2021年12月4日 星期六

Einstein: His Life and Universe By Walter Isaacson 2008 (《愛因斯坦-他的人生他的宇宙》;愛因斯坦「統一場論」手稿 Albert Einstein Nobel Lecture

 Albert Einstein delivered his Nobel Prize lecture in Gothenburg, Sweden, in 1923 after being awarded the physics prize for his many contributions to theoretical physics.

可能是 1 人和室內的圖像

Albert Einstein

Nobel Lecture

Lecture delivered to the Nordic Assembly of Naturalists at Gothenburg, July 11, 1923

Fundamental ideas and problems of the theory of relativity

Read the Nobel Lecture
Pdf 311 kB

From Nobel Lectures, Physics 1901-1921, Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1967

Pdf 3.57 MB

From Les Prix Nobel en 1921-1922, Editor Carl Gustaf Santesson, [Nobel Foundation], Stockholm, 1923

Copyright © The Nobel Foundation 1923


看了作者華特.艾薩克森寫的"致謝",可以了,參與與這本Einstein: His Life and Universe By Walter Isaacson 2008 (《愛因斯坦-他的人生他的宇宙》(臺北:時報文化))的專家,人數近百人。根本不是普通的工作。

By the author of the acclaimed bestsellers Benjamin Franklin and Steve Jobs, this is the definitive biography of Albert Einstein.

How did his mind work? What made him a genius? Isaacson’s biography shows how his scientific imagination sprang from the rebellious nature of his personality. His fascinating story is a testament to the connection between creativity and freedom.

Based on newly released personal letters of Einstein, this book explores how an imaginative, impertinent patent clerk—a struggling father in a difficult marriage who couldn’t get a teaching job or a doctorate—became the mind reader of the creator of the cosmos, the locksmith of the mysteries of the atom, and the universe. His success came from questioning conventional wisdom and marveling at mysteries that struck others as mundane. This led him to embrace a morality and politics based on respect for free minds, free spirits, and free individuals.

These traits are just as vital for this new century of globalization, in which our success will depend on our creativity, as they were for the beginning of the last century, when Einstein helped usher in the

不過,筆記中的理論據說已經發表於1926年的《物理學年鑑》(Annalen der Physik),這是二次世界大戰以前國際上最權威的物理學學術期刊。愛因斯坦統一場論大致的背景是,愛因斯坦於1915年發布廣義相對論,這促使了對於結合重力與電磁力的統一場論的興趣重新被燃起。在那個時期,強力與弱力尚未被發現,愛因斯坦覺得重力與電磁力極具潛力。基於堅信整套物理定律都應發自同一起源的信仰,愛因斯坦希望能夠證明重力和電磁力是單獨一種理論的顯像;也試圖建立一種能夠統一這兩種作用力(或者還有其他交互作用)之推廣的重力理論。

 modern age.
