2023年12月24日 星期日

感動(79):《白鯨記 之道 》專題 (2,2023) :《白鯨記 42 白鯨之白 ( "The Whiteness of the Whale,")》作品的「靈視之中心"visionary center" 」莫比·敵克,一頭白色的抹香鯨。種名macrocephalus意為「大頭」。文化史中的白:白象;白髮 ; 親身南極體驗信天翁; 白野馬傳奇The Legend of the Pacing White Mustang ;THE 'WHITE HOOD' REBELLION IN GHENT ;大白鯊; Polar bear The White Tower ;哈次(Harz)山區 ;White Mountains New Hampshire;white noise. 聖心聖殿 ;冬至湯圓(紅白);哥川廣重 江戶名所之"白"。日本橋雪晴


 感動(79):《白鯨記  之道 》專題 (2,2023) :《白鯨記 42   白鯨之白 (  "The Whiteness of the Whale,")》作品的「靈視之中心"visionary center" 」莫比·敵克,一頭白色的抹香鯨。種名macrocephalus意為「大頭」。文化史中的白:白象;白髮 ; 親身南極體驗信天翁; 白野馬傳奇The Legend of the Pacing White Mustang  ;THE 'WHITE HOOD' REBELLION IN GHENT ;大白鯊; Polar bear  The White Tower ;哈次(Harz)山區 ;White Mountains  New Hampshire;white noise.聖心聖殿 ;


冬至湯圓(紅白);哥川廣重  江戶名所之"白"。 

La Madonna della Pietà
Our Lady of Piety
The statue features Mary holding Jesus's dead body

The Madonna della Pietà (Italian: [pjeˈta]; 1498–1499), informally known as La Pietà, is a marble sculpture of Jesus and Mary at Mount Golgotha representing the "Sixth Sorrow" of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Michelangelo Buonarroti, now in Saint Peter's BasilicaVatican City. It is a key work of Italian Renaissance sculpture and often taken as the start of the High Renaissance.

感動(78):《白鯨記  之道 》專題 (1,2023) :《白鯨記 22   聖誕快樂》冬至湯圓(紅白)到There is a Land of Pure Delight《白鯨記 42   白鯨之白  》。Rockwell_Kent等(插)畫名家 : Moby Dick or The Whale – Herman Melville (Chicago: Lakeside Press and New York: Random House, 1930), 哥川廣重  江戶名所之"白"。 

A white elephant at the Amarapura Palace in 1855

該術語源自緬甸、泰國(暹羅)、寮國和柬埔寨的東南亞君主飼養的神聖白象。[2] 擁有一頭白像被認為——在泰國和緬甸仍然被認為——是君主以正義和權力統治的標誌,也是王國和平與繁榮的標誌。 擁有如此體型的野獸的人所期望的財富是巨大的。 君主經常在其正式頭銜中展​​示他們擁有白象(例如,Hsinbyushin,字面意思是“白象之主”和貢榜王朝的第三位君主)。[3] 由於這些動物被認為是神聖的,而且法律保護它們免受勞動,因此從君主那裡收到白象禮物既是一種祝福也是一種詛咒。 這是一種祝福,因為這種動物是神聖的,是君主青睞的標誌;也是一種詛咒,因為接受者現在擁有一頭維護成本高昂的動物,他無法贈送,也無法投入太多實際用途。

在西方,「白象」一詞與未能達到預期的昂貴負擔有關,最早出現於 17 世紀,並於 19 世紀廣泛傳播。[4] 據一位消息人士稱,隨著 P. T. Barnum 與一頭名叫 Toung Taloung 的大象相處的經歷,該大像被他稱為“緬甸的神聖白象”。 經過一番努力和巨大的代價,巴納姆終於從暹羅國王那裡得到了這頭動物,卻發現他的“白象”實際上是骯髒的灰色,上面有一些粉紅色的斑點。[5 ]

The term derives from the sacred white elephants kept by Southeast Asian monarchs in BurmaThailand (Siam), Laos and Cambodia.[2] To possess a white elephant was regarded—and is still regarded in Thailand and Burma—as a sign that the monarch reigned with justice and power, and that the kingdom was blessed with peace and prosperity. The opulence expected of anyone who owned a beast of such stature was great. Monarchs often exemplified their possession of white elephants in their formal titles (e.g., Hsinbyushinlit.'Lord of the White Elephant' and the third monarch of the Konbaung dynasty).[3] Because the animals were considered sacred and laws protected them from labor, receiving a gift of a white elephant from a monarch was simultaneously a blessing and a curse. It was a blessing because the animal was sacred and a sign of the monarch's favour, and a curse because the recipient now had an expensive-to-maintain animal he could not give away and could not put to much practical use.

In the West, the term "white elephant", relating to an expensive burden that fails to meet expectations, was first used in the 17th century and became widespread in the 19th century.[4] According to one source it was popularized following P. T. Barnum's experience with an elephant named Toung Taloung that he billed as the "Sacred White Elephant of Burma". After much effort and great expense, Barnum finally acquired the animal from the King of Siam only to discover that his "white elephant" was actually dirty grey in color with a few pink spots.[5]



White noise is a specific type of broadband sound that includes all the audible frequencies. Brown noise and pink noise are broadband sounds ...

In signal processing, white noise is a random signal having equal intensity at different frequencies, giving it a constant power spectral density.

White noise refers to a statistical model for signals and signal sources, rather than to any specific signal. White noise draws its name from white light,[2] although light that appears white generally does not have a flat power spectral density over the visible band.


《白鯨記 42   白鯨之白  》

Many scholars, including most notably Harold Bloom (in Moby-Dick: Modern Critical Interpretations) consider Chapter 42, "The Whiteness of the Whale," to be the "visionary center" of the novel and perhaps of all of Melville's writing.

許多學者,包括最著名的哈羅德·布魯姆(Harold Bloom)(《白鯨:現代批判解釋》)認為第42 章「鯨魚的潔白」是這部小說乃至梅爾維爾所有作品的「靈視之中心」。

The Basilica of Sacré-Cœur de Montmartre, as seen from the base of the butte Montmartre


聖心聖殿(法語:Basilique du Sacré-Cœur),簡稱聖心堂Sacré-Cœur),是位於法國巴黎天主教宗座聖殿,以耶穌聖心主保而得名。坐落於巴黎北部的蒙馬特高地上,由保羅·阿巴迪設計,為兼具羅馬拜占庭風格折衷主義建築。1875年動工、1919年祝聖啟用、1923年正式完工。由於位於巴黎市區的高處,加上有別於市區其他建築的設計風格,使其成為巴黎著名的地標之一。


最早出現建造一座供奉聖心教堂的想法是在法國大革命不久後,從偏激的天主教徒與保皇主義者[1] 之間出現的,在普法戰爭之後與接踵而來的激進的巴黎公社(1870年-1871年)間廣泛的傳播開來,大約有58,000名巴黎公社社員在戰爭中失去他們的生命。國民議會在1873年7月24日對巴黎總主教若瑟·伊波利特·吉伯的請求作出了反應,他們投票決定建造聖心堂,而且定義它為「對巴黎公社社員所犯下的罪行的補償」[2]


身為達爾博伊後繼者的吉伯總主教,曾經在1872年10月爬上蒙馬特高地上,而且隨著雲層散開,他紀錄下一個遠景:「就在這裡!烈士們就在這裡[3]!這裡由聖心所支配著,所以才會如此的吸引人[4]。」隨著法國總理阿道夫·梯也爾在1873年5月24日辭職,普瓦捷教區的天主教徒弗朗索瓦·皮(François Pie)藉著第三共和的政府道德規範來傳達對法國宗教復興的渴望──「建造聖心堂的時刻到來了」[5],「在宗教與國家復興計畫上,主要的特質是君主體制的重整與守護羅馬的虔誠文化架構[6],而最後的核心就是聖心堂」。

 In many Native American cultures, the white horse symbolizes purity, innocence, and spiritual power.

The Legend of the Pacing White Mustang
https://www.jstor.org › stable

by DL Wilson · 1979 · Cited by 2 — white horses as their mounts. It was considered lucky to dream of a white horse, and among North American Indian tribes, to dream of a white horse.

作者:DL Wilson · 1979 · 被 2 人引用 — 白馬作為坐騎。 夢見白馬被認為是幸運的,在北美印第安部落中,夢見白馬被認為是幸運的。

White horses in mythology




white hood 黨造反
Revolt of Ghent (1379–1385)
Part of the Hundred Years' War

Battle of Beverhoutsveld in the chronicles of Jean Froissart (Berlin Staatsbibliothek, Preussischer Kulturbesitz / 15th century) with the people of Ghent under the black flag with white lion

Polar bear
Temporal range: Pleistocene-recent[1]
Female near KaktovikBarter IslandAlaskaUnited States

大白鯊(學名:Carcharodon carcharias, 英語:Great white shark),中國科學院動物研究所官方中文學名為噬人鲨[3]中華民國中央研究院官方中文學名為食人鯊[4],又名白鮫、食人鮫、白鯊,俗稱白色死神[5][6][7]是一種大型的掠食性鯊魚,出沒於各個主要的大洋,在所有主要沿海表面水域都能找到。大白鯊最早的化石出現於中新世,是食人鯊屬(Carcharodon)唯一現存的成員,屬於活化石物種。它的體型引人注目,成年時,體型較大的雌性個體可以長到6.4公尺(21英尺)以上,體重可達1,905-2,268公斤(4,200-5,000磅)。[8][9][10]然而,大多數都比較小,雄性和雌性平均測量為3.4至4.0公尺(11至13英尺)和4.6至4.9公尺(15至16英尺)[9][11]



大白鯊- 維基百科,自由的百科全書

https://zh.wikipedia.org › 大白鲨

為許多海洋哺乳動物的主要天敵,另也會獵食海鳥和其他魚類等一切能捕殺到的海洋生物。大白鯊與多數鯊魚相同是機會主義者,於 ...
requiem eternam sic

Requiem Aeternam - 永遠的安息

Eternal Rest

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Eternal_Rest

Eternal Rest. Article Talk. Language; Watch · Edit. Eternal Rest or Requiem aeternam is a Western Christian prayer asking God: The Church Militant and the ..


The Latin text in the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church is:

℣. Requiem æternam dona ei (eis), Domine
℟. Et lux perpetua luceat ei (eis):
℣. Requiescat (-ant) in pace.
℟. Amen.


The translation used by English-speaking Roman Catholics is:

℣. Eternal rest, grant unto him/her (them), O LORD,
℟. And let perpetual light shine upon him/her (them).
℣. May he/she (they) rest in peace.
℟. Amen.

頁267 親身南極體驗

Albatrosses, of the biological family Diomedeidae, are large seabirds related to the procellariids, storm petrels, and diving petrels in the order Procellariiformes (the tubenoses). They range widely in the Southern Ocean and the North Pacific. T

Albatrosses range over huge areas of ocean and regularly circle the globe.
Skeleton of a black-browed albatross on display at the Museum of Osteology in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, U.S.

《古舟子詠》(The Rime of the Ancient Mariner),是英國詩人塞繆爾·泰勒·柯勒律治於1798年發表的敘事長詩。與發表在《抒情歌謠集》里的其他詩一起,《古舟子詠》被認為是英國浪漫主義文學的開端。[1]此詩講述一個在航行被風暴吹至南極海域,後來又在一隻信天翁的引導下離開了冰封的海域,此後水手將信天翁射死,船上的人遭遇了各種厄運。這個故事受詹姆斯·庫克1772年-1775年之間的第二次探索啟發。


The Rime of the Ancient Mariner 古舟子咏by 柯勒律治 ...

《古舟子咏》是柯勒律治最具代表性的作品。作为浪漫主义时期伟大的诗人之一,柯勒律治的作品并不多,《古舟子咏》是柯勒律治最伟大的诗篇。这些诗表现了诗人奇特的想象 ...

一幅描繪信天翁的木刻版畫,1837 年


42 白鯨之白  p.271

The White Tower seen from the southeast. To the fore is the projection housing the apse of St John's Chapel.

The 15th-century Tower in a manuscript of poems by Charles, Duke of Orléans (1394–1465) commemorating his imprisonment there. The white forebuilding to the left of the duke was demolished in 1674. (British Library).

White Mountains

Looking south on the Franconia Ridge Trail towards Mount Flume (left) and Mount Liberty (center)
Highest point
Peak Mount Washington
Elevation 6,288 ft (1,917 m)
Coordinates 44°16′15″N 71°18′12.5″W

Map of the main regions of the northeast Appalachians
Country United States
States New Hampshire and Maine

Peaks of the Franconia Range of the White Mountains as viewed from Loon Mountain resort after an October snowfall, looking to the north.

哈次(Harz)山區,位於下邦之東南部,區內森林茂密,為冬季滑雪勝地。 該邦以汽車工業最為重要,歐洲最大汽車廠福斯(Volkswagen)汽車總部即在下 ...Map of the Harz mountains

Sender Brocken at the summit in winter

大海獸 抹香鯨

第43章 聽!

第44章 海圖

第45章 宣誓書  case  註 p.289 Essex號  1820

抹香鯨學名Physeter macrocephalus)又稱巨抹香鯨卡切拉特鯨,是世界上最大的齒鯨在分類上,抹香鯨與侏儒抹香鯨和小抹香鯨是親緣較相近,身體構造相似而在體型上有大小的差異。抹香鯨在動物王國中具有的「潛水高手」的美譽。根據目前的觀測紀錄抹香鯨可深潛到一千公尺多,但不排除抹香鯨有能力下潛更深。根據鯨豚穿戴式追蹤器的結果顯示,目前潛水最深記錄由柯氏喙鯨創造。在捕鯨年代中,抹香鯨因為頭部的鯨油應用廣泛,被視為獵捕的重要目標,捕捉數量是近期捕鯨中大型鯨被捕最多的一種。美國作家梅爾維爾的經典名著《白鯨記》,書中船長要獵捕的大鯨莫比·敵克就是一頭白色的抹香鯨。種名macrocephalus源自希臘文,意為「大頭」。抹香鯨另有一種名catodon,同種異名的情況過去曾引發長期的爭論,現macrocephalus為主流用語。 抹香鯨是全球分布的種類,有明顯的季節性遷徙,具有複雜的社會結構及豐富變化的溝通喀答聲。已知所有動物中抹香鯨的大腦最大,抹香鯨的大腦比人類的大腦要重五倍多。抹香鯨可以活70年甚至更長時間。[3][4]



属名の「Physeter」は「鯨の潮吹き」を意味する古代ギリシア語の「φυσητηρ[注釈 3]に由来する。

とりわけマッコウクジラは前方に吹き出す潮がよく目立つためか、後にその属名に冠されることとなった。英語では「ファイシター」のごとく発音する[注釈 4]



英語名の「sperm whale」の原義は、「精液(のような液体である鯨蝋が採れる)鯨」である(「#脳油(鯨蝋)」の節を参照)。別名にフランス語を由来とする「Cachalot(キャシャロット)」があり、これはアメリカ海軍の艦名にもなっている(別項「潜水艦カシャロット」を参照)。





  • スキンシップ(アゾレス諸島)


  •  斯金西普(亞速爾群島)

  • マーガレット・フォーメーション




    Claude Monet, “Woman with a Parasol - Madame Monet and Her Son,” 1875, oil on canvas, 39 x 31 in., Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon
    📍 West Building, Main Floor, Gallery 85
    From low on a hillside, we look up at a light-skinned woman and boy standing in tall grass against a sunny blue sky in this vertical painting. The woman stands at the center of the composition, and the moss-green parasol she holds over her head almost brushes the top edge of the canvas. Her body faces our left but she turns her head to look at us. Her long dress is painted largely with strokes of pale blue and gray with a few touches of yellow. Her voluminous skirts swirl around her legs to our left. She holds the parasol with both hands, and her brown hair is covered with a hat. Long strokes of white paint across her face suggest a veil fluttering in the breeze. The tall grass she stands in is dotted with buttercup yellow and plum purple, and she casts a long diagonal shadow along the grass toward us. The young boy seems to stand on the other side of the hill, since the grass and flowers comes up to his waist.

    〈天門開的時候〉 詹冰
    〈流入心臟的杯子的液體〉 詹冰
    曾經 黑亮的香髮
    為了生活的辛勞 一根一根變白了
    我的淚液一直流入 心臟的杯子
    撿回扔掉的白髮 排在掌上
    傷口的血液又流入 心臟的杯子

    Florence Susan Harrison (British illustrator) 1877 - 1955
    The Hour and the Ghost, ca. 1910
    'Come with me, fair and false. To our home, come home'
    Illustration to the poem 'The Hour and the Ghost' from: Poems by Christina Rossetti.


    Excellent Art Japan & Asia
    Shigeru Matt · rtsSeopdno71u3u ca5gt48h10ci3tl04gmt3ua43m94mu614a時32hi小h59t ·

    Nihonbashi Bridge Clearing After Snow
    by Utagawa Hiroshige, 1856
