happiness is ——:漢清佳美 hcjoy。讀史景遷“毛澤東 自序” lord of mirule 之寓之樂。席勒詩貝多芬曲《歡樂頌》、Matisse工作室. Womb-joy口腹之樂 : The Joy of SEX...... "more joy less oy". Joy 是教育界2022年的熱門用語 ( 哈佛教育研究所)
"An artist must never be a prisoner. Prisoner? An artist should never be a prisoner of himself, prisoner of style, prisoner of reputation, prisoner of success, etc."
“I discovered the secret of my art. It consists of a meditation on nature, on the expression of a dream which is always inspired by reality.”
"There is nothing more difficult for a truly creative painter than to paint a rose, because before he can do so he has first to forget all the roses that were ever painted."
“With colour one obtains an energy that seems to stem from witchcraft.”
“A picture must possess a real power to generate light…for a long time now I’ve been conscious of expressing myself through light or rather in light.”
- Henri Matisse, who passed on Nov 3, 1954
(Dec 31, 1869 – Nov 3, 1954)
“Happiness doesn't lie in conspicuous consumption and the relentless amassing of useless crap. Happiness lies in the person sitting beside you and your ability
to talk to them. Happiness is clear-headed human interaction and empathy. Happiness is home. And home is not a house-home is a mythological concept. It is a state of mind. A place of communion and unconditional love. It is where, when you cross its threshold, you finally feel at peace.”
Dennis Lehane
Learning happiness at school
A city in Germany is embarking on an experiment to teach school children how to lead a fulfilling life. Once a week they have an hour of ‘happiness class.’ The 12-week course includes topics such as helpfulness, emotional contagion, self-awareness, changing perspectives, and relaxation and mindfulness, which are introduced to students through games and stories.
Carina Mathes, who designed the curriculum for the ‘happiness class’ says it makes
sense to start early and teach children happiness-inducing behaviour.
In an interview with Deutsche Welle, she compared our brains to a street network. The more you perform certain activities or think certain thoughts, the larger the corresponding lane grows.
“Now, if you think frequently about positive things or if you express gratitude, then your nerves have a bigger circuitry, bigger ‘lanes’ for grateful thoughts and that in turn influences your perception of events,” says Mathes. And this sets in motion a positive cycle, as numerous scientific studies have shown.
In offering a ‘happiness curriculum’, Germany would be joining the ranks of countries like India, which introduced happiness classes to shift the country's academic focus from student achievement to their emotional well-being.
What do you think about these classes? Would you have liked happiness classes at school?
"I am not happy"是雙關語
Joie de vivre &
Matisse. Thursday, January 21, 2010. The Dance, 1909, Henri
Matisse I'm in an inexplicably good mood this morning. These dancers of
Matisse ...artsravel.blogspot.com/2010/01/joie-de-vivre-matisse.html - 頁庫存檔 Joie de Vivre - Matisse, Henri (French, 1869 - 1954) Fine Art Reproductions, Oil Painting Reproductions - Art for Sale at Galerie Dada.
joie de vivre
法文缺 "JOY"之對應字
The Joy of SEX......
我與Peter 約認識,二十四年,起初有個讀會,一起辦“東海大學戴明新學者講座”。他還去讀法律學 智慧財產權碩士現在兼差幫建立‘’漢清佳美‘’網站
Hanching Chung 和熊智翔10 年的朋友
- 德文原文[1]
| - 鄧映易所譯之通行譯文
| - 直譯譯文
- O Freunde, nicht diese Töne!
- Sondern laßt uns angenehmere anstimmen,
- und freudenvollere.
- Freude! Freude!
| - 啊!朋友,何必老調重彈!
- 還是讓我們的歌聲
- 匯合成歡樂的合唱吧!
- 歡樂!歡樂!
| - 啊!朋友,不要這些調子!
- 還是讓我們提高我們的歌聲
- 使之成為愉快而歡樂的合唱!
- 歡樂!歡樂!
- Freude, schöner Götterfunken
- Tochter aus Elysium,
- Wir betreten feuertrunken,
- Himmlische, dein Heiligtum!
- Deine Zauber binden wieder
- Was die Mode streng geteilt;
- Alle Menschen werden Brüder,
- Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt.
| - 歡樂女神聖潔美麗
- 燦爛光芒照大地!
- 我們心中充滿熱情
- 來到你的聖殿裡!
- 你的力量能使人們
- 消除一切分歧,
- 在你光輝照耀下面
- 四海之內皆成兄弟。
| - 歡樂,天國的火花,
- 極樂世界的仙姬;
- 我們如醉如狂,
- 走進你的聖地。
- 習俗使人各奔東西,
- 憑你的魔力手相攜,
- 在你溫存的羽翼下,
- 四海之內皆兄弟。
- Wem der große Wurf gelungen,
- Eines Freundes Freund zu sein;
- Wer ein holdes Weib errungen,
- Mische seinen Jubel ein!
- Ja, wer auch nur eine Seele
- Sein nennt auf dem Erdenrund!
- Und wer's nie gekonnt, der stehle
- Weinend sich aus diesem Bund!
| - 誰能作個忠實朋友,
- 獻出高貴友誼,
- 誰能得到幸福愛情,
- 就和大家來歡聚。
- 真心誠意相親相愛
- 才能找到知己!
- 假如沒有這種心意
- 只好讓他去哭泣。
| - 誰算得上非常幸運,
- 有個朋友心連心,
- 誰有一個溫柔的妻子,
- 請來同聚同歡慶!
- 真的,只要世上還有
- 一個可以稱知己,
- 否則離開這個同盟,
- 讓他偷偷去哭泣。
- Freude trinken alle Wesen
- An den Brüsten der Natur;
- Alle Guten, alle Bösen
- Folgen ihrer Rosenspur.
- Küße gab sie uns und Reben,
- Einen Freund, geprüft im Tod;
- Wollust ward dem Wurm gegeben,
- Und der Cherub steht vor Gott.
| - 在這美麗大地上
- 普世眾生共歡樂;
- 一切人們不論善惡
- 都蒙自然賜恩澤。
- 它給我們愛情美酒,
- 同生共死好朋友;
- 它讓眾生共享歡樂
- 天使也高聲同唱歌。
| - 一切眾生吸吮歡樂,
- 在自然的懷抱里,
- 她那玫瑰色的足跡,
- 善人惡人同追覓,
- 甜吻,美酒,生死之交,
- 都是歡樂所賜予,
- 蟲豸也和神前的天使,
- 一同享受著生命。
- Froh, wie seine Sonnen fliegen
- Durch des Himmels prächt'gen Plan,
- Laufet, Brüder, eure Bahn,
- Freudig, wie ein Held zum Siegen.
| - 歡樂,好像太陽運行
- 在那壯麗的天空。
- 朋友,勇敢的前進,
- 歡樂,好像英雄上戰場。
| - 歡喜,好像太陽飛行
- 在天上壯麗的原野里,
- 兄弟們,趕你們的道路,
- 快樂地,像英雄走向勝利。
- Seid umschlungen, Millionen!
- Diesen Kuß der ganzen Welt!
- Brüder, über'm Sternenzelt
- Muss ein lieber Vater wohnen.
- Ihr stürzt nieder, Millionen?
- Ahnest du den Schöpfer, Welt?
- Such' ihn über'm Sternenzelt!
- Über Sternen muss er wohnen.
| - 億萬人民團結起來!
- 大家相親又相愛!
- 朋友們,在那天空上,
- 仁愛的上帝看顧我們。
- 億萬人民虔誠禮拜,
- 拜慈愛的上帝。
- 啊,越過星空尋找他,
- 上帝就在那天空上。
| - 擁抱吧,萬民!
- 這一吻送給全世界!
- 兄弟們,星空的高處,
- 定住著慈愛的天父。
- 萬民,可曾跪倒?
- 可曾認識造物主?
- 越過星空尋找吧,
- 他定在星際的盡頭!
- 反覆:
- Seid umschlungen, Millionen!
- Diesen Kuß der ganzen Welt!
- Brüder, über'm Sternenzelt
- Muss ein lieber Vater wohnen.
- Seid umschlungen, Millionen!
- Diesen Kuß der ganzen Welt!
- Freude, schöner Götterfunken
- Tochter aus Elysium,
- Freude, schöner Götterfunken!
| - 反覆:
- 億萬人民團結起來!
- 大家相親又相愛!
- 朋友們,在那天空上,
- 仁愛的上帝看顧我們。
- 億萬人民團結起來!
- 大家相親又相愛!
- 歡樂女神聖潔美麗
- 燦爛光芒照大地!
- 燦爛光芒照大地!
| - 反覆:
- 擁抱吧,萬民!
- 這一吻送給全世界!
- 兄弟們,星空的高處,
- 定住著慈愛的天父。
- 擁抱吧,萬民!
- 這一吻送給全世界!
- 歡樂,天國的火花,
- 極樂世界的仙姬。
- 歡樂,天國的火花!
womb 古語也可指肚子等。Womb-joy 口腹之樂
womblike 是二十世紀語
| Our festive Oxford Word of the Week from the Faculty of English's Prof Simon Horobin:
Womb-joy: Gratification of the appetite; belly-joy, gluttony.
Quaff-tide: The season for drinking.
漢清佳美 hcjoy
Itzhak Perlman
exclamation: oy
used to attract someone's attention, especially in a rough or angry way.
A look at how we used education's new buzz word in the past year