感動我的 (46)人事物記憶:再體驗一張照片:紐約墓地瞭望摩天大樓等城區,参照段義孚的《恐懼》(或譯《恐懼景觀》 作者: [美]段義孚 : 譯林出版社: Landscapes of Fear)。《 體驗建築》 Experiencing Architecture By Steen Eiler Rasmussen 1964及其他著作~~ 墓園是 BROOKLYN-Queens cemetery,請問哪個對?...... 2018.7.1 紐約不完全攻略手冊 照片2013.12.2 。 林世堂:......之前有時瑋來幫忙上體驗建築,溫堅來上財務管理,所以我是很幸福!有如此多好友! *( 多年前)
體驗建築中的一張紐約墓地瞭望摩天大樓等城區,参照段義孚的《恐懼》(或譯《恐懼景觀》 作者: [美]段義孚 : 譯林出版社原作名: Landscapes of Fear)。
學期剛開始,先讓我介紹一些觀念及大致流程,然後輔以您的實務,如此就非常棒!所以應該先暫定在4月底左右。 謝謝您情義相挺,之前有時瑋來幫忙上體驗建築,溫堅來上財務管理,所以我是很幸福!有如此多好友!
《體驗建築 》Experiencing Architecture, By Steen Eiler Rasmussen 1964及其他著作2018.7.1 紐約不完全攻略手冊 照片2013.12.2
體驗建築 Experiencing Architecture, By Steen Eiler Rasmussen 1964及其他著作
體驗建築 Experiencing Architecture, By Steen Eiler Rasmussen
Experiencing Architecture, Second Edition
By Steen Eiler Rasmussen
Widely regarded as a classic in the field, Experiencing Architecture explores the history and promise of good design. Generously illustrated with historical examples of designing excellence—ranging from teacups, riding boots, and golf balls to the villas of Palladio and the fish-feeding pavilion of Beijing’s Winter Palace—Rasmussen’s accessible guide invites us to appreciate architecture not only as a profession, but as an art that shapes everyday experience.
In the past, Rasmussen argues, architecture was not just an individual pursuit, but a community undertaking. Dwellings were built with a natural feeling for place, materials and use, resulting in “a remarkably suitable comeliness.” While we cannot return to a former age, Rasmussen notes, we can still design spaces that are beautiful and useful by seeking to understand architecture as an art form that must be experienced. An understanding of good design comes not only from one’s professional experience of architecture as an abstract, individual pursuit, but also from one’s shared, everyday experience of architecture in real time—its particular use of light, color, shape, scale, texture, rhythm and sound.
Experiencing Architecture reminds us of what good architectural design has accomplished over time, what it can accomplish still, and why it is worth pursuing. Wide-ranging and approachable, it is for anyone who has ever wondered “what instrument the architect plays on.”
About the Author
Steen Eiler Rasmussen was Professor of Architecture at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen and Visiting Professor at M.I.T., Yale, Pennsylvania, and the University of California, Berkeley, and lectured widely at universities in Europe and the United States. He was author of London: The Unique City, called "the best book on London as a town,” and other books.
體驗建築Rasmussen, Steen Eiler, 1898-1990. 漢寶德譯 台北:台隆,1970; 2000.11 13版/刷中國譯本比漢先生翻譯的多一幅紐約照片,如下,是原書扉頁的照片。書中名詞絕少附原文,很難進一步深究。 版主,請教,請幫忙: 這張照片,原作說墓園是 BROOKLYN-Queens cemetery,請問哪個對?又,可否幫忙找出類似角度的"近照? The United Nation from a Queens cemetery. December 1951. Photo: Andreas Feininger. 版主,請教,請幫忙:http://hccart.blogspot.tw/....../experiencing...... 這張照片,原作說墓園是 BROOKLYN-Queens cemetery, 請問哪個對?又,可否幫忙找出類似角度的"近照? The United Nation from a Queens cemetery. December 1951. Photo: Andreas Feininger. 紐約不完全攻略手冊 鍾老師,有條278公路我們稱為BQE(Brooklyn Queens Expressway),是連接僅一線之隔的Queens跟Brooklyn的快速道路。在這路上就可以看到前面墓地後方曼哈頓天際線的畫面。 然而,這本書的瞭解還牽涉到太多其他方面的障礙。 重讀 Experiencing Architecture (66年前的書,採用文字描寫色彩,偏偏,色彩是建築的"要素",而字母系統的顏色和漢字,很難對應的.....),其實,這種書,四十多年前的我,哪看得懂。舉個例,書中提到1919年的德國默片Dr. Caligari's Cabinet (立體主義實驗),那年,根本無法像現在到YouTube看英文版。......更不提,書中提到的20年代 "....Pessac. In 1926, they could experienced as one huge color composition." (p.96)...... 譬如說,第2章引Dickens 的文字之描繪,無法形容出 Shrewsbury的建築特色。 我們可以查Wikipedia,了解 timber framing from the 15th and 16th centuries 建築的表面。 如果要深入了解迪耿斯與Shrewsbury的關係,網頁有他住的Lion Hotel等資訊,然而,這部是我們要的。 Writings[edit]A prolific writer, Rasmussen's bibliography was published by librarian Finn Slente in 1973. One of his most important books was London. It was first published in Danish in 1934, in English (as London, the Unique City) in 1937. When this edition was re-issued in 1948, Rasmussen had added two Postscripts: "For English readers only", and "For American readers only". A shorter version was published as a paperback in 1960. Other influential books by Rasmussen are Towns and Buildings (1951), and Experiencing Architecture (1959). It has been stated[citation needed] that every English and American city-planner knows his "Rasmussen". Among his many friends was Edmund N. Bacon. 近代ロンドン物語 : 都市と建築の近代史Rasmussen, Steen Eiler, 1898-1990. 兼田啟一東京都 : 中央公論美術出版 平成4[1992]可在 總圖 (545.1941 5042 )獲得