2024年2月17日 星期六

美國通 22 美国拜登政府即将出台一项针对中国等“对手国家”大规模获取美国公民个人信息的行政命令,美国之音中文网 。 紐約時報: $450 Million罰金對川普的財務和形象的打擊。 BREAKING NEWS :Aleksei Navalny’s Allies Confirm His Death、訃聞Aleksei Navalny, Russian Opposition Leader, Dies in Prison at 47

A $450 Million Blow to Trump’s Finances, and His Identity

A huge penalty for deceiving lenders about the value of his properties and his net worth, if upheld, leaves Donald Trump in a perilous financial position.


Snow covers a parking lot in Russia. Only a few cars are there.
Associated Press

Aleksei Navalny’s Allies Confirm His Death

A spokeswoman for the team that has continued Mr. Navalny’s work said his mother had received an official notification of his death.


