2024年3月14日 星期四

書海微波 2. 倫敦老牌的周刊Times Literary Supplement都需要短片輔助銷路..... 書海微波 1. 紐約時報選過去約70年最有趣的22 本小說,可能只有2本有中文本 ‘Catch-22‘ / Bridget Jones’s Diary,’ ’: 22 of the Funniest Novels Since ‘Catch-22’ Because we could all use a laugh.


書海微波 2. 倫敦老牌的周刊Times Literary Supplement都需要短片輔助銷路.....  書海微波 1.   紐約時報選過去約70年最有趣的22 本小說,可能只有2本有中文本 ‘Catch-22‘ /  Bridget Jones’s Diary,’ ’: 22 of the Funniest Novels Since ‘Catch-22’ Because we could all use a laugh.

Women’s diaries; the ‘lost’ novel of Gabriel García Márquez; behind the writing process; medieval humour; Mrs Dalloway’s accident – and much more.
This week’s issue of the TLS is out now: https://www.the-tls.co.uk/issues/current-issue/
可能是 1 人和文字的普普藝術品

22 of the Funniest Novels Since ‘Catch-22’

Because we could all use a laugh.

Dwight GarnerAlexandra Jacobs and 

When it comes to fiction, humor is serious business. If tragedy appeals to the emotions, wit appeals to the mind. “You have to know where the funny is,” the writer Sheila Heti says, “and if you know where the funny is, you know everything.” Humor is a bulwark against complacency and conformity, mediocrity and predictability.

對小說來說,幽默是嚴肅的事。 如果說悲劇訴諸情感,那麼機智則訴諸心靈。 “你必須知道有趣的地方,”作家希拉·赫蒂說,“如果你知道有趣的地方,你就知道了一切。” 幽默是抵禦自滿、從眾、平庸和可預測性的堡壘。
