2024年2月27日 星期二

品牌故事5 Levi’s Wants You to Rethink Your Denim Shopping.Ms. Gass wants to make Levi’s a brand shoppers think of not only when they want jeans, but a destination for shirts, jumpsuits and puffer jackets


牛仔褲的發明者Levi Strauss,原名叫做Löb Strauss,出生在介於紐倫堡市與班貝格市之間的一個小地方Buttenheim。18歲時,他就和母親一同前往美國,便在那裡改名為Levi Strauss。1870年他研發出附有銅製鉚釘且粗棉材質的牛仔褲。同時,他也創建了自己的公司Levi Strauss&Co。1902年他逝世於美國舊金山。而其位在Buttenheim的故居,今日則是「Levi Strauss博物館」的所在。Levi Strauss博物館:
Michelle Gass poses, smiling, at the top of a staircase with clothing items and a large American flag hung on a wall behind her.
 .Credit...Marissa Leshnov for The New York Times

Levi’s Wants You to Rethink Your Denim Shopping
