2024年11月20日 星期三

胡適還在1924年和1925年,先後翻譯了英國作家哈代的兩首詩《別離》《月光裡》。John Donne的 Present in Absence


胡適譯此詩末段,不過抄錯第一字,是By,非In。他知道出處是John Donne的
Present in Absence,不過他只記得詩題是"Absence"。他引的末段之標點也與下述的不同。

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The Hand of Ethelberta by Thomas Hardy: Chapter 40

www.online-literature.com › Thomas Hardy › The Hand of Ethelberta

'By absence this good means I gain, That I can catch her, Where none can watch her, In some close corner of my brain: There I embrace and kiss her; And so I ...

   English Poetry I: From Chaucer to Gray.
The Harvard Classics.  1909–14.
176. Present in Absence
John Donne (1573–1631)

ABSENCE, hear thou my protestation
    Against thy strength,
    Distance, and length;
Do what thou canst for alteration:
  For hearts of truest mettle        5
  Absence doth join, and Time doth settle.
Who loves a mistress of such quality,
    His mind hath found
    Affection’s ground
Beyond time, place, and all mortality.        10
  To hearts that cannot vary
  Absence is present, Time doth tarry.
My senses want their outward motion
    Which now within
    Reason doth win,        15
Redoubled by her secret notion:
  Like rich men that take pleasure
  In hiding more than handling treasure.
By absence this good means I gain,
    That I can catch her,        20
    Where none can watch her,
In some close corner of my brain:
  There I embrace and kiss her;
  And so enjoy her and none miss her.

胡適譯: 別離


pp. 125-27

Harriet Monroe, ed. (1860–1936).  The New Poetry: An Anthology.  1917.
152. In the Moonlight
By Thomas Hardy

“O LONELY workman, standing there
In a dream, why do you stare and stare
At her grave, as no other grave there were?
“If your great gaunt eyes so importune
Her soul by the shine of this corpse-cold moon,        5
Maybe you’ll raise her phantom soon!”
“Why, fool, it is what I would rather see
Than all the living folk there be;
But alas, there is no such joy for me!”
“Ah—she was one you loved, no doubt,        10
Through good and evil, through rain and drought,
And when she passed, all your sun went out?”
“Nay: she was the woman I did not love,
Whom all the others were ranked above,
Whom during her life I thought nothing of.”

胡適譯: 月光裡

      如今伊死了,你便失去了你的光明? 』


