胡適譯此詩末段,不過抄錯第一字,是By,非In。他知道出處是John Donne的
Present in Absence,不過他只記得詩題是"Absence"。他引的末段之標點也與下述的不同。Search Results
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'By absence this good means I gain, That I can catch her, Where none can watch her, In some close corner of my brain: There I embrace and kiss her; And so I ... English Poetry I: From Chaucer to Gray. The Harvard Classics. 1909–14. |
176. Present in Absence |
John Donne (1573–1631) |
| ABSENCE, hear thou my protestation | | Against thy strength, | | Distance, and length; | | Do what thou canst for alteration: | | For hearts of truest mettle | 5 | Absence doth join, and Time doth settle. | | | Who loves a mistress of such quality, | | His mind hath found | | Affection’s ground | | Beyond time, place, and all mortality. | 10 | To hearts that cannot vary | | Absence is present, Time doth tarry. | | | My senses want their outward motion | | Which now within | | Reason doth win, | 15 | Redoubled by her secret notion: | | Like rich men that take pleasure | | In hiding more than handling treasure. | | | By absence this good means I gain, | | That I can catch her, | 20 | Where none can watch her, | | In some close corner of my brain: | | There I embrace and kiss her; | | And so enjoy her and none miss her. | | |
胡適譯: 別離
不見也有不見的好處: 我倒可以見著她, 不怕有人監著她,在我腦海的深窈處; 我可以抱著她,親她的臉; 雖然不見,抵得長相見。
pp.119-120----pp. 125-27
Harriet Monroe, ed. (1860–1936). The New Poetry: An Anthology. 1917. |
152. In the Moonlight |
By Thomas Hardy |
| “O LONELY workman, standing there | | In a dream, why do you stare and stare | | At her grave, as no other grave there were? | | | “If your great gaunt eyes so importune | | Her soul by the shine of this corpse-cold moon, | 5 | Maybe you’ll raise her phantom soon!” | | | “Why, fool, it is what I would rather see | | Than all the living folk there be; | | But alas, there is no such joy for me!” | | | “Ah—she was one you loved, no doubt, | 10 | Through good and evil, through rain and drought, | | And when she passed, all your sun went out?” | | | “Nay: she was the woman I did not love, | | Whom all the others were ranked above, | | Whom during her life I thought nothing of.” | |
胡適說:「我讀了覺得它好玩,遂譯了出來。」這首詩確實有味,胡適到底還是個有趣味之人。另一首《月光裡》卻是別一種情境了。詩以擬兩人在墳地的談話交織。一個問這麼大一片墳地,你為何只看著一個墳墓,不怕看出鬼來。另一聲音回答:我寧願見伊的鬼。胡適譯: 月光裡 『喂,孤寂的工人,你為什麼 癡癡地站在這兒瞪著伊的墳墓, 好像偌大的墳園只葬著伊一個?』*** 『萬一你那雙絕望的眼睛, 在這淒冷的月光裡惱怒了伊的魂靈, 萬一伊的鬼走了出來,可不要嚇死了人?』*** 『你懂什麼!那可不趁了我的心願! 我寧願見伊的鬼,不願看誰的面。 可憐呵,我那會有那樣的奇緣。』*** 『這樣看來,伊一定是你戀愛的人, 安樂與患難變不了你的心; 如今伊死了,你便失去了你的光明? 』
*** 『不是的:伊不曾受到過我愛情的供養; 我當時總覺得別人都比伊強; 可憐伊在日,我從不曾把伊放在心上!』