2024年3月15日 星期五

0325 2020 Astérix 《亭午之鷹》1996 瑤光星散為鷹 楊牧 (1940年9月6日-2020.3.13)

Start-Ups Jump the Gun on Home Kits for Coronavirus Testing. screening kits are in short supply and hospitals are short of beds. Rumble: Short on Laughs, Big on Frustration


Start-Ups Jump the Gun on Home Kits for Coronavirus Testing. screening kits are in short supply and hospitals are short of beds. Rumble: Short on Laughs, Big on Frustration

Start-Ups Jump the Gun on Home Kits for Coronavirus Testing By NATASHA SINGER After a federal warning, companies have...



bomber, tags, price tag, a Price Tag on a Life? blood money, dog tag, Ear tag

Can We Put a Price Tag on a Life? The Shutdown Forces a New Look By EDUARDO PORTER and JIM TANKERSLEY President Trump ...

2017紀念 Le Corbusier 和王錦堂 "Le Corbusier, the Artist – Works from Six Decades"‎‏ 2017紀念 Le Corbusier 和王錦堂 7 講:漏網之魚;柯比意130歲紀念特展/ Le Corbusier : Exposition rétrospective du père fondateur de l’architecture moderne
Le Corbusier 基金會 Slides showThe Architectural Work of Le Corbusier. An exceptional contribution to the Modern Movement.


2017紀念 Le Corbusier 和王錦堂 "Le Corbusier, the Artist – Works from Six Decades"‎‏ 2017紀念 Le Corbusier 和王錦堂 7 講:漏網之魚;柯比意130歲紀念特展/ Le Corbusier : Exposition rétrospective du père fondateur de l

Le Corbusier 基金會 Slides showThe Architectural Work of Le Corbusier. An exceptional contribution to the Modern Movement. htt...

黃詩芸(Alexa Huang) 著《莎士比亞的中國旅行:從晚清到21世紀》Chinese Shakespeares: Two Centuries of Cultural Exchange 《中文莎士比亞:兩世紀的文化交流 》


黃詩芸(Alexa Huang) 著《莎士比亞的中國旅行:從晚清到21世紀》Chinese Shakespeares: Two Centuries of Cultural Exchang 中文莎士比亞:兩世紀的文化交流e

中文莎士比亞:兩世紀的文化交流 Alexa HUANG - Shaksreen contributor shakscreen.org › contributors › alexa_huang Alexa Huang is the author of Chinese Shakesp...

中國“沉默帶原者”的數量可能高達30%;韓國可能早一步就掌握了這些“沉默帶原者”:。執行“世界上最廣泛、組織最嚴密的檢測計劃,並努力隔離感染者和追踪和隔離與他們有聯繫的人:Trump seeks South Korea's help for medical equipment to tackle COVID-19



(德國之聲中文網) 雖然大部份受到新冠病毒感染的人會在5天內開始出現症狀。 但在某些情況下,潛伏期可能長達3週。 而不同國家的衛生機構對於處理無症狀感染的的方式也各異。 根據《南華早報》引用中國政府數據,中國“....



《亭午之鷹》1996 瑤光星散為鷹 楊牧 (1940年9月6日-2020.3.13),本名王靖獻,臺灣花蓮人,臺灣著名詩人、散文家、評論家、 翻譯家、學者。 一首詩的完成 ,語言:繁體中文,ISBN:957952534X,頁數:222,出版社:洪範,作者..

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武漢,人間煉獄XIX:Opinion | China Is Not a Coronavirus Role Model.The measures, while effective, came at a great cost to people’s livelihoods and liberties.


武漢,人間煉獄XIX:Opinion | China Is Not a Coronavirus Role Model.The measures, while effective, came at a great cost to people’s livelihoods and liberties.
武漢,人間煉獄 IXX: 中國疾控中心一位知情人表示,疾控部門隊伍暫緩撤退,是國家層面對武漢、湖北情況暫時不放心,讓防疫隊停留幾日,保持戒備。其中較令人擔心的是無症狀新冠病毒感染者的情況。 *** Workers with containers...



FDA approves first US coronavirus treatment:從康復患者的血漿中測出抗體,可以有效治療患者
FDA approves first US coronavirus treatment: Doctors across the US can now treat the sickest Americans with plasma from recovered patient...



中國的口罩外交銳不可擋?當心其"論述"..... EU fires warning shot at China in coronavirus battle of the narratives
The EU's top diplomat warned of China's "politics of generosity", amid growing unease over Beijing's strategy to help certai...



The Decameron 十日談;The New Decameron.
TOWNANDCOUNTRYMAG.COM Decameron and Chill? Why a 14th-Century Italian Masterpiece Is on Everyone's Qua...

2020 coronavirus pandemic in Spain
Andalusia:Coronavirus cancels Spain's Easter parad...


2020 coronavirus pandemic in Spain
真是不可思議的Wiki,很詳細 2020 coronavirus pandemic in Spain - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org › wiki › 2020_coronavirus_pande... The 2019–20 coronavirus p...

Albert Uderzo: Asterix co-creator and illustrator dies aged 92Notre Astérix gaulois réussira-t-il à intimider Tintin le Belge ?
1979年我的英國同學 (牛津畢業)看我在看Asterix ,他笑說,他們高中學法文時,用它們當教科書。
Albert Uderzo: Asterix co-creator and illustrator dies aged 92


Albert Uderzo: Asterix co-creator and illustrator dies aged 92Notre Astérix gaulois réussira-t-il à intimider Tintin le Belge ?
1979年我的英國同學 (牛津畢業)看我在看 Asterix ,他笑說,他們高中學法文時,用它們當教科書。 Albert Uderzo: Asterix co-creator and illustrator dies aged 92 Image copyright ...
