“Most people were heartless about turtles because a turtle’s heart will beat for hours after it has been cut up and butchered. But the old man thought, I have such a heart too.”
“It is good that we do not have to try to kill the sun or the moon or the stars. It is enough to live on the sea and kill our true brothers.”
“Every day is a new day. It is better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then when luck comes you are ready.”
“Why do old men wake so early? Is it to have one longer day?”
― Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea
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梁永安、張華、唐香燕、陳忠信、戴久永、繆詠華、游常山、鍾漢清、張瑞麟、、胡慧玲 (請假;永安寄一本文豪通信集《此刻》)
戴久永老師找到知音; 唐香燕、陳忠信----他們可談養生饅頭、韓劇…….
繆詠華寶刀未老; 五百多頁的法文小說二三天就看完---明年2015書展大家即可 讀到他的翻譯大作;
“羨慕能寫長篇小說的人。長篇小說架構大,必須心思縝密,頭腦清楚,才能妥善安排如跑馬燈般出現的所有人物的來龍去脈, 同時還得多線進行劇情鋪陳。
有點像打緹花毛衣,五顏六色的線彼此纏繞,倏忽層疊交織,倏忽分線進行,但最終作者必須掌握不讓複雜的線路打結, 鬆緊還得拉扯的恰到好處,同時又得編織出美麗的圖案, 最後的收尾更必須毫無破綻,看不到一絲線頭。
游常山是我們此小組之新人----他的台美社會的百科全書式博文 最讓繆驚奇。
張瑞麟最先到: 他說前年和去年各編輯出版了一本藏傳薩迦派的文章,
如:1. 書 名: 榮耀的薩迦: 喜樂的源泉作 者: 薩迦法王作; 張瑞麟等譯出版機構: 密宗薩迦文殊佛學會主題標題: 藏傳佛教; 佛教宗派; 佛教傳記2. 書名:薩迦無盡藏講述:薩迦法王、大寶金剛仁波切、貢噶旺秋仁波切譯者:編譯小組(阿尼確尊、釋法音、張瑞麟居士、馬君美居士、陳維、Bella Chao) 出版發行:中華民國密宗薩迦文殊佛學會出版日期:2013年3月另外,每年不固定的出三本期刊(雜誌)
游常山和唐香燕讓我知道兩位作家; http://hcpeople.blogspot.tw/2014/01/xxviii.html
2014.1.24 戴久永說;”不知不覺的,就已70歲了。”引董橋先生的《停雲》中一段送他;http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/supplement/apple/art/20131215/18551188
關於法國小說,最近這兩年,我讀到最喜歡的一本是「法蘭西組曲」 (聯經出版)。它是未完成的長篇小說, 作者只完成全書不到一半的構想,就被抓進集中營。 我們今天能看見她寫完的部分,簡直像奇蹟一樣。 而看不到她沒寫出來的部分, 就像我們看不到曹雪芹的紅樓夢結尾一樣叫人遺憾。
Dear HC:
Felix Mendelssohn: a 19th Century Mozart
Thursday, April 25, 2013 Enlarge
Each of the great first generation of romantic
pianist-composers had a very specific style of playing that influenced
those who came after them.
Felix Mendelssohn played with little arm movement, curved fingers and he was sparse in using of the pedals. He also favored quick tempos. His music was as transparent as Mozart's, each note requiring an unusual precision. On this edition of The Romantic Piano, we focus more on the music of Felix Mendelssohn.
Felix Mendelssohn played with little arm movement, curved fingers and he was sparse in using of the pedals. He also favored quick tempos. His music was as transparent as Mozart's, each note requiring an unusual precision. On this edition of The Romantic Piano, we focus more on the music of Felix Mendelssohn.
Mendelssohn lived only until the age of 38. Few artists ever
worked harder for the good of the art of music. He one of the first to
perform old and forgotten music. At only 19, he gave the first
performance of Bach's St. Matthew Passion since its premiere in 1736.
Born into a wealthy banking family, early celebrity allowed him to escape many of the worst indignities of anti-Semitism. German Jews of his era rarely attained the peak of their professions without converting to Christianity. So Mendelssohn made a commonplace move, converting to Protestantism around his 19th birthday.
While working tirelessly, he founded major musical festivals in Dusseldorf and in Birmingham, England, as well as founding the Gewandhaus Orchestra in Leipzig. During the 1830s and '40s, he was Germany's greatest conductor by far, and added much to the repertoire to his fledgling ensemble. In addition, he also founded one of the most important music schools of the 19th century, becoming its director - the Leipzig Conservatory of Music.
Felix Mendelssohn: Scherzo a capriccio for Piano in F sharp minor / Vladimir Horowitz
Felix Mendelssohn: 7 Charakterstucke, Op. 7: No. 1. Sanft und mit Empfindung / Benjamin Frith
Felix Mendelssohn: Fantasia for Piano in F sharp minor, Op. 28 "Sonate écossaise"; III Presto / Shura Cherkassky
Felix Mendelssohn: Songs without words, vol 8, Op. 102: no 5, Allegro vivace in A minor "Child's Piece" / András Schiff
Felix Mendelssohn: Variations Sérieuses (17) for Piano in D minor, Op. 54 / Murray Perahia
Felix Mendelssohn: Songs without words, vol 3, Op. 38: no 6, Andante con moto in A flat major "Duetto" / Ignaz Friedman
Mendelssohn-Rachmaninoff: Scherzo from "A Midsummer Night's Dream" / Benno Moiseiwitsch
Felix Mendelssohn: Songs without words, vol 6, Op. 67: no 4, Presto in C major "Spinning Song" / Josef Hofmann
Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel: Allegro di molto / Joanne Polk
Felix Mendelssohn: Songs without words, vol 5, Op. 62: no 6, Andante grazioso in A major "Spring Song" / Vladimir Horowitz
美中不足集 (16): 校史與校史館
Yuko Matsumoto Homepage
The French surrealists had long claimed Lewis Carroll as one of their own, and Aragon published his translation of The Hunting of the Snark[1] in 1929, "shortly before he completed his transition from Snarxism to Marxism", as Martin Gardner puts it.[2] Witness the key stanza of the poem in Aragon's translation:
Gardner, who calls the translation "pedestrian" and deems the rest of
Aragon's writings on Carroll's nonsense poetry full of factual errors,
says that there is no evidence that Aragon intended any of it as a joke.
Born into a wealthy banking family, early celebrity allowed him to escape many of the worst indignities of anti-Semitism. German Jews of his era rarely attained the peak of their professions without converting to Christianity. So Mendelssohn made a commonplace move, converting to Protestantism around his 19th birthday.
While working tirelessly, he founded major musical festivals in Dusseldorf and in Birmingham, England, as well as founding the Gewandhaus Orchestra in Leipzig. During the 1830s and '40s, he was Germany's greatest conductor by far, and added much to the repertoire to his fledgling ensemble. In addition, he also founded one of the most important music schools of the 19th century, becoming its director - the Leipzig Conservatory of Music.
Felix Mendelssohn: Songs without words, vol 1, Op. 19b: no 6, Andante sostenuto "Venetian Gondola Song" / Ignaz FriedmanFelix Mendelssohn: Scherzo a capriccio for Piano in F sharp minor / Vladimir Horowitz
Felix Mendelssohn: 7 Charakterstucke, Op. 7: No. 1. Sanft und mit Empfindung / Benjamin Frith
Felix Mendelssohn: Fantasia for Piano in F sharp minor, Op. 28 "Sonate écossaise"; III Presto / Shura Cherkassky
Felix Mendelssohn: Songs without words, vol 8, Op. 102: no 5, Allegro vivace in A minor "Child's Piece" / András Schiff
Felix Mendelssohn: Variations Sérieuses (17) for Piano in D minor, Op. 54 / Murray Perahia
Felix Mendelssohn: Songs without words, vol 3, Op. 38: no 6, Andante con moto in A flat major "Duetto" / Ignaz Friedman
Mendelssohn-Rachmaninoff: Scherzo from "A Midsummer Night's Dream" / Benno Moiseiwitsch
Felix Mendelssohn: Songs without words, vol 6, Op. 67: no 4, Presto in C major "Spinning Song" / Josef Hofmann
Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel: Allegro di molto / Joanne Polk
Felix Mendelssohn: Songs without words, vol 5, Op. 62: no 6, Andante grazioso in A major "Spring Song" / Vladimir Horowitz
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スコットランドの文豪、サー・ウォルター・スコットが愛した景色「スコッツ・ビュー」。スコットランドにて。(撮影:松本侑子) 『赤毛のアン』シリーズの作者、L・M・モンゴメリも、1911年にカナダから、遙々、この土地を訪れ、日記に書き示しています。 モンゴメリは、少女の頃よりスコット作品を愛読していて、『赤毛のアン』にスコットの詩をたくさん引用しています。 |
美中不足集 (16): 校史與校史館
東海美中不足的事很多,本文可以舉校史館為例。請以”校史館”Google 搜索
,前二頁大約可得十來所大學的 (數位)/校史館。東海的不在其中。
可以寫個人的成長過程或懺情錄。可以寫一群朋友的友情和愛情,如《未央歌》等。可以寫班史(既然有《我們這一班》,當人可寫成書)、系史(如某院士最近介紹的哈佛大學數學系在二十世紀的迎頭趕上歐洲對手等)、院史(如臺大醫學院或管理學院等,都已有出版品) 、校史(通常創校周年出版……‧《南開校史研究叢書‧第十輯》 天津:教育出版社,2013。),群校之史 (譬如說,英國60年的新興大學之史---所謂平板玻璃大學史…….. 。通常的校史之篇幅都很厚重,不過也有很精短有去的,譬如東吳大學的......
校史館的展示方式也可以有許多種,譬如說東海大學將資料放在圖書館的檔案區,建構所謂的虛擬大學校史館。或是臺大有校史館,屬於學校的博物館群,出版諸如《有人要我寫一首關於臺大的情詩》等。也可以像新竹清華大學前一陣子興建完成的「清華名人堂」(2013.12.19 )+http://www.nthu.edu.tw/newsphoto/102news/hotnews-1021230.php。
Yuko Matsumoto Homepage
篇是師父帶進門的介紹. 懂得英文的應參考Wikipedia的另一角度的介紹. The Guardian這篇談到她的傾城: Fearless,
original, striking and, in those early days before she broke with her
mother and the money ran out, rich; no wonder Cunard bowled over so many
of the writers and artists of the period. http://www.theguardian.com/....../nov/16/nancy-cunard-gucci
現實主義者中幾乎沒有女性藝術家, 但我們不能忘記二O年代藝術發展背後的贊助者們, 如前面提到的諾佑夫人支持達利及布紐爾的「黃金時代」;可可‧ 香奈爾的
資助狄亞基列夫的芭蕾舞團,以及模特兒琦琦對曼‧雷的鼎力協助; 南西‧丘納德也是個重要的贊助者, 她認為讓世人認識那些被埋沒的天才是她的使命,而且不管
多困難也不以為苦。南西在諾曼第─沙佩勒地區成立”時間新聞” (Hour
Press)的印刷工作室,她以她的財富支持當時的詩作出版, 當她*是阿拉貢的女友時即出版過阿拉貢翻譯的《斯納克之獵》(" The Hunting of
Snark" by 英國作家─卡羅‧劉易士Carroll Lewis,1832-1898 )。http://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Louis_Aragon
*南西‧丘納德http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Nancy_Cunard
The French surrealists had long claimed Lewis Carroll as one of their own, and Aragon published his translation of The Hunting of the Snark[1] in 1929, "shortly before he completed his transition from Snarxism to Marxism", as Martin Gardner puts it.[2] Witness the key stanza of the poem in Aragon's translation:
“ | Ils le traquèrent avec des gobelets ils le traquèrent avec soin Ils le poursuivirent avec des fourches et de l'espoir Ils menacèrent sa vie avec une action de chemin de fer Ils le charmèrent avec des sourires et du savon |
” |