2024年3月20日 星期三

英國巨大手斧......英國通 14 BBC's plan to run radio adverts is catastrophic for UK ...約紀元前850青銅時代聚落生活豐富多樣之一瞥This Was Village Life in Britain 3,000 Years Ago


*幾十萬年前,手斧是廣泛使用的石器工具,有些尺寸明顯特別大。這項研究分析不列顛,得知巨型手斧大部分出現於 30 多萬年前。我覺得是個有意思的石器研究。
Big enough to matter: on the frequency and chronology of giant handaxes in the British Lower Palaeolithic
*石器的動機。非洲南部在幾萬年前的中石器時代(Middle Stone Age),哪些因素影響石器的運用?研究認為,不只是有什麼用什麼,還有更多追求:
The driving force behind tool-stone selection in the African Middle Stone Age
*南美洲南部的智利,古早年代詳細定年。初步調查指出,巴塔哥尼亞(Patagonia)地區早在 1.7 萬年前已經有人活動。
Revised pre-Younger Dryas chronocultural sequence at the Pilauco site, north-western Patagonia (40°–44°S)
Continuity and climate change: the Neolithic coastal settlement of Habonim North, Israel
*歐洲東部 6000 年前左右,烏克蘭、摩爾多瓦一帶興起盛極一時的 Trypillia 文化,建立許多幾千人的城市(或大型聚落),不過只維持沒幾百年。這項研究分析樓板面積,估計貧富差距,推測此一文化,社會狀況相當平等。
Trypillia mega-sites: a social levelling concept?
*野生黑猩猩的研究者 Christophe Boesch 去世,我們懷念他:
Christophe Boesch (1951–2024), primatologist and chimpanzee champion

13 hours ago — The BBC is facing a backlash over its “catastrophic” plans to introduce adverts on its radio and podcast output.

This Was Village Life in Britain 3,000 Years Ago

The superbly preserved remains of a Bronze Age settlement offer a glimpse of a “colorful, rich, varied” domestic life circa 850 B.C.

