七十好幾歲感言之十 二
日本的各種Climate Tech (都市防洪....Gaia Vision, Kao 公司的登革熱噴劑)很值得重視、學習 。NHK 直播
Transforming Cities Using Japanese Technology Part 2: Adapting to Urban Risks
Climate Tech
Part 2 is about adaptation measures. It introduces Japan's disaster prevention technology, such as flood control and early warning systems, as well as infectious disease countermeasures in Thailand.
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Georges Clemenceau
2001 年,他的兒子執導了一部紀錄片《弗蘭克·奧爾巴赫:到工作室》
“I sometimes think of doing other things, but actually it’s much more interesting to paint,” Mr. Auerbach told The Guardian in 2015. “It is just a marvelous activity that humans have invented and now, as I get older and can’t work the hours I did when I was younger, I do sometimes think about the aged Clemenceau passing a beautiful woman in the street in Paris and saying to his companion, ‘I wish I was 70 again.’”