2021年12月21日 星期二

台北書緣 (60):續讀五十年前的書 Sarane Alexandrian《超現實主義的藝術 第8章 想像力的盛宴 《Minotaure》等》李長俊 1971;Sarane Alexandrian《 西洋情色文學史》賴守正 2003


台北書緣  (60):續讀五十年前的書 Sarane Alexandrian《超現實主義的藝術 第8章 想像力的盛宴 《Minotaure》等》李長俊 1971;Sarane Alexandrian《 西洋情色文學史》賴守正 2003


 From 1947, he served as the last secretary of André Breton and became an essential figure of the surrealist current.

Alexandrian was an advocate of the philosophy Nietzsche advanced in The Gay Science (Die fröhliche Wissenschaft). He headed the journal Supérieur Inconnu (a title provided by Breton), which exalts four values shared by the surrealists and Alexandrian: dreamsloveknowledge, and revolutionCatherine Millet is one notable contributor to the magazine.

Alexandrian was a friend of Victor Brauner, and remained an admirer of Charles Fourier, and an ardent defender of Mata Hari.


Alexandrian has more than 40 books to his credit. His best known works are:

  • André Breton par lui-même, 1971 (André Breton in His Own Words);
  • Hans Bellmer, 1971;
  • Les Libérateurs de l'amour, 1977 (The Liberators of Love);
  • Surrealist Art, 1985 (Thames & Hudson World of Art);
  • Max Ernst, 1986;
  • Histoire de la littérature érotique, 1989 (The History of Erotic Literature);
  • LJUBA, Paris, Cercle d'Art, 2003.

Sarane Alexandrian《超現實主義的藝術 第8章 想像力的盛宴》

Surrealist Art

 Paperback – 1 1 月 1969




Sarane Alexandrian (15 June 1927, Baghdad – 11 September 2009, Ivry-sur-Seine) was a French philosopheressayist, and art critic.

  • Histoire de la littérature érotique, 1989 (The History of Erotic Literature);

在D. H. Lawrence 部分,把法國的 Vence翻譯成"威尼斯".....


作者 / 亞歷山德里安 RIAN,ALEXAND

出版社 / 麥田出版社

出版日期 / 2003

情色文學在不同時期亦有不同的境遇,而西方情色文學也因過往政權、學者有意無意地打壓與漠視,而無法成為「正當合法的知識」。作者的《西洋情色文學史》於 1989年首度在法國出版,是西方學界第一部、也是目前唯一一部有系統介紹西方從古至今情色文學演變與發展的專書。對於想一窺西方情色文學堂奧的讀者而 言,本書可說是最理想、可讀性最高的入門書。

Minotaure: Surrealist Magazine from the 1930s


Minotaure, published in Paris between 1933–39, was a Surrealist-oriented publication founded by Albert Skira with editors André Breton and Pierre Mabille. Prior to serving as a Minotaure editor, Breton lent his support by publishing the full-page advertisement reproduced to the right, which announced the first issue of the new publication in the final issue of Le Surréalisme au service de la revolution.

Minotaure, although not exclusively Surrealist in orientation, was faithful to the Surrealist spirit. The periodical’s appeal for the mainstream art public gained wider recognition for the movement, especially with its feature articles on architecture, not commonly found in other Surrealist publications. The goal of Minotaure was to introduce Surrealism to a new generation of theorists and artists, but with the onset of World War II in Europe, Skira ceased publication in 1939.

Each number of Minotaure included contributions from artists, writers, philosophers, critics, and psychoanalysts, and was meant to be read as a collective work. Contributors included Paul Éluard, Salvador Dalí, Jacques Lacan, Georges Bataille, and Kurt Veil. Covers included artwork by Pablo PicassoMarcel Duchamp, Gaston-Louis Roux, André Derain, Francisco Borés, Joan Miró, Dalí, Henri MatisseRené MagritteMax ErnstAndré Masson, and Diego Rivera.
