2024年3月21日 星期四

SHE 6 S.安全 H.健康. E.環保6 外科醫生將豬腎移植到患者體內,這是醫學上的里程碑: 基因工程豬的器官有一天可能會讓透析變得過時。。 藥物突破的長期經濟效益通常會抵消前期成​​本(美國政府在新冠疫苗上花費了約 300 億美元,但美國成功的疫苗接種計畫避免了約 1.15 兆美元的醫療費用)。爆米花本身就是一種健康食品,全穀類。可是在電影院買到的那種,除了桶子很大之外,它還用油爆開。 然後,如果你添加黃油配料,通常會在上面添加更多的油。 肥胖流行的根本原因:廉價、方便和令人上癮的超加工食品的災難性擴散。依賴抗焦慮藥物的危險: 要真正擺脫焦慮,你需要面對恐懼,而不是掩蓋恐懼。


波士頓一家醫院的醫生表示,這名男子的病情持續好轉。 基因工程豬的器官有一天可能會讓透析變得過時。

Surgeons Transplant Pig Kidney Into a Patient, a Medical Milestone

The man continues to improve, doctors at a hospital in Boston said. Organs from genetically engineered pigs may one day make dialysis obsolete.

Surgeons Transplant Pig Kidney Into a Patient, a Medical Milestone

It was the first procedure of its kind. Organs from genetically engineered pigs one day may make dialysis obsolete.

爆米花本身就是一種健康食品,全穀類。 它的體積很大,而且在添加油之前,卡路里含量相當低。


但很多人沒有意識到,爆米花就像你在電影院買到的那種,除了桶子很大之外,它還用油爆開。 然後,如果你添加黃油配料,通常會在上面添加更多的油。


Popcorn itself is a healthy food, whole grain. It’s high in volume and, before you add oil, pretty low in calories.

A filling snack.

But a lot of people don’t realize that popcorn like the kind you get at a movie theater, in addition to the huge size of the bucket, it’s popped in oil. Then, if you add that buttery topping, you’re usually adding more oil on top of that.

How big is the “Dune” bucket?

The Popcorn Bucket’ Has a Surprise Ending

What’s in the $24.99 tub, exactly? Lindsay Moyer, a nutritionist, reviews the contents of the movie-snack “vessel.”

Popcorn itself is a healthy food, whole grain. It’s high in volume and, before you add oil, pretty low in calories.

A filling snack.

But a lot of people don’t realize that popcorn like the kind you get at a movie theater, in addition to the huge size of the bucket, it’s popped in oil. Then, if you add that buttery topping, you’re usually adding more oil on top of that.

How big is the “Dune” bucket?


But the long-term economic benefits of providing access to pharmaceutical breakthroughs typically offset the upfront costs.

Consider Covid-19. While the U.S. government spent an estimated $30 billion on Covid vaccines, America’s successful vaccination program averted an estimated $1.15 trillion in medical costs, according to an analysis from the Commonwealth Fund.


考慮一下 Covid-19。 根據聯邦基金的分析,雖然美國政府在新冠疫苗上花費了約 300 億美元,但美國成功的疫苗接種計畫避免了約 1.15 兆美元的醫療費用。

關於“臭(哈哈 GOOGLE 翻譯翻譯GLP-1 agonists)可能威脅聯邦預算”,作者:Brian Deese、Jonathan Gruber 和 Ryan Cummings(觀點客座文章,3 月 7 日):

您關於新型減肥藥對財政影響的文章有力地強調了這樣一個事實:它們每年可能花費超過 1 兆美元。 雖然這種金融威脅應該會導致政府對藥品價格進行更強有力的談判,但它也應該鼓勵政策制定者解決肥胖流行的根本原因:廉價、方便和令人上癮的超加工食品的災難性擴散。

Re “Ozempic Could Threaten the Federal Budget,” by Brian Deese, Jonathan Gruber and Ryan Cummings (Opinion guest essay, March 7):

Your essay about the fiscal impact of the new weight-loss drugs powerfully spotlights the fact that they could potentially cost more than $1 trillion per year. While this financial threat should result in more robust government negotiation of drug prices, it should also encourage policymakers to address a root cause of the obesity epidemic: the catastrophic proliferation of ultra-processed foods that are cheap, convenient and addictive.


