2024年3月15日 星期五

0404 2020金門,還有機會回歸福建省.....NHK 文圖 China Coast Guard navigates for first time in Taiwan's 'prohibited waters'

China Coast Guard navigates for first time in Taiwan's 'prohibited waters'

Chinese Coast Guard vessels have entered what Taiwan calls "prohibited waters" near the Kinmen Islands, effectively controlled by Taiwan. Taiwan's media say it is the first time China Coast Guard ships, which fall under the command of the country's military, have entered the waters.



Francesco del Cossa - Wikipedia
The son of a stonemason in Ferrara, little is known about his early works, although it is known that he travelled outside of Ferrara in his late twenties or early thirties.


China Coast Guard navigates for first time in Taiwan's 'prohibited waters'

Chinese Coast Guard vessels have entered what Taiwan calls "prohibited waters" near the Kinmen Islands, effectively controlled by Taiwan. Taiwan's media say it is the first time China Coast Guard ships, which fall under the command of the country's military, have entered the waters.

阮偉明:不只一次體會,幫助別人,最後受益的是自己。Dr. Jeremy Faust: "We line up, kind of like a breadline in every hospital, 'Here's your mask.'"

阮偉明:不只一次體會,幫助別人,最後受益的是自己。Dr. Jeremy Faust: "We line up, kind of like a breadline in every hospital, 'Here's your mask.'"

"We are certainly rationing. I've never seen anything like that. We line up, kind of like a breadline in every hospital, 'Here's your mask.'...

張旺山: 作為「凝結了起來的精神」的機器與機械:論韋伯的「時代診斷」的一個核心構想
2020春末,當找一天來漢清講堂談M. Weber (保持 social distancing)。
現代哲學家似乎少談"時代診斷"了。…… 更多


張旺山: 作為「凝結了起來的精神」的機器與機械:論韋伯的「時代診斷」的一個核心構想

張教授, 近來好嗎? 2020春末,當找一天來漢清講堂談M. Weber (保持 social distancing)。 建議題目是您在《思想史》創刊號發表的論文。 現代哲學家似乎少談"時代診斷"了。 張旺山 作為「凝結了起來的精神」的機器與機械:論韋伯....

英文報紙愛說笑:"'The fact we don't have enough on hand is a problem. We have two big shortages: PPE and (coronavirus) testing kids.'" 我們手頭不夠的事實是一個問題。 我們有兩個嚴重的短缺:PPE和(冠狀病毒)檢測孩子。”


China imported more than 2billion masks in January and February
China secured more than two billion masks and 25 million pieces of protective clothing from overseas before the coronavirus outbreak reached pandemic levels, it has been revealed.



Fyodor Dostoyevsky 白痴 Darmstadt Madonna, with donor portraits, on a Holbein carpet. 1525–26 and 1528.

费.陀思妥耶夫斯基全集. 第9-10卷, 白痴 / 陈燊主编 ; 张捷, 郭奇格译 no.1 Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, p.101 "您臉上有一種特殊的神情,就像收藏在德累斯頓的霍爾拜因畫的那幅聖母像。這就是我對您面相的看法。" 费.陀思妥耶夫斯基全集. 第....

目 次
一 圖書館楊館長序 …… 更多

Werner Herzog, a man of extremes | DW | 30.11.2019
An self-taught cinema visionary and an extraordinary storyteller who achieved world fame: legendary director Werner Herzog has made over 60 films. In 2019, he will once again be honored for his lifetime achievement. We meet him in Munich.



美國總統的危機期間領導學; Dismissed U.S. carrier captain gets hero's ovation from crew
The captain of a U.S. aircraft carrier relieved of his command after seeking stronger measures in response to a coronavirus ...

Claire Zammit
The Golden Age Of Illustration

Heath Robinson Museum
4月1日下午9:15 ·

Is anyone else running out of quarantine activities?? How about a round of window-sill cricket?
This image was published in 'The Sketch' in 1933 in a series ca…… 更多



3M公司:"國際商譽 vs 美國忠誠";Trudeau says the White House’s order would result in “significant humanitarian implications”.
The president is directing FEMA to prevent the export of N95 masks and surgical gloves. PBS.ORG Trump uses law to prevent export of medical ...



Oscar-Claude Monet 1926.12.5 過世,胡適旅英,日記有剪報

Monet 1926.12.5 過世,胡適旅英,12.6日記有剪報 Oscar-Claude Monet was a founder of French Impressionist painting, and the most consistent and ...




TW.NEWS.YAHOO.COM 沒戴口罩!墾丁連假湧5萬遊客 醫警告1個月後恐怖下場 - Yahoo奇摩新聞 武漢肺炎疫情碰上清明連假,許多人將掃墓改成 (I'M FEELI...

武漢,人間煉獄 XXX :Wuhan begins to return to everyday life、中国の武漢封鎖、70万人の感染防いだ可能性 (論文);武漢の居住区管理徹底求める 感染「第2波」警戒


武漢,人間煉獄 XXX :Wuhan begins to return to everyday life、中国の武漢封鎖、70万人の感染防いだ可能性 (論文);武漢の居住区管理徹底求める 感染「第2波」警戒

武漢,人間煉獄 XXX : 検索結果 ウェブ検索結果 中国、武漢の居住区管理徹底求める 感染「第2波」警戒:時事ドット ... www.jiji.com › 国際 13 時間前 - 【北京時事】新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大が最初...

近6點醒來,半島電視台職播:"The White House 正在直播。
Press briefing with the Coronavirus Task Force at 5:00 p.m. ET."
內容對"非我們的外國人"當然沒新意,但是我喜歡這種"5人vs 記者"的制度。.....就工商業而言,總統對3M公司(約1972年起生產醫療口罩 VS 台灣的中衛70年前)不爽,有點冤枉啊.......
CNN Business
3M said it is willing to comply with President Trump's order to manufacture and supply more N95 masks for the US. But the company took issue with the administration's additional request that it cease exporting respirators to Canada and to Latin America.
3M: We'll make more N95 masks for the US but we need to keep exporting them
3M: We'll make more N95 masks for the US but we need to keep exporting them
