2024年2月24日 星期六

困惑集 (1) 丐幫新聞背後,有個可怕故事 (馮睎乾十三維度)Man Meets Dog By Konrad Lorenz 當人遇見狗 到 Luc Besson的 人犬Dogman,似乎不少人喜歡 Caleb Landry Jones,不愛 Luc Besson 。

我究竟看了什麼鬼?我超愛Caleb Landry Jones。但是盧貝松,你夠了吧?
嚴格來說,除了「碧海藍天」與「The Professional」(這個殺手有點冷?),我沒真正喜歡過盧貝松電影。他所製造的銀幕奇觀不是用力過度到噴飯就是陳腔濫調。
浪費了Caleb Landry Jones。
可能是 1 人和文字的圖像

漢清講堂 Hanching Chung


今日《東方日報》以「區區有丐幫 警方懶掃蕩」為頭條,報道大陸南下的「丐幫」橫行全港,以記者昨天所見,光是油麻地至佐敦一段路,短短百米已有四人行乞,包括疑似火燒毀容的女子及肢體殘缺的男丐。據「保安局」說,近五年共拘捕79名乞丐,七成以上持雙程證,反映大陸「殘丐」蜂擁香港搵食。
這個極重口味的中國故事,令我想起法國導演Pascal Laugier的極端恐怖片Martyrs(台譯《極限:殘殺煉獄》),甚至有過之而無不及。你問我信不信袁枚?只要想想那位被呂后弄成「人彘」而虐殺的戚夫人,就知道那些一如torture porn電影的情節,自古以來都是中國文化不可分割的部分。
圖/ 東方日報

Man Meets Dog By Konrad Lorenz 當人遇見狗 到 Luc Besson的 人犬Dogman

As a child, Douglas was abused by a violent father who then threw him to the dogs. Instead of attacking him, the dogs protected him. Traumatised and leading a life on the margins of society with his dogs, Douglas descends into a murderous madness.
Release date: September 27, 2023 (France)
Director: Luc Besson

Man Meets Dog By Konrad Lorenz 此書有中譯本,奇怪,沒找到。


作者 / 勞倫茲 Lorenz, Konrad
譯者 / 張麗瓊
出版社 / 大樹文化事業股份有限公司
出版日期 / 1993/12/30
商品語言 / 中文/繁體




Man Meets Dog is a zoological book for the general audience, written by the Austrian scientist Konrad Lorenz in 1949. The first English-language edition appeared in 1954.
The original German title is So kam der Mensch auf den Hund, which could be literally translated as "How man ended up with dog". The German title is also a play on the phrase "Auf den Hund kommen", which is a common idiom in German-speaking countries and probably comes from the old days when farmers with economic problems had to sell their livestock animals and ended up with only the dog.


The opening chapter "How it may have started" deals with theories concerning the question where and when man first domesticated the predecessor of the modern dog. The book has a lot of interesting anecdotes of the author's experiences with dogs, these stories are often illustrated with simple drawings. Lorenz usually owned several dogs and many other animals and lived with them in his house near Vienna. There are also many insights into the behavior of cats and birds, though the focus is of course on the behavior of dogs.
Daniel Pinkwater refers amusingly to Man Meets Dog in his Uncle Boris in the Yukon and other shaggy dog stories,[1] stating among other things:
When I read Man Meets Dog, I had no way of knowing that the caraway seeds in Konrad Lorenz's sauerkraut had fermented and addled his brain. He put forth a theory that there are two races of dogs: Der Dogg, and Der Überdogg. No kidding ... and if Konrad had ever lived with a wolf, or a dog with strong wolf traits, he would have noticed that the ratio of dignified and heroic to downright silly is something like one to twenty. Standard for all dogs ... and humans.
