2024年2月8日 星期四

佳美( 52) 約翰·羅斯金(John Ruskin,1819-1900)作為一名藝術家,他尋求捕捉自然和藝術的形式,相信繪畫可以促進對主題的密切觀察和理解

佳美( 52) 約翰·羅斯金(John Ruskin,1819-1900)作為一名藝術家,他尋求捕捉自然和藝術的形式,相信繪畫可以促進對主題的密切觀察和理解


John Ruskin (1819-1900)
English painter and polymath of the Victorian Era
He championed the careers of Turner the Pre_Rafaelites along side with others.
ZIPPORAH 1874 (Book of Exodus)
After Botticelli

 John Ruskin (1819-1900) was one of the most influential writers on art and architecture in the nineteenth century Britain. He wrote passionately in defence of the art of J.M.W. Turner and the early works of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, and argued that Gothic architecture, especially in Venice and northern Italy, represented a statement of the beliefs of the architects and builders who created it. In all his extensive writings, he expressed admiration for works of art that reflected truth to nature, both literal and spiritual. As an artist, he sought to capture the forms of nature and art, believing that drawing encouraged close observation and understanding of the subject.

約翰·羅斯金(John Ruskin,1819-1900)是十九世紀英國藝術和建築領域最有影響力的作家之一。他熱情地寫作以捍衛 J.M.W.特納和拉斐爾前派兄弟會的早期作品,並認為哥德式建築,特別是在威尼斯和義大利北部,代表了創造它的建築師和建造者的信仰聲明。在他所有的大量著作中,他表達了對反映自然真理的藝術作品的欽佩,無論是字面的還是精神的。作為一名藝術家,他尋求捕捉自然和藝術的形式,相信繪畫可以促進對主題的密切觀察和理解。
