2021年12月9日 星期四

1210 2021. 時事談:外交關係、 diplomatic switch vs diplomatic boycott 中共,乃敵國也。

讀Paul AUSTER 的 NYC=USA (2002) 紐約市=美國

Every year the Nobel Prizes are presented on 10 December, in memory of Alfred Nobel who passed away on this day 1896.
Stay tuned to follow the Nobel Prize festivities later today.

今天是國際人權日,我們的 蕭美琴 Bi-khim Hsiao 大使, #唐鳳 政委 不僅代表台灣參加美國主辦的「民主峰會」,和全球民主國家交流,更將在會中發表國家聲明。這顯示,這幾年來,在民主防線最前緣的台灣,獲得國際社會越來越多的支持與重視。
可能是 1 人和文字的圖像

President Biden invited two Taiwanese officials to join the virtual “summit for democracy” now underway in Washington. The small Baltic nation of Lithuania has provoked China’s wrath by agreeing, among other things, to open a trade office with Taiwan under its own name.

“We deeply regret that the government of President Ortega has disregarded the years of solidarity and friendship between the people of the both countries,” Taiwan’s foreign ministry said in a statement on Friday.

diplomatic switch

The United States criticized the diplomatic switch.

“Without the mandate that comes with a free and fair election, Ortega’s actions cannot reflect the will of the Nicaraguan people, who continue to struggle for democracy and the ability to exercise their human rights and fundamental freedoms,” the State Department’s spokesman, Ned Price, said in a statement that reflected American criticism of the recent election.

“We do know, however, that this deprives Nicaragua’s people of a steadfast partner in its democratic and economic growth,” he added.

The Diplomatic Boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics, Explained

UK and Canada join diplomatic boycott of China Winter Olympics

Owen Hsieh

美國記者報導稱,這是動物的表達方式。與會的美國老布希總統在會後記者會被詢及此事時說:“ 那就是所發生的事,奧蒂嘉看起來就像花園派對中,不受歡迎的動物 ”;“ 我們不會讓一個與西半球其他國家格格不入的小人物,毀掉一場非常好的會議”。
對一位喜歡在會議中唱反調,惹惱其他與會者的人,英文有 “ skunk at the garden party ( 花園派對中的臭鼬) ” 的說法。老布希總統用語雖然稍為婉轉,刻意避開 “臭鼬” 這個字,羞辱之意仍在。
奧蒂嘉於是投書紐約時報反擊:“ 布希總統的回應是一連串的人身攻擊,他指控我毀掉了在哥斯大黎加的一場花園派對,然而,我們尼加拉瓜人民的生活中,沒有所謂的花園派對。 ”

1.今天阿邦的連結是美國NASA計畫花百億美金的太空望遠鏡:The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) 。各(子子)子系統的構造、功能等,幾乎都不懂.....
2.昨天讀 Oxford Companion to Art一書中的 Last Supper,提到約15位畫家的作品,:再看Wikipedia 的達文奇的"最後の晩餐 (レオナルド)".....該寫本書專談它的文化史:晚餐餐床/座,鹽盒/罐,酒/麵包.......
3. 今天的倫敦書評登:Flaubert at Two Hundred Julian Barnes (6657 WORDS).....嘿嘿,200年,天文學家談的是200一年前的宇宙......
4. 看了藝術家月刊介紹的美國大都會的"幽居友伴"畫展,這也許是該館8大展之一。半年前介紹/執播過它的"日本藝術史管窺",今天才知道"幽居友伴"展分兩輪更換......
5. "鄭烱明
昨晚8點半,與太太去華山光點看 (滿座)。這種"對白精彩"的戲該看/聽多遍........約半年前,看過NHK的文字簡介,可是,電影是大畫籍,無法"字喻"。

Now, only 13 nations and the Vatican still recognize Taiwan, down from 21 in all at the beginning of 2017. Since then, Panama, the Dominican Republic, Burkina Faso, El Salvador, Kiribati, the Solomon Islands and now Nicaragua have switched their recognition to the People’s Republic of China. China has sought to keep Taiwan isolated, even barring it from participating in international forums like the World Health Assembly, in hopes of forcing it to accept unification with the mainland as an inevitability.

“While this will be disappointing for Taiwan, it’s important to keep it in perspective,” said Natasha Kassam, a former Australian diplomat in Beijing who is now with the Lowy Institute, an independent research organization in Sydney. “In recent years, Taiwan has been growing its ties with unofficial large partners like Japan and the United States, and those are much more important for Taiwan’s place in the world than its smaller diplomatic partners.”

Within minutes of Nicaragua’s announcement, Chinese state media reported that a delegation of Nicaraguan officials were in Tianjin, the port city where China has been holding diplomatic meetings during the coronavirus pandemic. Their presence indicated coordination between the two nations over the timing of the decision.

Nicaragua ended diplomatic relations once before, in 1985, after Mr. Ortega first came to power, but reversed that decision five years later, under President Violeta Chamorro.

Understand U.S.-China Relations
Card 1 of 6

A tense era in U.S.-China ties. The two powers are profoundly at odds as they jockey for influence beyond their own shores, compete in technology and maneuver for military advantages. Here’s what to know about the main fronts in U.S.-China relations:

Pacific dominance. As China has built up its military presence, the U.S. has sought to widen its alliances in the region. A major potential flash point is Taiwan, the democratic island that the Communist Party regards as Chinese territory. Should the U.S. intervene there, it could reshape the regional order.

Trade. The trade war started by the Trump administration is technically on pause. But the Biden administration has continued to protest China’s economic policies and impose tariffs on Chinese goods, signaling no thaw in trade relations.

Technology. Internet giants have mostly been shut out of China, but plenty of U.S. tech companies still do big business there, raising cybersecurity concerns in Washington. Mr. Xi has said China needs to achieve technological “self-reliance.”

Human rights. Under Mr. Xi, China’s confrontations with the U.S. over values and freedoms have become more frequent, including standoffs over Beijing’s crackdown on pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong and mass detentions of Muslims in Xinjiang.

World leadership. China’s leaders see signs of American decline everywhere and they want a bigger voice in global leadership, seeking a greater role in Western-dominated institutions and courting allies that share their frustration with the West.

The latest switch came a month after Mr. Ortega was re-elected for a fourth consecutive term as president after a vote that was widely criticized for consolidating his increasingly authoritarian rule.

The United States criticized the diplomatic switch.

“Without the mandate that comes with a free and fair election, Ortega’s actions cannot reflect the will of the Nicaraguan people, who continue to struggle for democracy and the ability to exercise their human rights and fundamental freedoms,” the State Department’s spokesman, Ned Price, said in a statement that reflected American criticism of the recent election.

“We do know, however, that this deprives Nicaragua’s people of a steadfast partner in its democratic and economic growth,” he added.
