3)李約瑟問題("The Needham Question")來龍去脈.... Arthur Frederick Wright五零年代末的書評(不同的關懷)劉子健 (James T. C. Liu)(1919—1993) 補充楊牧的概述 「李約瑟問題」 (1984 0626專欄).....李弘祺教授 唐山講座第二回 (2024 0510)的五個心得
劉子健 (James T. C. Liu)(1919—1993),旅美宋史學者。祖籍貴陽,生於上海,曾就讀於清華大學、燕京大學,師從洪業,於1948年赴美。獲得匹茲堡大學博士學位,20世紀50年代,研究重心轉向宋史。1960年,進入史丹佛大學任教。1965年,進入普林斯頓大學任教。劉子健是赴美專攻宋史的代表學者,也是宋史座談會的發起人之一,宋史座談會成立於1963年,此會為兩岸三地宋遼金元史學者互動,以及促進國際學人交流的重要管道。宋史座談會的特色在於講論主題多元,成員的治學背景亦相當廣泛,宋史學界公認劉子健為促進國際宋史交流的重要推手。[1],劉子健的主要專著有《歐陽修的治學與從政》、《中國轉向內在:兩宋之際的文化轉向》、《宋代中國的改革:王安石及其新政》、《兩宋史研究彙編》等。
我指出楊牧在八零年代的台灣報紙專欄,用經濟學家 Boulding 1976 的解釋(自由創造力)……
Arthur Frederick Wright (December 3, 1913 – August 11, 1976) was an American historian and sinologist. He was a professor of history at Yale University.[1] He specialized in Chinese social and intellectual history of the pre-modern period.[2]
Early life[edit]
Wright's undergraduate degrees at Stanford University and Oxford University were followed by further studies at Harvard. He earned a master's degree in 1940; and he was awarded a doctorate in 1947.[2]
Wright and his wife, Mary C. Wright, joined the faculty of Stanford University in 1947; and both were made full professors in 1958. In 1959, Wright and his wife joined the faculty at Yale. In 1961, Wright became the Charles Seymour Professor of History at Yale.[2]
Wright believed that the scholar "should occasionally stand back and contemplate the whole continuum of time and of problems which give meaning to his specialized studies."[3]
Selected works[edit]
In a statistical overview derived from writings by and about Arthur Wright, OCLC/WorldCat encompasses roughly 70+ works in 200+ publications in 6 languages and 8,800+ library holdings.[4]
- Studies in Chinese Thought (1953)
- Buddhism in Chinese History (1957)
- Arthur F. Wright, Denis Twitchett, ed. (1962). Confucian Personalities. Stanford University Press. ISBN 1-896951-88-0.
- Confucianism and Chinese civilization (1964)
- Perspectives on the Tʻang (1973)
- The Sui Dynasty (1978) (about the Sui Dynasty)
- The Confucian Persuasion (1980)
- Studies in Chinese Buddhism (1990)
李弘祺教授 唐山講座第二回(2024 0510)的五個心得: 1) 英文學習及Jonathan Spence (史景遷)老師的說法......2) 管窺台大;耶魯當時的歷史系,畢業生待遇,難題; 人文傳統......、 。3) 李約瑟問題的一點來龍去脈˙ "Needham's Grand Question", also known as "The Needham Question", 補充楊牧的概述.....4) 父親自傳(日本,美國學習心得,台灣做事的經驗……)的“註解”。........
李約瑟難題是一個對於中國歷史發展提出的問題,最早由英國學者李約瑟在1930年代開始研究中國科技史時提出,1976年美國經濟學家肯尼思·博爾丁正式將這個歷史問題稱為「李約瑟難題」(英語:Needham's Grand Question)。其主題是「儘管中國古代對人類科技發展做出了很多重要貢獻,但為什麼科學和工業革命沒有在近代的中國發生?」很多人把李約瑟難題進一步推廣,出現「中國近代科學為什麼落後」、「中國為什麼在近代落後了」等問題,對其爭論一直非常熱烈。「為何科學發生在西方社會?」則是李約瑟問題的反面。
肯尼思·艾瓦特·博爾丁(英語:Kenneth Ewart Boulding,1910年1月18日—1993年3月18日),生於英國英格蘭利物浦,經濟學家,教育學家,和平主義者,詩人,宗教神秘主義者,貴格會教徒,系統論科學家,哲學家。其與其他學者共同創建一般系統論,獨自開闢經濟學和社會科學中諸多研究領域。
- Joseph Needham (1969). The Grand Titration: Science and Society in East and West, p.16, 190.
- ^ ab Joseph Needham (2004). Science and Civilisation in China. Vol. 7 part 2, p.1.
"Needham's Grand Question", also known as "The Needham Question", is this: why had China been overtaken by the West in science and technology, despite their earlier successes? In Needham's words,
“Why did modern science, the mathematization of hypotheses about Nature, with all its implications for advanced technology, take its meteoric rise only in the West at the time of Galileo?”, and why it “had not developed in Chinese civilization” which in the previous many centuries “was much more efficient than occidental in applying” natural knowledge to practical needs? [19] [20]
In October 1988, Needham wrote: “Francis Bacon had selected four inventions, paper and printing, gunpowder, and the magnetic compass, which had done more than (anything else), he thought, to transform completely the modern world and mark it off from the antiquity of the Middle Ages. He regarded the origins of these inventions as ‘obscure and inglorious’ and he died without ever knowing that all of them were Chinese. We have done our best to put this record straight”.[21]