2021年12月31日 星期五

一些難忘的聖誕節 (構建中) ......狄更斯 《聖誕晚餐》等「一個人的新年晚宴」("Dinner for one");最難忘的是1977年英國 South End 某家庭的招待;東海大學 1971~74;......trees and artificial trees; 台北書緣 (60):狄更斯 《聖誕晚餐》《聖誕故事集》(《聖誕歡歌》《古教堂的鐘聲》《爐邊蟋蟀》《人生的戰鬥》《著魔的人》)《耶穌》《台灣西方文明初體驗 ‧ 耶誕節》《

台北書緣 (60):狄更斯 《聖誕晚餐》《聖誕故事集》(《聖誕歡歌》《古教堂的鐘聲》《爐邊蟋蟀》《人生的戰鬥》《著魔的人》)《耶穌》《台灣西方文明初體驗 ‧ 耶誕節》

陳柔縉《台灣西方文明初體驗 ‧ 耶誕節》2005,頁 114~117

狄更斯 《聖誕晚餐》



「一個人的新年晚宴」("Dinner for one") 是一部1963年於製作的十分鐘小品短劇 。多年以來,在德國的除夕夜時,總會在德國電視台裡播放,並且特別受到歡迎。不曉得為什麼會這樣?在瑞士、奧地利與北歐國家裡,這部年代已久的短劇,也是他們除夕夜裡固定的節目。有趣的是,它在英國幾乎無人知曉。

美國在台協會 AIT
12月16日下午3:36 ·

To the winter 2021 NYSLI-Y students: welcome to Taiwan! Recently, 29 U.S. high school students arrived in Taiwan for the six-month long National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y) study program. After quarantine and self health management, they will head to Tamkang University and Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages to study Mandarin and learn about Taiwan’s rich culture – just in time for Lunar New Year! Funded by the U.S. Department of State and generously supported by Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, facilitated by the Ministry of Education, and implemented by two professional university teams, this program is a key part of the U.S.-Taiwan Education Initiative.




東海大學 1971~74

1977年英國 South End 某家庭


What is the most valuable Christmas ornament?
Dresden paper ornaments, which usually feature an animal shape like a peacock, deer, or bird in flight, are some of the most valuable antique Christmas ornaments on the market. Because these very old German ornaments are difficult to find in good condition, they often sell for hundreds of dollars.

Time Capsule Ornament
