2024年5月5日 星期日

Kawanabe Kyosai (河鍋暁斎 1831~1889) 的畫法(他的蛙、人體......多寫生之功)。 李維史陀 施特勞斯 《看 聽 讀》中的說法: 英國人拜師、論文影響法國藝術;整個日本傳統、傳說和浮世繪歷史,如Hell Courtesan (Japanese: 地獄太夫, Jigoku Dayū) 、 蛙(frog) 的比喻集 /

Kawanabe Kyosai (河鍋暁斎 1831~1889) 的畫法(他的蛙、人體......多寫生之功)。 李維史陀 施特勞斯 《看 聽 讀》中的說法: 英國人拜師、論文影響法國藝術;整個日本傳統、傳說和浮世繪歷史,如Hell Courtesan (Japanese: 地獄太夫, Jigoku Dayū) 、 蛙(frog) 的比喻集 /《伊索寓言》引進日本,英文版插畫家事是畫《愛麗絲夢遊奇境》的John Tenniel,日本版是Kawanabe Kyosai插畫.....

That touch of time’s passing can even be felt in the way distinctively Western material is transformed. One of Aesop’s fables was illustrated in its Western incarnation in 1848 by John Tenniel (most famous for his work with Lewis Carroll’s books). But when the tale of Hercules and the wagoner was translated into Japanese in 1873, Tenniel’s drawing was translated as well (by Kawanabe Kyosai). Tenniel’s static illustration, subsidiary to the text, is transformed with intense strokes and gestures into a shimmering glimpse of distress.

梁先生在翻譯上,更是質與量並濟,幾年前(2008) ,本基金會設劉振老師紀念獎 Liu Cheng Award 給兩位翻譯者--本基金會致贈紀念品一件,以表崇高敬意。http://demingcircle.blogspot.tw/2008/08/2008_26.html


 這字眼的推廣者的傳記,粱先生翻譯過: 《李維史陀:實驗室裡的詩人》Claude Levi-Strauss: The Poet in the Laboratory)---此書我們開過讀書會討論。所以我暑假請教他。

拼裝(bricolage)此概念最初是由社會人類學家克洛德·列維-史特勞斯(Claude Lévi-Strauss)在1969年所出版的著作《野性的思》 中所提出。他認為修補匠和原始人類解決問題的方法類似:
修補匠喜歡凡事自己動手做,並且會運用手邊現有的工具和材料來完成工作;而當原始人類面對未曾遇過 的問題時,並不會想出新的概念來解決,而是會重新組合並修改現有的方法,以適應這些新的狀況。研究其他學科的思想家與作家也會借用拼裝的概念,討論創意藝 術家、教師以及其他人士是如何修改現存的想法、材料和做法,並再加以運用,以應付新的狀況。借用此概念的學科包括教育、藝術理論、法律,以及經濟學[1]。.....

  他們拓寬我對生命厚度的理解,即使只是渺小的工作,卻散發對生命的堅持與感動。就像法國結構主義人類學大師李維.史陀說:「技藝,是人在宇宙中為自己所找 到的位置。」技藝就像一枝畫筆,彩繪歲月人生的咫尺之圖,技藝更像一片有方向的輕舟,度過人生的春夏秋冬,輕盈,卻踏實。


河鍋 暁斎(かわなべ きょうさい、1831年5月18日天保2年4月7日〉 - 1889年明治22年〉4月26日)は、幕末から明治にかけて活躍した浮世絵師日本画家。号は「ぎょうさい」とは読まず「きょうさい」と読む。それ以前の「狂斎」の号の「狂」を「暁」に改めたものである[1]



Bake-Bake Gakkō (化々學校), or "School for Spooks", woodblock print by Kyōsai. In August 1872, the Meiji government decided to implement a system of compulsory education. In this caricature, both demons (above) and kappa (center) are learning vocabulary concerning their daily life. The former are taught by Shōki the demon queller, dressed in western-style uniform. Some goblins try to enter the school (below), but are blown away by the Wind God.
In this Japanese name, the surname is Kawanabe.

Kawanabe Kyōsai[1] (河鍋 暁斎, May 18, 1831 – April 26, 1889) was a Japanese painter and caricaturist. In the words of art historian Timothy Clarke, "an individualist and an independent, perhaps the last virtuoso in traditional Japanese painting".[2]

Living through the Edo period to the Meiji period, Kyōsai witnessed Japan transform itself from a feudal country into a modern state. Born at Koga, he was the son of a samurai. His first aesthetic shock was at the age of nine when he picked up a human head separated from a corpse in the Kanda river.[3] After working for a short time as a boy with ukiyo-e artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi, he received his formal artistic training in the Kanō school under Maemura Tōwa (前村洞和, ? – 1841), who gave him the nickname "The Painting Demon", but Kyōsai soon abandoned the formal traditions for the greater freedom of the popular school. During the political ferment which produced and followed the revolution of 1867, Kyōsai attained a reputation as a caricaturist. His very long painting on makimono (a horizontal type of Japanese handscroll/scroll) "The battle of the farts" may be seen as a caricature of this ferment. He was arrested three times and imprisoned by the authorities of the shogunate. Soon after the assumption of effective power by the Emperor, a great congress of painters and men of letters was held at which Kyōsai was present. He again expressed his opinion of the new movement in a caricature, which had a great popular success, but also brought him into the hands of the police, this time of the opposite party.[4]

Kyōsai is considered by many to be the greatest successor of Hokusai (of whom, however, he was not a pupil), as well as the first political caricaturist of Japan. His work mirrored his life in its wild and undisciplined nature, and occasionally reflected his love of drink. Although he did not possess Hokusai's dignity, power or reticence, he compensated with a fantastic exuberance, which always lent interest to his technically excellent draughtsmanship.[4]

He created what is considered to be the first manga magazine in 1874: Eshinbun Nipponchi, with Kanagaki Robun. The magazine was heavily influenced by Japan Punch, founded in 1862 by Charles Wirgman, a British cartoonist. Eshinbun Nipponchi had a very simple style of drawings and did not become popular with many people, and ended after just three issues.Renjishi (連獅子), or "Dance of a Pair of Lions", by Kyōsai. Renjishi is a famous dance in the Kabuki theatre.Flowers and Birds (花鳥図), 1881, Exhibited at The second National Industrial Exhibition. Tokyo National MuseumWorks by or about Kawanabe Kyōsai at Internet Archive


kawanabe kyosai 河鍋暁斎 1831~1889

The most important work about Kyōsai's art and life was written by himself: Kyōsai Gadan (暁斎画談), or "Kyōsai's Treatise on Painting", half autobiography and half painting manual. An important contemporary work concerning the artist is Kawanabe Kyōsai-ō den (河鍋暁斎翁伝), or "Biography of the Old Man Kawanabe Kyōsai", by Iijima Kyoshin (飯島虚心). The work was finished in 1899, but published only in 1984.

Many westerners came to visit Kyōsai, and their memoirs about the artist are valuable. The two important ones, both rare, are:Émile Étienne Guimet, Promenades japonaises, Paris, 1880
Josiah Conder, Paintings and Studies by Kawanabe Kyōsai, Tokyo, 1911. Conder was a serious student of Japanese art; after some initial rejections, he was accepted as Kyōsai's pupil, and accompanied him for ten years until the master's death.

The most updated, and easily available, reference to Kyōsai's life and works in English is:Timothy Clark, Demon of painting: the art of Kawanabe Kyōsai, London: Published for the Trustees of the British Museum by the British Museum Press, 1993

エルヴィン・フォン・ベルツErwin von Bälz1849年1月13日 - 1913年8月31日)は、ドイツ帝国医師で、明治時代に日本に招かれたお雇い外国人のひとり。東京帝国大学医科大学の前身となる東京医学校に着任すると、病理学、生理学、薬物学、内科学、産婦人科学、精神医学などを担当、講義だけでなく自ら病理解剖を執刀し、27年に渡り明治期の日本医学界に近代西洋医学を教え、医学発展と基礎を築いた。滞日は29年に及ぶ。



  • ドリス・クロワッサン、若林操子編集解説 『ベルツ・コレクション日本絵画 リンデン美術館蔵』 講談社1991年。図版編と解説編の2分冊。

蛙(frog) 的比喻集 /Benedict Anderson (1936~2015): Freeman Dyson (1923~2020 ): Kawanabe Kyosai的畫。Günter Grass 1927-201 格林兄弟時代以來.....

Günter Grass 1927-2015; 《給不讀詩的人:我的非小說:詩與畫》:例子



William De Morgan's Tiles

Rob Higgins is the author of several books on William De Morgan and

The legendary mathematical physicist Freeman Dyson described himself as a frog, not a bird, as he enjoyed jumping from pool to pool, studying details deep in the mud. In his own words, he was “obsessed with the future.”


Remembering the Unstoppable Freeman Dyson

Freeman Dyson — physicist, mathematician, writer and idea factory — d

the Frog Pond Haiku by Matsuo Bashō (松尾 芭蕉 1644~94)
古池や蛙飛びこむ水の音 furu ike ya / kawazu tobikomu / mizu no oto
an ancient pond / a frog jumps in / the splash of water [1686]

furu ike ya / kawazu tobikomu / mizu no oto
an ancient pond / a frog jumps in / the splash of water

the frog-boiling nature of living
Mr Mueller described a level of presidential misbehaviour that would be shocking were it not for the frog-boiling nature of living through the Trump presidency

The legendary mathematical physicist Freeman Dyson (1923~2020) described himself as a frog, not a bird, as he enjoyed jumping from pool to pool, studying details deep in the mud. In his own words, he was “obsessed with the future.”

Freeman Dyson loved exploring new ideas and asking questions.
.In his youth, Dyson worked at the Institute at the same time as Albert Einstein and J. Robert Oppenheimer, but they didn’t impress him at all. Instead, he found his young colleagues most inspirational.

Disturbing The Universe

Infinite in All Directions:
Gifford Lectures Given at Aberdeen, Scotland April-November 1985

The Scientist as Rebel (New York Review Books 2008)

Maker of Patterns: An Autobiography Through Letters (2018)

睡前讀A Life Beyond Boundaries: A Memoir by Benedict Anderson (1936~2015), 2016,有點欲罷不能(雖然是學思過程,有許多"當地人"的現場教育、友情,以及一流的師長同事......)。提醒眼力有限。雖然下單買中文本以備.....英文版有索引,很適合我喜歡跳讀的習慣,譬如說。讀書前設想要介紹兩位西方人研究印尼的高手,原來輩分有別;無意間聽到A. B.說,古希臘沒Power觀念...... 。

A Life Beyond Boundaries: A Memoir by Benedict Anderson (1936~2015), 2016
Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism (1983)


A Life Beyond Boundaries: A Memoir
An intellectual memoir

author of The Spectre of Comparisons: Nationalism, Southeast Asia, and the World and Imagined Communities.

"群體史縮斂成一故事,特別重要。秉持此一精神,Benedict Anderson (1991)論到,”國家感”牽涉到建立在透過一遺忘,發明,和詮釋的審慎結合,對"建構的歷史之想像共同體"的了解。" James March (2010)

Marcie Middlebrooks/評Benedict Anderson回憶錄A Life Beyond Boundaries

A Japanese menagerie: animal pictures by Kawanabe Kyosai, British Museum Press (2006)

"Famous Heroes of the Kabuki Stage Played by Frogs (1798-1861)" by Utagawa Kuniyoshi, circa 1875. 歌川國芳:悪魔の浮世絵


APELES MESTRES i Oñós. Primavera nueva / ilustración del poema "Liliana," 1905.

Gnomes dancing with Frogs. Can't beat that!

European Fire-Bellied Toad and Yellow-Bellied Toad from Brehms Tierleben Vol 1, illustrator
Joseph Fleischmann, Leipzig, Vienna Bibliographisches Institut 1920

Childcraft: The How and Why Library (Volume 1) - Poems and Rhymes. Published by World Book / Childcraft International in 1979. Illustration by Charley Harper.

Fossil Shows Cold-Blooded Frogs Lived on Warm Antarctica

Apel·les Mestres i Oñós (1854 - 1936)
"The frog concert" Illustration for the poem «Liliana» 1905, Drawing, pen and ink on paper, Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya

Utagawa Kuniyoshi - Famous Heroes of the Kabuki Stage Played by Frogs, about 1860 (the source says 1875 but Kuniyoshi died in 1861)
280 歌川國芳:悪魔の浮世絵

In 1993, the Sound Exchange record store in Austin, Texas commissioned Johnston to paint a mural of the Hi, How Are You? frog (also known as "Jeremiah the Innocent") from the album's cover.[21] After the record store closed in 2003,....As of 2018, the building houses a Thai restaurant called "Thai, How Are You".

Daniel Dale Johnston (January 22, 1961 – September 10, 2019) was an American singer-songwriter and visual artist regarded as a significant figure in outsider, lo-fi, and alternative music scenes.
2019年三月在奧斯汀。Daniel Johnston著名的壁畫。



The Quack Frog. Arthur Rackham illustration for a 1912 edition of AESOP’S FABLES.

第一次讀到此詩的原文,是20世紀末幾年,跟蕭志強老師學日文時。他認為詩歌是很好的入門教材,所以在前幾堂就教它。日本 心得帖: 「古池や蛙飛びこむ水の音」(ふるいけやかわずとびこむみずのおと)的一些回憶

Cat Catching A Frog. Kawanabe Kyosai 河鍋曉齋 1831~89 GuimetUnderground 🖼 kawanabe kyosai的畫

2016年5月30日 ·
痩せ蛙 负けるな 一茶ここにあり

Friedrich Karl Baumgarten (1883-1966)
Illustration for the German folksong "Das Wandern ist des Müllers Lust" (Rambling is the Miller's Joy)
Das Wandern ist des Müllers Lust - Kinderlieder zum Mitsingen | Sing Kinderlieder

Frog and Toad. Written and Illustrated by Arnold Lobel.

The Frog Prince,
"The Frog asks to be allowed to enter the Castle", illustration for The Frog Prince, 1874

Feodor Rojankovsky illustrations for "Frog Went A-Courtin’", 1956

Altes museum, Berlin. Roman Oil Lamps

Benedict Anderson 的 《比較的幽靈:民族主義、東南亞與世界》(The Spectre of Comparisons: Nationalism, Southeast Asia, and the World)扉頁引(Vladimir Mayakovsky ,1893~1930) 詩

口號! (《 馬雅可夫斯基夏天在別墅中的一次奇遇》)

「日本第一美蛙」的稀有種奄美石川蛙(Odorrana splendida),現正在鹿兒島縣奄美大島的夜間溪流中,響徹著「啾啾」般優美的鳴叫聲。

(ふるいけや かはづとびこむ みずのおと) 『蛙合』

台北樹蛙Taipei tree frog- 维基百科

The Quack Frog. Arthur Rackham illustration for a 1912 edition of AESOP’S FABLES.

《北美蛙鳴》(Sounds of North American Frogs) By Charles Mitchill Bogert (June 4, 1908 – April 10, 1992)

Marcel Pille in La Mandragore (The Mandrake) (1899) by Jean Lorrain

Australian illustrator, Ida Rentoul Outhwaite (1888-1960)


2013年9月8日 ·






