2023年12月25日 星期一

感動 (82):”一日“要做”兩工“ 的苦日子,《多桑》的時代。兔年好故事:楊照轉陳夏雨(191—2000)談創作;吳清友(誠品1950-2017)之經營。You Must Change Your Life. Can Rilke(里爾克) Change Your Life?又見 《戴明修煉 II》。Oliver Sacks (1933~2015)自傳《勇往直前》(ON THE MOVE)簡介 。名經濟學家 Robert M. Solow (1924~2023):量化找單一重要因素。辦公室隔壁為大師 Paul Samulson (1915~2009)談天近四十年;英才老師與學生;要當"哲王"可不容易。…

感動 (82):”一日“要做”兩工“ 的苦日子,《多桑》的時代。兔年好故事:楊照轉陳夏雨(191—2000)創作;吳清友誠品1950-2017)之經營。You Must Change Your Life. Can Rilke(里爾克) Change Your Life?又見 《戴明修煉 II》。Oliver Sacks (1933~2015)自傳《勇往直前》(ON THE MOVE)簡介名經濟學家 Robert M. Solow (1924~2023)量化找單一重要因素。辦公室隔壁為大師 Paul Samulson (1915~2009)談天近四十年;英才老師與學生;要當"哲王"可不容易。…

Thomas H. C. Lee


吳清友先生很喜歡講的一個故事,關於他收藏的一隻兔子。那是前輩雕塑家陳夏雨的作品,吳先生一看就買了下來,然後和老先生聊起那隻兔子帶有一份神秘的吸引力。陳夏雨就告訴他這隻兔子創作的過程。他家裡養兔子,有一天不知道為什麼,兔子被放到桌上的一個竹米篩上。傳統的米篩底下是圓弧形的,沒辦法平放,兔子感覺到腳下如此不安,當然很驚慌。兔子先是跑來跑去,而牠愈跑米篩就動得愈厲害。過了好一段時間,兔子慢慢定下來,不跑了,然後牠換了幾個位置,也換了幾種姿勢,找到能讓自己安安靜靜待著的地方,陳夏雨就捕捉了兔子那時候的神態,雕成了藝術品。 這個故事最能彰顯吳先生的精神。他最在意的,是如何透過空間的影響,讓人安靜下來。並不是逃避躲開,什麼都不管、什麼事都不做,而是像那隻兔子般,認知了自己處在動盪的情況中,卻能找出一個空間、一個角落,在那裡覺得自己可以自在,可以安定心情。 有一段時間吳先生常常坐在誠品敦南店二樓咖啡廳裡,一定是選擇背靠著窗的座位,這樣他可以看見從樓梯或電梯上上下下進出書店的人。那是他最享受的時刻,他看到不一樣的人、各式各樣的人從外面走進他自己打造的書店裡,書店在他們身上產生的效果。簡而言之,不管什麼樣的人,不管原先是什麼狀態,進來之後都會比之前變得多自在一些、多安穩一些。是的,他在享受自己所創造的。 吳清友為什麼要開書店?和他相識那麼多年,我想我可以有把握的說他其實並不是一個熱清、飢渴的讀者,他愛書勝過於他愛讀書。這非但無礙於他開書店,反而使他成為一個更成功的書店經營者。他想開書店,因為他覺得、他確知書的神奇作用,書可以讓人安靜下來,尤其是被書包圍,在有很多書的空間裡,人就吵鬧不起來,人就不會那麼浮躁了。 安靜下來才能讀書,而一家擺滿書的書店讓人覺得自己總該能找到想讀的書吧!大部分開書店的人,都是像我這種愛讀書的人,書店對他們來說是服務書的管道,是為了要將書賣出去。然而容我誠實地說,認識吳先生愈久我愈了解他的心態是倒過來的,不是書店服務書,而是書服務書店,必須有書,有很多書,才能製造出書店的氣氛效果,才能讓人自在、讓人安心。 吳先生常說他坐在二樓咖啡廳看什麼?看翹課的學生進到書店、看推娃娃車的媽媽進書店、看外面下雨了躲雨的人進書店...他們沒有別的地方可以去,一個免費、舒服,最重要,不歧視他們的地方可以去。 書店是公平的。應該說書店的空間、書店所提供的自在安穩是公平的,對買十本書、買一本書、甚至不買書的人都一視同仁。至少這是吳先生的理念,也是他創造書店的目的。他很慷慨將打造出來的空間提供給所有的人,他忍不住想要在現場親眼目睹書店的效果,看到一個一個的人進到誠品,身體中有一部份的素質被叫喚出來,就像那隻將自己的舒服、自在追求在角落裡叫喚出來的兔子一樣。 在生病之後,吳先生的生命模式清楚地轉成了to be,而誠品書店就是定義他是什麼的創造。在誠品書店之前有誠建公司,誠品書店之後也有誠品生活,都是吳清友創辦經營的,然而誠建、誠生都無法代表吳清友,取消了誠品書店就不是吳清友了。 誠品信義店熄燈,我倒是沒有太多感傷。人亡政息,信義店是吳清友的誠品書店,南西店、裕隆城當然要轉變為吳旻潔的誠品書店。我比較在意的,是吳先生這份to be而非to have的生命選擇應該刺激、啟發更多年輕人,讓他們有自己世代的創造,去慷慨分享。

"We are all creatures of our upbringings, our cultures, our times"
"In England, one was classified (working class, middle class, upper class, whatever) as soon as one opened one’s mouth; one did not mix, one was not at ease, with people of a different class—a system which, if implicit, was nonetheless as rigid, as uncrossable, as the caste system in India"
"Humans are storytelling creatures preeminently. We organize the world as a set of tales. How, then, can a person make any sense of his confusing environment if he cannot comprehend stories or surmise human intentions? In all the annals of human heroics, I find no theme more ennobling than the compensations that people struggle to discover and implement when life’s misfortunes have deprived them of basic attributes of our common nature."
"He died at home in his library, surrounded by the books he loved."
"Travel now by all means—if you have the time. But travel the right way, the way I travel. I am always reading and thinking of the history and geography of a place. I see its people in terms of these, placed in the social framework of time and space. Take the prairies, for example; you’re wasting your time visiting these unless you know the saga of the homesteaders, the influence of law and religion at different times, the economic problems, the difficulties of communication, and the effects of successive mineral finds."
"I never took amphetamines again—despite sometimes-intense longings for them (the brain of an addict or an alcoholic is changed for life; the possibility, the temptation, of regression never go away)."
"Patients were real, often passionate individuals with real problems—and sometimes choices—of an often agonizing sort. It was not just a question of diagnosis and treatment; much graver questions could present themselves—questions about the quality of life and whether life was even worth living in some circumstances."
Oliver Sacks, a renowned neurologist and author, delved into the complexities of the human mind, blending scientific insight with compassionate storytelling to illuminate the intricacies of neurological conditions.
Autobiography Of Oliver Sacks
Location : Annecy, France








奧利佛‧薩克斯 (Oliver Sacks) 是一位著名的神經學家和作家,他深入研究人類思維的複雜性,將科學見解與富有同情心的故事敘述相結合,以闡明神經系統疾病的複雜性。



地點 : 法國安納西


“If a man has lost a leg or an eye, he knows he has lost a leg or an eye; but if he has lost a self—himself—he cannot know it, because he is no longer there to know it.”
Oliver Sacks, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat & Other Clinical Tales

Hanching Chung 2015.2.20

Oliver Sacks:ON THE MOVE ( 勇往直前 數月後出版) http://hcbooks.blogspot.tw/....../uncle-tungsten-by......
The Mind's Eye / Musicophiliaby Oliver Sacks 看見聲音/ 色盲島, Musicophilia, Hallucinations http://hcbooks.blogspot.tw/....../minds-eye-by-oliver......


Hanching Chung 2021


Oliver Sacks Foundation 

We’ve shared Mary Soon Lee’s elemental haikus before, but now they’re all collected in one place, an interactive periodic table full of poetry. Find your favorite element and have a read! https://vis.sciencemag.org/chemhaiku/

Hanching Chung 2021


Oliver Sacks Foundation 

It's National Library Week! Here's a peek into Oliver Sacks's home library during the filming of Oliver Sacks: His Own Life. Dr. Sacks's shelves covered everything from H.G. Wells to Darwin and contained around 10,000 books. Tune into the award-winning documentary by Ric Burns this Friday April 9th at 9pm EDT on PBS American Masters http://pbs.org/oliversacks

Biblioteca Palafoxiana was the first public library of the Americas, founded in 1646 by bishop Juan de Palafox in Puebla, Mexico. It’s now a book museum and research library, and its baroque halls are home to more than 45,000 books.

The New Yorker 

At 27, the poet Rainier Maria Rilke struck up a correspondence with a 19-year-old military cadet named Franz Xaver Kappus, and the letters he wrote were later compiled into the book “Letters to a Young Poet.” In them, Rilke advises Kappus: “Ask yourself, in your night’s quietest moment, Do I have to write? Dig deep down into yourself for the answer.” But, until recently, these letters were one-sided. In 2017, the German scholar Erich Unglaub discovered Kappus’s letters in the Rilke family archive.

索引可幫助讀者,以《你必須改變你的生活》(2022)為例,譯自: You Must Change Your Life: The Story of Rainer Maria Rilke and Auguste Rodin  (2016)。馮至譯《給青年詩人的信》;兩本台灣出版的 傅雷譯《羅丹藝術論》(雄獅,1981;新地,1993) 紀念羅丹François Auguste René Rodin (1840–1917)簡介 Rodin Sculpture Garden. Parthenon sculptures and Rodin 羅丹




在莎士比亞的《威尼斯商人》中,高貴的羅倫佐不信任「內心沒有音樂的人」,即那些「不為悅耳聲音動心」的人;尼采宣稱「沒有音樂,生命就是一個錯誤」;比利.喬(Billy Joel)形容音樂為「人性的爆發性表達。這是觸動我們所有人的東西。無論你來自哪個文化,每個人都喜歡音樂」......

  在我國歷史上大規模之從事繙譯外國文字,約有二次:二次且皆為受宗教信仰之啟發。一為第一至第十世紀之九百年來繙譯佛家書籍之努力,成書二千種,現仍為人諷誦者尚有《華嚴經》、《法華經》、《維摩詰》等二十餘種。其影響於中國文學者則(一)介紹國人創作上之新材料,新形式。(二)引起創作家之想像力,擴大文學描寫之範圍。此皆中國文學篇所缺乏者。第二次則為近世紀來之西洋書籍之大批繙譯,而此中最足稱述者為「《聖經》」之繙譯。其故亦有二。(一)因繙譯《聖經》者之具有宗教的虔誠嚴肅態度,忠實於繙譯,及《聖經》本身之優美故譯本成為一種「直譯的模範作品」(Model literal translation)簡明可愛,由以官話譯本中「〈福音〉」(Gospels)及「〈舊約〉」(Old Testment)中〈詩篇〉等部,堪稱為優美之文學作品,影響於中國創作家及譯著家者甚多。(二)則為中文聖經之於中國方言方面的供献。中國方言甚多,初無有文字之形式記載,有方言《聖經》之譒譯後,乃給中國多種方言以文學上之價值,對於研究語言學、語音學、民俗學上,有莫大之裨益。

Israel’s Military Says 15 Soldiers Have Been Killed in Gaza in 72 Hours

The deaths are a heavy blow for a country long averse to military casualties. Fighting appeared to intensify despite growing calls for a cease-fire.

So what did explain growth? Entrepreneurs? Geography? Legal institutions? Something else?

he singled out technological progress (the ability of society to translate inputs of capital and labor into outputs of goods and services)

“I discovered to my great surprise that the main source of growth was not capital investment but technological change,” 

Specifically, he estimated that technical progress accounted for a surprising 80 percent of 20th-century American growth. He later pointed to Silicon Valley as a validation of his theory.

Beyond the impact of his own research, Professor Solow helped launch the careers of a stunning number of future superstar economists, including four Nobel laureates: Peter Diamond, Joseph E. Stiglitz, William D. Nordhaus and George A. Akerlof. “My pride and joy,” Professor Solow said.

“All his former students idolize him — all, with no exceptions.”

“I was given the office next to Paul Samuelson’s,” he recounted in the publication Les Prix Nobel. “Thus began what is now almost 40 years of almost daily conversations about economics, politics, our children, cabbages and kings.”

The Solow growth model, propounded in his book “A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth,” in 1956, and its empirical follow-up, “Technical Change and the Aggregate Production Function,” published in 1957, made his reputation while he was in his early 30s and led in due course to the Clark Medal and the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.

he reveals a fundamental difficulty with the role of philosopher-king. It is too damn hard.

the living conditions of low-wage workers were better in Europe because of a more generous social-safety net there, along with rules that provided workers with greater bargaining power.

Robert M. Solow, Groundbreaking Economist and Nobelist, Dies at 99

His elegant work established that the main determinant of economic growth was technology, not growing capital and labor.

Robert Solow, wearing a white dress shirt and tie but no jacket, talks on the phone while sitting in a chair in a very cluttered office. He has glasses and is smiling broadly.
Robert M. Solow in 1987, when he won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.Credit...Mark Lennihan/Associated Press
Robert Solow, wearing a white dress shirt and tie but no jacket, talks on the phone while sitting in a chair in a very cluttered office. He has glasses and is smiling broadly.

O Holy Night

O holy night!
The stars are brightly shining
It is the night of the dear Savior's birth!
Long lay the world in sin and error pining
Till he appear'd and the soul felt its worth.
A thrill of hope the weary soul rejoices
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn!

Fall on your knees
Oh hear the angel voices
Oh night divine
Oh night when Christ was born
Oh night divine
Oh night divine

Led by the light of Faith serenely beaming
With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand
So led by light of a star sweetly gleaming
Here come the wise men from Orient land
The King of Kings lay thus in lowly manger
In all our trials born to be our friend

Truly He taught us to love one another
His law is love and His gospel is peace
Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother
And in His name all oppression shall cease
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
Let all within us praise His holy name


Celine Dion-Oh Holy Night with lyrics

"A Christmas Carol"—Charles Dickens's festive tale of redemption—was published on this day in 1843. It is credited with popularising many aspects of the holiday, including the phrase "Merry Christmas!"
Charles Dickens's novella was published on December 19th 1843

One officer cadet fainted as her colleagues stood to attention for the Sri Lankan national anthem during a ceremony to mark the graduation of 161 new army officers in Diyatalawa


thrillLine breaks: thrill

Definition of thrill in English:


1A sudden feeling of excitement and pleasure:the thrill of jumping out of an aeroplane
1.1An experience that produces a sudden feeling of excitement and pleasure:to ride a winner is always a thrill
1.2A wave or nervous tremor of emotion or sensation:a thrill of excitement ran through her
2Medicine A vibratory movement or resonance heard through a stethoscope.
2.1archaic A throb or pulsation.


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1[WITH OBJECT] Cause (someone) to have a sudden feeling of excitement and pleasure:his kiss thrilled and excited herthey were thrilled with the resultsI’m thrilled to bits
1.1[NO OBJECT] Experience a sudden feeling of excitement and pleasure:thrill to the magic of the world 's greatest guitarist
2[NO OBJECT, WITH ADVERBIAL] (Of an emotion or sensation) pass with a nervous tremor:the shock of alarm thrilled through her
2.1[NO OBJECT] literary Quiver or throb.

the thrill of the chase
Pleasure and excitement derived from seeking something desired, especially a sexual partner:I was so lost in the thrill of the chase that I didn’t realize we were entirely incompatible

thrills and spills
Excitement and exhilaration, especially when derived from dangerous sports or entertainments:experience the thrills and spills of water sports


Middle English (as a verb in the sense 'pierce or penetrate'): alteration of dialect thirl 'pierce'.
