2024年11月19日 星期二

"Martin Chuzzlewit" PETER DRUCKER 1006 2016 李中志談論。譯藝人生 梁祥美:譯書生涯;《愛的哲學》......《托爾斯泰:一日一善 》.......

前篇談到民粹,它始於政治人物的 rhetoric,政策是奪權後的事。判斷民粹領袖,當然可以拉出很多線,但民粹絕不可能離開民眾,(這已是廢話了,就像三角形不能沒有三個角一樣),正因與民眾結合,民粹政治通常是反建制,也就是反菁英。李登輝的《民之所欲,長在我心》就是最標準的民粹語言,他反黨國建制、反國民黨菁英 (非常龐大,政軍特商,處處都是)。除了反建制,排外是緊密結合在地民眾最方便的做法,李登輝劍指中國,這才讓他真正融入台灣民粹的大軍,這個大軍,確實也拯救了台灣。當然,民粹主義的負面歷史,也歷歷在目,就不多說了。


既然我樂觀地認為紅統勢力在台灣不可能靠民粹奪權,那紅統在台灣發展組織要幹嘛?當然就是製造動亂、製造台灣人對民主的信心危機。這和俄羅斯在美國的作法是一樣的,和上世紀的意識形態戰爭不一樣,普丁也知道他不可能在美國提倡俄式政治,但他可以製造動亂、弱化美式民主與領導者的正當性。注意,俄羅斯的假訊息不一定鎖定一方幫助或破壞,但一定是負面的,絕對不會有說一方好話的假消息,例如他不會鬼扯拜登政府用量子選票防止作票,但會不斷散發選舉作票的假訊息 (有些方法比量子糾纏還神奇),這種假訊息不是在幫川普,而是在弱化任何當選人的正當性。這就是紅統勢力在台灣要製造的混亂。


梁祥美:譯書生涯;《愛的哲學》......《托爾斯泰:一日一善 》.......

譯藝人生 梁祥美

我向一年半認識的一對青年朋友發"please advise"信,幸得回信:(感慨最深的是,年輕人一年之內,從學生變為老師.....)
".......好久不見!!抱歉現在才看到信~目前我已經畢業一年離開許久~我與黃老師目前都在花蓮且他在國中任教。至於宜蘭礁溪部分,通常建議住在飯店品質相對比較好舉凡長榮等 雖然價格高些,但值回票價!!附近有五峰旗瀑布或是到頭城參觀蘭陽博物館都很棒~ 祝福平安 "

沒把握自己是否有本事和心情讀這本書The Good, the True, and the Beautiful: A Neuronal Approach By Jean-Pierre Changeux。不過,對於"翻譯者兼修訂者" (Translated and Revised b...

老曹打電話來......交代要看東方白的偉大/轟轟烈烈的愛情故事 (【真與美】第1~3冊)。

近日看兩部BBC 的英國著名作曲家影片(各約90分鐘),都有很感人的愛情故事:
The Passions of Vaughan Williams - (c) BBC 2008 and John Bridcut (Crux Productions)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUjWo-diK-Y

RARE BBC's Delius: Composer, Lover, Enigma COMPLETE
Alexander Geralis

美國 Northwestern大學、Rice大學、Sir Fraser Stoddart

Attachments area

Preview YouTube video 120 譯藝人生 梁祥美 2016-Oct-01

120 譯藝人生 梁祥美 2016-Oct-01
Preview YouTube video The Passions of Vaughan Williams - (c) BBC 2008 and John Bridcut (Crux Productions)

The Passions of Vaughan Williams - (c) BBC 2008 and John Bridcut (Crux Productions)

"Martin Chuzzlewit" is a novel by Charles Dickens, serialized between 1843 and 1844. It is considered one of Dickens's last picaresque novels and explores themes of selfishness, morality, and redemption through the lives of the Chuzzlewit family.
The story centers on Martin Chuzzlewit, a young architect who is disinherited by his wealthy grandfather, also named Martin Chuzzlewit, due to his selfish behavior. The novel contrasts the fates of two Chuzzlewits: Martin, who seeks moral redemption and personal growth, and his cousin Jonas, who embodies greed and corruption, leading him down a path of crime and despair.
Dickens uses a rich cast of characters to satirize various aspects of society, including hypocrisy, greed, and the pursuit of wealth. Notable characters include Seth Pecksniff, a self-serving architect who pretends to be virtuous, and Mr. Mould, a funeral director who profits from the death of others. The narrative is filled with humor and social commentary, showcasing Dickens's keen observations of human nature.
The novel also features a subplot involving Martin's travels to America, where he encounters the cultural differences and social issues of the time. This journey serves as a backdrop for further exploration of the themes of identity and belonging.
Overall, "Martin Chuzzlewit" is a complex and engaging work that reflects Dickens's evolving literary style and his deepening exploration of character and morality. It remains a significant part of his oeuvre, appreciated for its humor, social critique, and memorable characters.
You can also get the audio book for FREE using the same link. Use the link to register for the audio book on Audible and start enjoying it.

昨天老曹打電話來......交代要看東方白的偉大/轟轟烈烈的愛情故事 (【真與美】第1~3冊)。
近日看兩部BBC 的英國著名作曲家影片(各約90分鐘),都有很感人的愛情故事:
The Passions of Vaughan Williams - (c) BBC 2008 and John Bridcut (Crux Productions)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUjWo-diK-Y
RARE BBC's Delius: Composer, Lover, Enigma COMPLETE
Alexander Geralis

我們決定不打擾老朋友.....。我向一年半認識的一對青年朋友發"please advise"信,幸得回信:(感慨最深的是,年輕人一年之內,從學生變為老師.....)
".......好久不見!!抱歉現在才看到信~目前我已經畢業一年離開許久~我與黃老師目前都在花蓮且他在國中任教。至於宜蘭礁溪部分,通常建議住在飯店品質相對比較好舉凡長榮等 雖然價格高些,但值回票價!!附近有五峰旗瀑布或是到頭城參觀蘭陽博物館都很棒~ 祝福平安 "

羅益華 建議聽到,是該補遺。午夜睡前應景之作,難脫倉促急就之憾。

今天讀到這則,想起2010年10月初,"Northwestern大學"的DALE MORTENSEN 教授得諾貝爾經濟學獎,當時旅台的許達然教授是該校的榮譽教授,他跟我介紹:美國的著名大學爭取"名師"上競爭激烈;各大學的大約組織方式,譬如說,該校的副校長 (provosts)約8位......(當時,我對美國大學的"微"了解,只限於CMU和加州大學.....)
2016:看了殷惠敏著《誰怕吳國楨?:世襲專制在台緣起緣滅》,才知道The Colonel (Robert R. McCormick )對西北大學的大力捐助。
Hanching Chung
2015年10月6日 ·
今天到黃武雄老師處留言,才知道我弄錯了,他是美國Rice大學畢業的。於是到該校及Wikipedia 的英中文一讀。只知道是一流的大學,學生總數六千多,教員比有1萬6千的東海還多 (大學4年保証3年有宿舍住)。校園才1.2 KM2,不過將大學學生隨機分配到9個Colleges去--有3組的主副學門要修。.....了解一所大學其實很難的。
"Northwestern is a special place, where everyone does science in a collaborative way. It happens seamlessly here. If you don’t have the expertise, you can find it, and people step forward without being asked. It is well known that we hunt in packs at Northwestern.” – Sir Fraser Stoddart, 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
http://bit.ly/2dfVqZX #NorthwesternDirection

Charlie Wilson's War
2007 ‧ Drama film/Comedy-drama ‧ 1h 42mIn the 1980s U.S.Rep. Charlie Wilson (Tom Hanks), Texas socialite Joanne Herring (Julia Roberts) and CIA agent Gust Avrakotos (Philip Seymour Hoffman) form an unlikely alliance to boost funding for Afghan freedom fighters in their war against invading Soviets. The trio's successful efforts to financ… More
Initial releaseDecember 10, 2007 (USA)
