10月1日起,開始讀唐香燕的新書《時光悠悠美麗島》,有些感想,就寫筆記,約13則 (0~12)。最大的收獲是跑去圖書館研究《漢聲》與《夏潮》--當然我比較有空有決心。重溫80年代台灣的兩道聲息及相關的熱心人。作者的日治期留下的台鋁宿舍/社區生活,也是印象深刻:比一般台糖的,似乎更高一級,大概當時1935,鋁是重要工業。
比較遺憾的是,找出「天地合謀根除過去的一切,使它們化為灰塵。只有夢想家,在清醒時做夢的人,會喚回過去的陰影,會拿未紡般的紗編織未結的網。 」——以撒‧辛格,出自諾貝爾文學獎頒獎的引言,不過,我的英文解釋無法得張華兄等的"贊同"。其實,那是Isaac Bashevis Singer 最常被引用的。還有許多待解處,
Franz Liszt - The Pilgrimage Years
This documentary attempts to recount the extraordinary, highly eventful life of the great Hungarian composer Franz Liszt (1811-1886), with particular emphasi...
AFP News Agency
Polish writer Olga Tokarczuk has won the 2018 Nobel Literature Prize, which was delayed over a sexual harassment scandal, while Austrian novelist and playwright Peter Handke took the 2019 award.
Full story: http://u.afp.com/JRaQ
The FCC says 5G is safe, again. 5G’s Waveform Is a Battery Vampire. 6G:Ready for 6G? How AI will shape the network of the future:5G ?
MIT Technology Review
Why are we already talking about 6G? Because of artificial intelligence.
Ready for 6G? How AI will shape the network of the future
With 5G networks rolling out around the world, engineers are turning their attention to the next incarnation.
Hanching Chung
October 10, 2015: Squid and Cuttlefish Day; National ...
holidaydoodles.com › ..
Oliver Sacks Foundation
Today is Squid Day/Cuttlefish Day, or Squittleday, covering the tentacular species. In “Everything In Its Place”, Oliver Sacks describes them as “the most intel⋯⋯ 更多
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Orhan Cakir 發文到 Bauhaus Movement
Geometrie Movement by Géométrie Variable
說好的抵制呢? NBA上海賽爆滿 中國網民崩潰:丟臉死! - 國際 - 自由時報電子報
NBA休士頓火箭總管莫雷(Daryl Morey)日前在推特發表挺港推文,引爆後續中國官、民槓上NBA事件風波。不僅中國民間發起抵制,《央視》更稱要禁播NBA。不過,NBA中國熱身賽今日照常在上海舉行,現場也幾乎座無虛席。湖人與籃....
Extract: 'Underground Guide to Sewers'
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Poem of the Week: ‘You can rely on him’
Yehuda Amichai (1924–2000) – “the most widely translated Hebrew poet since King David” according to the translator Robert Alter – was a leading figure in world poetry ...
Art Exchange
Frontrunner Plus positions are now open for Essex University Students. Art Exchange are looking for someone to join us for an Arts Wellbeing Frontrunn⋯⋯ 更多
Hanching Chung
在人民的房子在普羅布斯特採拉(圖林根)是1925年至1927年代表實業家的弗朗茨Itting的阿爾弗雷德·阿恩特建立和Ernst格布哈特作為酒店和文化中心。內部完全由包豪斯德紹(Bauhaus Dessau)的藝術家設計,是圖林根州最大的包豪斯(Bauhaus)樂團。
Das Haus des Volkes in Probstzella (Thüringen) wurde 1925 bis 1927 im Auftrag des Industriellen Franz Itting von Alfred Arndt und Ernst Gebhardt als Hotel und kulturelles Zentrum erbaut. Die Inneneinrichtung wurde vollständig von Künstlern des Bauhauses Dessau gestaltet, es handelt sich um das größte in Thüringen realisierte Bauhaus-Ensemble.
Japan Nobel Prize winner's remarks prompt reprints of science book
Japanese publishers decide to print more copies of Michael Faraday's "The Chemical History of a Candle," a day after Japan's Akira Yoshino won the Nobel Prize in chemistry and mentioned the book by the British chemist as having sparked his interest in science as a young boy.
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DW Euromaxx
You can’t ski in Denmark, right? Well, it’s now possible, right in the middle of Copenhagen: On the roof of the garbage incineration plant.
Collectors Robert Priseman and Alex Seabrook have loaned 110 works to the University of Essex for ten years.
Collectors Robert Priseman and Alex Seabrook have loaned 110 works to the University of Essex for ten years.
University of Essex Donated art collection includes top 20th century British artists Date Wed 9 Oct 19 A prominent collection of 20th and 21...
2019年2次研習會 (每回2天,與Peter同台,完成法國開創的"擲橡皮筋遊戲"的改善。)
元月:以Deming 的The New Economics為主,《從統計品管到淵博知識》為輔。" 十四要點"先生:經營/管理;自我轉化;紅珠實驗
六月:Deming 的淵博知識系統出發:系統論;變異論;知識論;心理學
全球製鞋龍頭寶成 50歲生日竟然這樣過- CSR@天下
Nobel prize in literature: Olga Tokarczuk and Peter Handke win
Announcement of the Nobel Prizes in Literature 2018 and 2019
The Nobel Prizes in Literature 2018 and 2019 will be announced at The Swedish Academy in Stockholm.
Hanching Chung The Nobel Prize in Literature 2019 was awarded to Peter Handke "for an influential work that with linguistic ingenuity has explored the periphery and the specificity of human experience."
To cite this section
MLA style: The Nobel Prize in Literature 2019. NobelPrize.org. Nobel Media AB 2019. Thu. 10 Oct 2019. <https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/literature/2019/summary/>
The official website of the Nobel Prize - NobelPrize.org The official website of the Nobel Prize - NobelPrize.org
Tokarczuk, the Polish Nobel laureate, has been working on her piece of fiction from her home outside of Wrocław since she left the Prado late this spring. The story hasn’t been published yet, but in answers to written questions, Tokarczuk described a tale that takes the form of a fictional interview whose scope seemingly goes well beyond the museum.
“I’m really struggling with two wars — Ukraine and Israel. I can’t understand how a man who wants to fly to Mars can simultaneously lead such devastating conflicts in which innocent people die,” she added, referring to Russia’s Vladimir Putin, who has announced plans for space missions while leading the Ukraine war.
「我確實在兩場戰爭中掙扎——烏克蘭和以色列。我無法理解一個想要飛往火星的人怎麼會同時引發如此毀滅性的衝突,導致無辜者死亡,」她補充道,她指的是俄羅斯總統弗拉基米爾·普丁(Vladimir Putin),他在領導烏克蘭戰爭的同時宣布了太空任務計畫。
Hanching Chung 奧爾嘉·朵卡萩(波蘭語:Olga Tokarczuk,1962年1月29日-),是當代中最受人矚目,也是最暢銷的波蘭作家之一[1][2] ,特別以神話、民間傳說、史詩、與當代波蘭生活景致風格著稱。她在華沙大學受過心理學培訓。朵卡萩已經出版一系列詩歌、小說以及散文等作品。她以《Bieguni》贏得2008年尼刻獎。……查看更多
Hanching Chung オルガ・トカルチュク(ポーランド語: Olga Tokarczuk [ɔlga tɔˈkart͡ʂuk] , 1962年1月29日 - )はポーランドの小説家[1]、エッセイスト。スレフフ出身。
Hanching Chung Books
1989: Miasta w lustrach, Kłodzko: Okolice. ("Cities in Mirrors")
1993: Podróż ludzi księgi. Warszawa: Przedświt. ("The Journey of the Book-People")……查看更多
日本的諾貝爾獎的激勵國人作用,Akira Yoshino 等人例
日本的諾貝爾獎的激勵國人作用:取自the japan time https://www.japantimes.co.jp/ 2019.10.10 EDITORIALS A Nobel Prize for a revolutionary…
3沈哥、賴順振和其他 1 人