2024年3月4日 星期一

歐洲真實的犯罪、偵探故事兩則 : 雀巢公司工廠(瑞士弗里堡州雀巢咖啡(Nespresso))走私毒品案。隱身柏林當數學家教 廿五年陳思宏 。三島。 0810 2011 三Richie 日本日記

晚2130 逛書店 猶豫要不要買 鄭板橋 只因其中稱台灣為省

Passionate Minds 和德希達 無賴

《馬克‧吐溫 自傳》Autobiography of Mark Twain

哀其女 (書末)和序 死後出版他才可無保留表答
散步 去法學院取2今周刊 主提是foxconn 很無趣 2月前目標143元 現在.....

晚上讀The Japan Journals: 1947-2004 《日本日記》Donald Richie

此為佳作 相當感人 雖然譯本有些不習慣 跳著看 許多生與"死ㄅ"之趣味(如青年在Kamakura 圓覺寺對面的宿舍的創作......)和悲哀 ("新天皇"的登車儀式.....三島/川康的生死 朋友之死 小人物文夫 之弟的喪禮......) 他與賴世和對日本文化的了解與接受.....在在令人沉思


David Kerridge 教授的兩封信都貼在台灣戴明圈

托克維爾 (Alexis de Tocqueville)

Alexis de Tocqueville: French politician and writer of the classic Democracy in America (1805-1859)

美國的民主 上下 秦修明譯 香港:今日世界1966


歲末懷念友人: Jean-Marie Gogue

上周,接到法國友人 Jean-Marie Gogue的賀卡(12 10 日寄出)。注意到郵花改變相當多:Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-59) 價碼為0.9歐元。)





下午錦坤要來,就拿出王昭華的 CD : 首張台語創作專籍》。Ken 已買《七大冊 戴震全集》和一本段玉裁文集


他問我的書進度 我說上上月90%,上月91%...漫長的….


他說: 出了一本《國會防腐計》,但是是和公民監督聯盟(公督盟)合作出版的。目前有三、四本書在進行中。--


適之給我《中國文學史選例 第一卷》自卜辭至《呂氏春秋》

《檀弓》選《曾子易》《子夏喪明》《孔子夢奠》《有子言似夫子》《黔敖嗟來》《原壤歌貍首》(周喜歡它甚於《論語 憲問》)

周作人《讀檀弓》》19371月撰 發表於1927 收入《秉燭談》

Dear Hanching,

Thanks for the information about Joyce Orsini's forthcoming book, and
the review of the book on Bayes Theorem.

I think that there is a lot more to be discovered about Bayes Theorem.
It is certainly a very important practical tool. For example, my email
is scanned for spam by a programme based on Bayes Theorem. But I rather
suspect it is not being used correctly - and still works.

In 1964 I was a Research Fellow, and two of us were investigating
methods of medical diagnosis. In other words, trying to develop
statistical rules for guessing what illness a patient is suffering from,
based on a limited number of tests or symptoms.

We found a paper, written by a computer scientist, that claimed to use
Bayes Theorem in medical diagnosis. But his method did not allow for the
obvious fact that different symptoms are not statistically independent.

We were shocked at such ignorance, and misuse of statistical theory. So
we set out to compare all the best methods we could find, including new
ones we developed ourselves, based on multivariate logistic analysis,
and another based on comparing each case with all the data in a

Sad to say, the "wrong" method, based on bad theory, worked at least as
well as the other methods, though which worked best, for a particular
disease, depended on the sample size available. Ours was better for
large samples.

It seems that a simple, even a wrong model, can equal or sometimes beat
a better model with fewer parameters. I later found out that Norman
Bailey, at Oxford, had discovered the same thing in a different problem
(multiple regression), but found it so shocking that he did not publish

The point I am making is that "correct theory" does not guarantee better
results in practice, and vice versa. Statistical theory hasn't caught up
with this fact yet, as far as I know.

I will try to explain the difference between the way Sir Harold Jeffreys
and W Edwards Deming *used* probability, which tells you more than what
they say. But it will take time, as I like to be thorough.


歐洲真實的犯罪、偵探故事兩則 : 雀巢公司工廠(瑞士弗里堡州雀巢咖啡(Nespresso))走私毒品案。隱身柏林當數學家教 廿五年陳思宏  。三島。

Red Army Faction


The Red Army Faction, also known as the Baader–Meinhof Group or Baader–Meinhof Gang, was a West German far-left militant group founded in 1970 and active until 1998. The RAF described itself as a communist and anti-imperialist urban guerrilla group. Wikipedia
FoundedMay 14, 1970
Active regionsWest Germany; (until 1990); Germany; (from 1990); FranceNetherlandsSweden
IdeologyCommunism; Marxism–Leninism; MaoismRevolutionary socialism; Anti-fascism; Anti-imperialism

柏林寒舍附近,這兩天有大事,警方攻堅,要抓Red Army Faction (RAF,德文Rote Armee Fraktion)竄逃成員。

RAF中文應該是「紅軍派」?德國極左恐怖組織。上週警方在柏林抓到逃匿25年的成員Daniela Klette,低調化名為Claudia,門鈴上沒姓,鄰居皆稱和善,是數學家教老師,就住在一棟平凡的公寓五樓,Checkpoint Charlie附近。



想像一下,如果你是家長,你孩子的數學家教老師上新聞了。而且,她家裡有手榴彈.... 哎喲我的天。警方一定會上門來盤問。




果然她真的躲了25年。我覺得這真是太值得寫成小說,拍成電影了吧,Nina Hoss可以演她。這25年,一定有人資助吧?怎麼化名?怎麼租房子?數學家教真是高招,因為完全是現金交易,無需報稅,無需經過任何機關。這次是怎麼被線報擊潰?我好想知道啊,這好精彩。




巴塞爾是瑞士重要的進出口港口,巴塞爾調查人員核查了這個代碼為MSKU3979536的貨櫃的運輸路線。它於4月28日下午2:44分離開安特衛普,並通過鐵路運輸抵達Swissterminal 倉庫。第二天,貨物被裝上另一列火車,運往雀巢工廠。


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