2024年3月14日 星期四

感動 181 "支援"日本所有"祭Matsuri "典 (文京梅花祭 文京梅まつり、青森......)的開創團隊Matsuri promoter Kato Yuko sees festivals as the soul of Japan, yet many are in danger of disappearing. We follow her as she takes creative steps to promote Japan's festivals and bring cheer.

Watch Live10:30-11:00

Matsuri Promoter Kato Yuko
* Broadcast only --- Matsuri promoter Kato Yuko sees festivals as the soul of Japan, yet many are in danger of disappearing. We follow her as she takes creative steps to promote Japan's festivals and bring cheer.
文京梅花祭 文京梅まつり文京梅花祭在從江戶時代起數百年來就作為著名賞梅景點而備受喜愛的湯島天滿宮(湯島天神)舉辦。 在寺廟內,以白梅「白加賀」為中心,約300株梅花競相綻放。 由於湯島天滿宮供奉著學問之神菅原道真,所以也是備受考生喜歡的景點。Jan 17, 2024
