2024年3月2日 星期六

台灣日本韓國生育率低下、社會高齡化的問題......《苦禪宗師藝緣錄》1112 2011 六 陰雨老屋主祖傳的咒語書聖嚴法師 美好的晚年/學思歷程/雪中足跡

昨晚買3書 苦讀


這是本有緣的書 因為書商將它擺在"佛教-禪宗"類
"苦禪"先生是他的藝術同學為他取的名字 他接受了
NHK 的早安日本的報道員都精神抖擻 今天去東京台東 ? 谷 竟然還有些百來年的街頭
"次"城的新蕎麥Soba festival 是整條馬路 每道500-600圓

2024.3.3 [NOWnews今日新聞] 日本生育率低下、社會高齡化的問題,即使在政府努力下,近年依舊沒有好轉趨勢,而這似乎也正成為許多已開發國家共同的危機。日本2023年的新生兒數為75萬8631人,比2022年還少5.1%,連續8年創下有統計以來的最低紀錄,一份最新調查更顯示,日本超過半數未婚的年輕男女不想生小孩,就連特斯拉執行長馬斯克(Elon Musk)都發文感嘆:「再不改變,日本遲早會消失。」



這消息讓全球知名富豪馬斯克(Elon Musk)都替日本著急,在社群平台X上轉述相關報導,並直言:「若什麼都不改變,日本將會消失。」而這亦非他首次針對生育率問題發表看法,先前他就曾公開表示,如果沒有足以讓出生率超過死亡率的變化發生,日本終將不復存在,這對世界會是很大的損失;他也曾示警中國出生率持續下滑,未來恐將面臨「人口崩潰」。

與yy 0900-1500 雙溪 戴智慧母子的溪邊新居 劍竹 老屋主祖傳的咒語書 大眾飯店土雞等
車內 左右兩人猛談話 幽閉恐懼症 晚上臨睡前上樓看地平線

介紹翁倩玉 不怎成功
施振榮等 反韓
1930買聖嚴法師 美好的晚年/學思歷程/雪中足跡
地下倫敦 北京:新星2006

On Nov. 12, 1942, the World War II naval Battle of Guadalcanal began. The Americans eventually won a major victory over the Japanese.

Guadalcanal (Isatabu) is a tropical island in the South-Western Pacific. The largest island in the Solomons, it was discovered by the Spanish expedition of Alvaro de Mendaña in 1568. The name comes from Guadalcanal, a village in the province of Seville, in Andalusia, Spain, birthplace of Pedro de Ortega Valencia, a member of Mendaña's expedition.

During 1942-43 it was the scene of bitter fighting between Japanese and Americans in which the latter were victorious.

At the end of the war, Honiara, on the north coast of Guadalcanal, became the new capital of the British Solomon Islands Protectorate. Guadalcanal is mainly covered in tropical rainforest and jungle, and it has a mountainous interior with an active volcano, Mount Popomanaseu. The population in 1998 was around 85,000.[2]

Guadalcanal's position (inset) and main towns.

這本書的翻譯有時很"妙 "譬如說 214-15 頁談教堂的fabric 望文生義將 它翻譯成綸紱

其實fabric 就是((古))建造物, 建物./(特に教会堂の)建造;維持.

In 1348, John Thavie, a local armourer, “left a considerable Estate towards the support of the fabric forever”, a legacy which survived the English Reformation, was invested carefully through the centuries, and still provides for the church's current upkeep. In the 15th century, the wooden church was replaced by a medieval stone one.[5]
Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/st-andrew-holborn#ixzz1dTko1jS6
