2024年2月25日 星期日

佳美 75 嚴重/深凍傷者,經 iloprost藥物治療,可不用截肢 Severe Frostbite Gets a Treatment That May Prevent Amputation


Severe Frostbite Gets a Treatment That May Prevent Amputation

The F.D.A. recently approved the first therapy for patients in danger of losing their toes, fingers and other exposed parts of the body.

A view from above looking down into a tin bowl with a pair of feet in an amber-colored liquid. The toes of one of the feet are black and purple with frostbite.
A mountain climber’s frostbitten toes being cared for in a warming solution in a hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal.Credit...Gopen Rai/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

This month, the Food and Drug Administration approved the first therapy for treatment of severe frostbite in the country. The drug, iloprost, is given intravenously for several hours a day over a little more than week. It works by opening blood vessels to improve circulation, limiting inflammation and stopping the formation of platelet clumps that can stop circulation and kill tissue. Most at risk are a person’s toes, fingers, ears, cheeks and nose.


deep frostbite of both feet in two patients with hyperbaric oxygen. 

Severe Frostbite Gets a Treatment
