2024年2月24日 星期六

中國通 15 香港【8.18流水集會案|黎智英等7人組織非法集結罪脫 終院即日駁回律政司上訴許可申請】;Chubby Hearts, an open-air art installation of giant heart-shaped balloons


“You keep on learning and learning, and pretty soon you learn something no one has learned before.”
― Richard Feynman
可能是 ‎1 人和‎顯示的文字是「 ‎Senk yytulngخa "You keep on learning and learning, and pretty soon you learn something no one has learned before." -Richard Feynman‎ 」‎‎ 的圖像
Ndubisi Emmanuel、Sulaiman A. Shehu和其他2,020人

中國通 15    香港【8.18流水集會案|黎智英等7人組織非法集結罪脫 終院即日駁回律政司上訴許可申請】;Chubby Hearts,  an open-air art installation of giant heart-shaped balloons 
