2024年11月19日 星期二

勞思光韋齋隨筆_越南赤變十年書感The New York Times 多篇“A Better War: The Unexamined Victories and Final Tragedy of America’s Last Years in Vietnam” by Lewis Sorley

Lewis Sorley, 90, Who Said the U.S. Won (but Then Lost) in Vietnam, Dies

His Pulitzer Prize-nominated history of the war was warmly received by the Pentagon but rejected elsewhere for ignoring what many said made the war “unwinnable.”

The military historian Lewis Sorley in 2011 after accepting a Distinguished Graduate Award at West Point. A third-generation graduate, he had been an officer in the Vietnam War and declared in his book “A Better War” that “there came a time when the war was won.”Credit...Kimberly Becker

Mr. Sorley’s revisionist book “A Better War: The Unexamined Victories and Final Tragedy of America’s Last Years in Vietnam,” published in 1999, enjoyed a vogue at the Pentagon in the early years of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, when officers were assigned to read it in the hope that it might offer a positive prognosis for those conflicts.

As it turned out, it didn’t. And outside the Pentagon, the book’s main thesis was largely rejected.

Lewis Sorley, 90, Who Said the U.S. Won (but Then Lost) in ...

The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com › 2024/10/30 › books › lewis...

Nov 1, 2024 — Lewis Sorley, a military historian and retired U.S. Army officer who argued that the United States won the war in Vietnam, only to later ...

Vietnam's Joy in Victory

The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com › vietnams-joy-in-victory

Feb 7, 1973 — R Davis article praises Vietnam war resisters and antiwar demonstrators for contributing to peace in Vietnam; accuses Nixon Adm of ...
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Opinion | Why Vietnam Was Unwinnable

The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com › 2017/08/22 › vietnam-was-...

Aug 22, 2017 — America did not experience a “lost victory” in Vietnam; in fact, victory was likely out of reach from the beginning. There is a broad consensus ...

Of Defeat and Victory

The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com › 1975/04/18 › archives › of-...

Apr 18, 1975 — Ten years ago, on April 17, 1965, 25,000 people marched in Washington against the war in Vietnam. It was then two months after Lyndon ...

The Vietnam War Was Already Lost, but I Had to Go Anyway

The New York Times
https://www.nytimes.com › 2019/07/10 › the-vietnam-...

Jul 10, 2019 — Fifty years ago, American troops began withdrawing, but tens of thousands were yet to die.

作爲一個旁觀者,我自己的印象是非常深刻的。一九六九年,尼克遜正在執政,越戰進入後期;我正訪問哈佛大學。那時,校園中充滿「反越戰」的學生。我曾經分別找過許多美國青年閒談,探問他們反對越戰的理由。結果,我所獲得的答案形形色色,難以俱述。可是,使我驚詫的是:這些青年中 並無一人意識到對北越作戰是在保衛民主自由。他們中間有些人根本同情共產主義,這還可說是政治信仰問題;但另一些人實在認為共產黨是專制極權的,却仍然主張美國不要去管閒事——理由是「不應侵犯別國」。這表明美國社會根本不會建立「保衛自由世界」這種整體觀點。缺乏了這個基本觀點,他們自然不了解越戰的意義了。
