驗室(現為 AT&T 實驗室)工作,在出人意料地因 TikTok 成名之前,她在電信領域從事了很長一段職業生涯。


  肖恩戴維斯說,在她的最後幾年,戴維斯女士開始環遊世界,結識新朋友,烹飪和品嚐美味的食物。 他補充道,“我只是認為她的最後一章正是她想要寫的。”
