2023年12月19日 星期二

感動 (72) 人類自由指數。《回憶錄》:失敗者;革後餘生、杜邦家捐花園。西蒙娜·波伏娃《第二性》"Mémoires d'une jeune fille rangée"《年輕的回憶》, 超富豪 得天獨厚者 It’s My Privilege: Glorious Memoirs by the Very Rich 得超富人家的光榮回憶錄。 Gloria Vanderbilt’s memoir “Once Upon a Time.” 。underwater cables。 BREAKING: The Colorado Supreme Court has disqualified.... 羅斌「他身:本人、他人、神、鬼與祖先」的表現 。 Mistletoe稱槲寄生植物。" reading party"(美國)。LG 後代爭產分家? Google’s Epic Loss, and How 2023 Changed the Internet. 國際象棋巨星 Bodhana Sivanandan8歲. Bad Prose Can Never Yield a Great Book.

感動 (72) 人類自由指數。《回憶錄》:失敗者;革後餘生、杜邦家捐花園。西蒙娜·波伏娃《第二性》"Mémoires d'une jeune fille rangée"《年輕的回憶》, 超富豪 得天獨厚者  It’s My Privilege: Glorious Memoirs by the Very Rich 得超富人家的光榮回憶錄。 Gloria Vanderbilt’s memoir “Once Upon a Time.” 羅斌「他身:本人、他人、神、鬼與祖先」的表現 。 。underwater cables。 BREAKING: The Colorado Supreme Court has disqualified....   Mistletoe稱槲寄生植物。" reading party"(美國)。LG 後代爭產分家?  Google’s Epic Loss, and How 2023 Changed the Internet. 國際象棋巨星 Bodhana Sivanandan8歲.  


Bad Prose Can Never Yield a Great Book.

/ Simone de Beauvoir /
"The men who most respect embryonic life are the same ones who do not hesitate to send adults to death in war."

「西蒙娜·露西·歐內斯廷·瑪麗·貝特朗·德·波伏娃是一位法國作家、知識分子、存在主義哲學家、政治活動家、女權主義者、社會主義者和社會理論家。儘管她並不認為自己是哲學家,儘管她在當時也不被認為是哲學家。她去世後,她對女性主義存在主義和女性主義理論產生了重大影響。波伏娃撰寫了關於哲學、政治和社會問題的小說、散文、傳記、自傳和專著。她因1949 年的論文《第二性》而聞名,該論文詳細分析了她對文學最持久的貢獻是她的回憶錄,特別是第一卷“Mémoires d'une jeune fille rangée”,她的作品充滿溫暖和描述力。她獲得了1954年龔古爾獎、1975年耶路撒冷獎和1978年奧地利國家歐洲文學獎。
"Simone Lucie Ernestine Marie Bertrand de Beauvoir was a French writer, intellectual, existentialist philosopher, political activist, feminist, socialist, and social theorist. Though she did not consider herself a philosopher, and even though she was not considered one at the time of her death, she had a significant influence on both feminist existentialism and feminist theory. Beauvoir wrote novels, essays, biographies, autobiographies and monographs on philosophy, politics, and social issues. She was known for her 1949 treatise The Second Sex, a detailed analysis of women's oppression and a foundational tract of contemporary feminism; and for her novels, including She Came to Stay and The Mandarins. Her most enduring contribution to literature is her memoirs, notably the first volume, "Mémoires d'une jeune fille rangée", which have a warmth and descriptive power. She won the 1954 Prix Goncourt, the 1975 Jerusalem Prize, and the 1978 Austrian State Prize for European Literature."
Born: Simone Lucie Ernestine Marie Bertrand de Beauvoir, January 9, 1908, Paris, French Third Republic
Died: April 14, 1986, Paris, French Fifth Republic
Education: University of Paris, (B.A, 1928, M.A, 1929)
"The Second Sex"



美國自由主義智庫卡托研究所(Cato Institute)和加拿大智庫菲沙研究所(Fraser Institute)19日公布 #人類自由指數(Human Freedom Index)。165個國家與地區之中,#中國🇨🇳 排第149名。其中,「個人自由度」的向度排第155名,「經濟自由度」則是第111名。

亞洲排名最高的是全球第12名的 #台灣🇹🇼。#瑞士🇨🇭 則是全球第1名,而 #德國🇩🇪 排名第21位,#敘利亞 墊底。


感動 (70)   羅斌「他身:本人、他人、神、鬼與祖先」的表現  The other body: representations of the self, the other, ghosts, gods and ancestors;談林皎碧 直播: 主題:簡介東京「淨閑寺中的永井荷風歌:震災災」 。It’s My Privilege: Glorious Memoirs by the Very Rich 得天獨厚:超富人家的光榮回憶錄。納粹漏網雜誌95期。韓國 LG 後代爭產,100億美金財團分家?Google’s Epic Loss, and How 2023 Changed the Internet.國際象棋巨星 Bodhana Sivanandan8歲. Bad Prose Can Never Yield a Great Book. Gloria Vanderbilt’s memoir “Once Upon a Time.”   

Telecom companies have long resisted letting scientific sensors piggyback on their subsea cables—until now.
These underwater cables can improve tsunami detection
These underwater cables can improve tsunami detection
Telecom companies have long resisted letting scientific sensors piggyba



BREAKING: The Colorado Supreme Court has disqualified Donald Trump from the state's presidential primary ballot under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. The move sets up a battle before the U.S. Supreme Court. https://abcn.ws/3tzpRGN

There’s something strange and almost mystical about mistletoe, even before you start digging into its past.
Mistletoe hung above the door is often seen as an invitation for a Christmas kiss, but the plant has a long history. At the link below we explore the origins of the mistletoe tradition…

桑寄生植物又稱槲寄生植物,是一類可以進行光合作用的半寄生灌木,包括檀香目下的桑寄生科槲寄生科羽毛果科欖仁檀科和部分檀香科植物,共有88個, 約1,600種植物[1]。除極地、部分高寒和乾旱沙漠地區外均有分布[2]。大部分桑寄生植物都能夠產生花蜜和大量顏色鮮艷的果實[3],以便依靠鳥類哺乳動物散播種子[1]


European mistletoe (Viscum album) attached to a common aspen (Populus tremula)
Mistletoe in an apple tree


它在北歐神話中被象徵性地對待。 現代西方在節日裝飾中懸掛的一束槲寄生下接吻的習俗就源自於此。 巴爾德被槲寄生製成的劍殺死。 它在凱爾特神話和德魯伊儀式中被用作解毒劑,但這種植物被認為是有毒的,因為接觸這種果實會導致敏感的人出現類似於毒葛的皮疹。

在羅馬尼亞傳統中,槲寄生(羅馬尼亞語為 vâsc)被認為是好運的來源。 它的藥用和相關的神奇特性仍在開發,特別是在農村地區。 這種習俗是從達契亞人那裡繼承下來的。


北欧神話では象徴的に扱われている。西欧の近代的な風習にみられる、祭日の飾りとして掛けたヤドリギの束の下でのキスはそれらに由来する。バルドル神はヤドリギで作られた剣によって命を落とした。ケルト神話ドルイドの儀式では解毒薬として扱われるが、果実に触れると敏感な人はツタウルシ (poison ivy) の場合と似た発疹を起こすため、植物としては毒性のあるものと考えられている。


International Academy of Puppet Arts lecture 國際偶戲學校講座
The other body: representations of the self, the other, ghosts, gods and ancestors

已結束直播 · 572 次觀看
已結束直播 · 572 次觀看

已結束直播 · 51 次觀看 永井
可能是 1 人和顯示的文字是「司 馬 遼 太 郎 が 愛 し た 世 界 展」的圖像

感動 (70)
羅斌「他身:本人、他人、神、鬼與祖先」的表現 The other body: representations of the self, the other, ghosts, gods and ancestors;談林皎碧 直播: 主題:簡介東京「淨閑寺中的永井荷風歌:震災災」 。
It’s My Privilege: Glorious Memoirs by the Very Rich 得天獨厚:超富人家的光榮回憶錄。 Gloria Vanderbilt’s memoir “Once Upon a Time.” Anderson Cooper 的母親
韓國 LG 後代爭產,100億美金財團分家?
Google’s Epic Loss, and How 2023 Changed the Internet.
國際象棋巨星 Bodhana Sivanandan8歲.
Bad Prose Can Never Yield a Great Book.

感動 (70)   羅斌「他身:本人、他人、神、鬼與祖先」的表現  The other body: representations of the self, the other, ghosts, gods and ancestors;談林皎碧 直播: 主題:簡介東京「淨閑寺中的永井荷風歌:震災災」 。It’s My Privilege: Glorious Memoirs by the Very Rich 得天獨厚:超富人家的光榮回憶錄。納粹漏網雜誌95期。韓國 LG 後代爭產,100億美金財團分家?Google’s Epic Loss, and How 2023 Changed the Internet.國際象棋巨星 Bodhana Sivanandan8歲. Bad Prose Can Never Yield a Great Book. Gloria Vanderbilt’s memoir “Once Upon a Time.”   

感動 (70) 納粹漏網雜誌95期。韓國 LG 後代爭產,100億美金財團分家?Google’s Epic Loss, and How 2023 Changed the Internet.國際象棋巨星 Bodhana Sivanandan8歲


It’s My Privilege: Glorious Memoirs by the Very Rich

A look back at a time when the super-wealthy felt they had nothing to lose by letting readers inside their gilded corridors.
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Credit...Debora Szpilman

By Molly Young
Dec. 14, 2023

“Class consciousness takes a vacation while we’re in the thrall of this book,” Barbara Grizzuti Harrison wrote in the Book Review in 1985, in her evaluation of the heiress Gloria Vanderbilt’s memoir “Once Upon a Time.” To be clear, Harrison was referring to the class consciousness of the reader, not the author. Vanderbilt demonstrates perfect awareness throughout her book that most young children don’t play with emerald tiaras and alligator jewel boxes lined in chestnut satin, or rely on the services of multiple butlers, or lose count of their own houses. Harrison’s point was that Vanderbilt’s talent with a pen — and perspective on her own economic altitude — allowed consumers of her tale to suspend their envy and engage with the reality of growing up in opulent neglect.

Memoirs by the rich have always been major publishing events. Readers love to prowl wide-eyed through gilded corridors, and I am no exception. A cherished portion of my shelf is devoted to the self-accounts of Rothschilds, Vanderbilts, Rockefellers, Pells, Guggenheims and other names familiar from banks, art museums and city centers.Chess history has been made: aged just eight, Bodhana Sivanandan totalled a remarkable 8.5/13 against a field of highly rated grandmasters, international masters and experts.

“Reflections in a Silver Spoon,” Paul Mellon Editors’ Picks

The North Sea Can Be Scary. But Maybe Not TikTok Scary.

Can Sukeban Make Female Wrestling Fashionable With Americans?

A Cheesy Casserole That Lets the Host Savor Holiday Mornings



Early in the memoir Rothschild tells a story about his grandmother. One fine autumn day, the tale goes, Grand-Mère was visiting friends when she was struck by the sight of fallen leaves strewn across a lawn. “It’s magnificent! How beautiful!” she cried. “But where do you get them from?”

Aged just eight, Bodhana Sivanandan enters chess history
Plus: in this week’s puzzle — can you find White’s hidden win?

Google’s Epic Loss, and How 2023 Changed the Internet


Family Split at LG, a South Korean Giant, Tests Corporate Succession

A lawsuit pitted the former chairman’s widow and daughters against the son he adopted, challenging the patriarchal traditions of a $10 billion conglomerate.


The Great Read

He Made a Magazine, 95 Issues, While Hiding From the Nazis in an Attic

The people who hid Curt Bloch, a German Jew, gave him both food and the materials he needed to make a highly creative magazine now drawing attention.


Book Review
