2024年3月17日 星期日

美國通 55 大公司市值近幾月變化: Apple、生成AI専門人材に基本給年4500万円 新端末に危機感In Latest A.I. War Escalation, Elon Musk Releases Chatbot Code.紐約州長要檢討大麻販賣證照照; 紐約市地鐵五分鐘影片中的所有危機亂象......


N.Y. Governor Orders Review of Cannabis Business Licensing After Delays

Gov. Kathy Hochul ordered the review after calling the state’s sluggish rollout of legal cannabis a “disaster.”

A Video Captures a Searing Portrait of the Subway, and of the City Above

A nearly five-minute recording of a fight shows New York’s gravest problems, like illegal guns and mental illness, distilled in a single subway car.

In Latest A.I. War Escalation, Elon Musk Releases Chatbot Code

Mr. Musk’s move to open up the code behind Grok is the latest volley in a war to win the A.I. battle, after a suit against OpenAI on the same topic.

Apple、生成AI専門人材に基本給年4500万円 新端末に危機感
可能是 3 個人和文字的圖像
