2023年3月6日 星期一

女力 (2023 三月直播專欄)......:大綱 13. Personal History (台灣有簡譯本) is the 1997 autobiography of Washington Post publisher Katharine Graham. 紐約時報訃聞84歲2001 12. Christiane Amanpour speaks with Iran's Foreign Minister | CNN 11. Cosima Wagner (1837~1930) 10. : 讀《懷德海對話錄》Alfred North Whitehead (1861 - 1947) 新潮文庫41 (1970))(黎登鑫譯):書中的懷德海夫人Evelyn Wade, 1865-1950;自由傳教;希臘悲劇《特洛伊婦女》......;9. 再談 Virginia Woolf 吳爾夫、《喬治‧ 桑與福樓拜 》 George Sand 2023、漢清講堂227 《喬治‧ 桑與福樓拜 》 2018 8. Bauhaus Women 女傑們:Marianne Brandt Gunta Stölzl Anni ALBERS...... 漢清講堂 206 包浩斯群英(BAUHAUS, 1919-1933) 7. Marilyn Monroe. 1. 畫家/作家父女:色聲:Marc Chagall Henri Matisse 、2.吳爾夫 Virginia Woolf 3.《 女性自畫像文化史》4 古希臘薩福 到 Paris was a woman. 5.古埃及Hatshepsut法王到武則天. 6. 尼泊爾武尼

女力 (2023 三月直播專欄)......:大綱 13.   Personal History (台灣有簡譯本) is the 1997 autobiography of Washington Post publisher Katharine Graham. 紐約時報訃聞84歲2001    12. Christiane Amanpour speaks with Iran's Foreign Minister | CNN     11. Cosima Wagner (1837~1930)  10. : 讀《懷德海對話錄》Alfred North Whitehead (1861 - 1947) 新潮文庫41 (1970))(黎登鑫譯):書中的懷德海夫人Evelyn Wade, 1865-1950;自由傳教;希臘悲劇《特洛伊婦女》......;9.  再談 Virginia Woolf 吳爾夫、《喬治‧ 桑與福樓拜 》  George Sand  2023、漢清講堂227 《喬治‧ 桑與福樓拜 》 2018   8.  Bauhaus Women 女傑們:Marianne Brandt   Gunta Stölzl  Anni ALBERS......  漢清講堂  206 包浩斯群英(BAUHAUS, 1919-1933)   7.    Marilyn Monroe.  1. 畫家/作家父女:色聲:Marc Chagall Henri Matisse 、2.吳爾夫 Virginia Woolf   3.《 女性自畫像文化史》4   古希臘薩福 到 Paris was a woman.       5.古埃及Hatshepsut法王到武則天. 6. 尼泊爾武尼 


Personal History is the 1997 autobiography of Washington Post publisher Katharine Graham. It won the 1998 Pulitzer Prize for Biography or Autobiography...
2 KB (195 words) - 12:03, 20 October 2022


Katharine Graham of Washington Post Dies at 84


Christiane Amanpour speaks with Iran's Foreign Minister | CNN
https://www.cnn.com › videos › 2023/03/01 › amanpour...


In an exclusive interview, Christiane Amanpour speaks with Hossein Amir-Abdollahian about protests in Iran, the government's brutal ...
CNN · 4 days ago

11. Francesca Gaetana Cosima Wagner
Francesca Gaetana Cosima Wagner (née Liszt; 24 December 1837 – 1 April 1930) was the daughter of the Hungarian composer and pianist Franz Liszt and Franco-German romantic author Marie d'Agoult.

大綱:2023 三月的女力直播專欄......:1. 畫家/作家父女:色聲:Marc Chagall Henri Matisse 、2.吳爾夫 Virginia Woolf 3.《 女性自畫像文化史》4 古希臘薩福 到 Paris was a woman. 5.古埃及Hatshepsut法王到武則天. 6. 尼泊爾武尼....


女力專欄 10. : 讀《懷德海對話錄》Alfred North Whitehead (1861 - 1947) 新潮文庫41 (1970))(黎登鑫譯):書中的懷德海夫人Evelyn Wade, 1865-1950;自由傳教;希臘悲劇《特洛伊婦女》......;歷史中的紳士國王;哥德的威瑪時代;治理藝術該同詩歌;百貨公司之經營。惠特曼;夏濟安《 現代英文選評註 》;《美國詩選》 林以亮 余光中。翻譯界諸賢 Dialogues of Alfred North Whitehead By David R. Godine


1. 畫家/作家父女:色聲:夏卡爾(Marc Chagall 1887~1985) Ida Chagall, (1916~94);馬諦斯(Henri Matisse 1869 1954) Marguerite (1894–1982)。 川端康成 《所愛的人 歲末》



Virginia Woolf: A Modern Mind


158 I. M. Pei (貝聿銘) and Islamic Art Museum 2017-05-19 H.C. Chung
1.2K views5 years ago

157 Virginia Woolf and The Hogarth Press 漢清講堂 2017-05-19
157 views5 years ago

2.吳爾夫 Virginia Woolf 
過世的女傑 新潮文庫中的 居里夫人,數本吳爾夫,林徽音,林太乙......

0301 2023 台北晴天 .....曹永洋來訪;三月的女力直播專欄:畫家/作家父女:色聲.....插畫(March 三月 )_.台大癌醫院 般若科技- SOLAS 公司 (Taiwan Plus 英語台 ) 2008 周六Dr. Joseph M. Juran' Ms. Sontag. 'Regarding the Pain of Others.'' ( Susan Sontag) The Life of Letters of George John Romanes




3. 女性自畫像文化史    Seeing Ourselves: Women's Self-Portraits   By Frances Borzello 2016/2018


"自畫像";"東京藝術大學百年慶"的畫冊; 李叔同;川端康成と東山魁夷;東京美術学校 (旧制) 、東京芸術大学、岡倉覚三(天心)


The Self-Portrait: a Cultural History by James Hall

288pp, Thames & Hudson


---- Frances Borzello (Author)

Seeing Ourselves: Women's Self-Portraits

The first chronicle of the whole story of female self portraiture through the centuries―a key work in the study of women’s art

For centuries, women’s self-portraiture was a highly overlooked genre. Beginning with the self-portraits of nuns in medieval illuminated manuscripts, Seeing Ourselves finally gives this richly diverse range of artists and portraits, spanning centuries, the critical analysis they deserve. In sixteenth-century Italy, Sofonisba Anguissola paints one of the longest series of self-portraits, from adolescence to old age. In seventeenth-century Holland, Judith Leyster shows herself at the easel as a relaxed, self-assured professional. In the eighteenth century, from Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun to Angelica Kauffman, artists express both passion for their craft and the idea of femininity; and the nineteenth century sees the art schools open their doors to women and a new and resonant self-confidence for a host of talented female artists, such as Berthe Morisot. The modern period demolishes taboos: Alice Neel painting herself nude at eighty years old, Frida Kahlo rendering physical pain on the canvas, Cindy Sherman exploring identity, and Marlene Dumas dispensing with all boundaries.

Frances Borzello’s spirited text, now fully revised, and the intensity of the accompanying self-portraits are set off to full advantage in this new edition, now in reading-book format. 180 illustrations, 130 in color


The first chronicle of the whole story of female self portraiture through the centuries―a key work in the study of women's ar


4 古希臘薩福到 Paris was a woman

Paris Was a Woman Full Documentary









拉敏和她的宗教團體的其他成員被稱為“武尼”,屬於一個有800年曆史的佛教派別“竹巴” ——藏語“龍”的意思。在喜馬拉雅地區乃至更廣闊的世界,竹巴信眾正將冥想與武術結合在一起。


"Marilyn Monroe was baptized by Aimée Semple McPherson, analyzed by Anna Freud, befriended by Carl Sandburg and Edith Sitwell, romanced (if you can call it that) by Jack and Bobby Kennedy, painted by Willem de Kooning, taught acting by Michael Chekhov and Lee Strasberg, photographed by Richard Avedon, Cecil Beaton, and Henri Cartier-Bresson. She managed—on the strength of limited dramatic talent and within a studio system that paid no attention to individual ambition—to work with some of the greatest directors in movie history: twice with John Huston, Billy Wilder, and Howard Hawks, and once each with George Cukor, Joseph Mankiewicz, and Laurence Olivier. She was the first Playboy centerfold and one of the first women to own her own production company; she was a nudist and a champion of free love long before these concepts emerged into the national consciousness. She maintained a deep association with the American military that, all on its own, lent her a mythic stature. When the Second World War broke out, she became both a teenage war bride and an actual Rosie the Riveter (long days spent working in the fuselage-varnishing room of the Radioplane plant in Burbank); her first cheesecake photographs were taken in the spirit of “morale boosters” for the boys overseas; her famous appearance in Korea—wriggling onstage in her purple sequined dress, popping her glorious platinum head out of the hatch of the camouflaged touring tank rolling her to the next appearance—remains the standard against which any American sex symbol sent to entertain the troops is measured. She was the first celebrity to talk openly about her childhood sexual abuse, a kind of admission that has become so common today that we hardly take notice of it. But to tell reporters in the 1950s that you had been raped as an 8-year-old—and to do so without shame, but rather with a justifiable sense of fury and vengeance—was a breathtaking act of self-assurance." From "Inventing Marilyn Monroe," by Caitlin Flanagan, in "The Atlantic," March 2013. (Photograph by Ed Feingersh.)
可能是 1 人的黑白圖像

8.Bauhaus 女傑們:Marianne Brandt   Gunta Stölzl  Anni ALBERS .....  


《包浩斯的女性藝術家:45位被遺忘的女性紀錄》突破了狹隘的歷史觀點藩籬,揭露全新的包浩斯樣貌:被大部份歷史書毫無道理地遺忘的四十五位包浩斯女性。 本書更進一步闡述包浩斯如何吸引歐洲甚至全球各地的女性前往,以及如何透過這些國際性的女性設計師、藝術家與建築師,將包浩斯訊息傳遞到全世界的愛好者。

包浩斯中的女性- 維基百科

https://zh.wikipedia.org › zh-tw

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包浩斯教授將美術、工藝和工業藝術以及設計理論相結合,以培養能夠創作出既實用又美觀的作品的藝術家,以迎合日益工業化的世界。這所學校對藝術、建築、平面設計、室內設計 ...
包浩斯簡史 · ‎一些重要的女性藝術家 · ‎爭議 · ‎最近的學術興趣和出版物


https://www.thenewslens.com › article

Mar 15, 2020 — 包浩斯(Bauhaus)可以說是有史以來最具影響力的藝術學校,它試圖改變藝術教學的方式,並從根本上重新思考藝術和設計在社會中的作用。在包浩斯處於重要 ...

包浩斯中重要的3位建築界女性 - 欣傳媒
https://www.xinmedia.com › article

Mar 9, 2020 — 在包浩斯接受培訓的少數女性建築師中最重要之一的維拉.哈娜.艾莉絲.邁耶-瓦爾德克(Wera Hanna Alice Meyer-Waldeck)出生於德勒斯登,1908年 ...

45位被遺忘的女性紀/ 伊莉莎白.奧托、派翠(9789579057561)
https://taiwan.kinokuniya.com › 包...

Link to an enlarged image of 包浩斯的女性藝術家:45位被. NT$580 網上價格. NT$522 KPC價格. 庫存狀態: 缺貨。 需要向出版社/供應商確認庫存。

女力 (2023 三月直播專欄)......:9.  再談 Virginia Woolf 吳爾夫、《喬治‧ 桑與福樓拜 》  George Sand  2023、漢清講堂227 《喬治‧ 桑與福樓拜 》 2018 


再談  George Sand  2023

《喬治‧ 桑與福樓拜 》The George Sand–Gustave Flaubert Letters.…

George Sand and Gustave Flaubert

227 《喬治‧ 桑與福樓拜 》 2018-0509 漢清講堂

